Friday, 17 April 2020

mock-heroic- poem The Rape of the lock

mock-heroic- poem
Satire is a literary form that uses exaggerations and ridicules to expose truths about society.

  • Epic poem:
  • Devided in 5 cantos
  • Written in heroic couplets (rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter), they confer a melodious form to the poem
  • Based on real events 
  • Contains all the standard features of the epic genre: a dream message from the gods, arming the heroes, sacrifice to the gods, exhortation to the troops, single combat, epic feast, journey to the underworld, general combat, intervention of the gods

  • The rendering of the card game as a battle constitutes an amusing and deft narrative feat. By parodying the battle scenes of the great epic poems, Pope is suggesting that the energy and passion once applied to brave and serious purposes is now expended on such insignificant trials as games and gambling, which often become a mere front for flirtation. The structure of “the three attempts” by which the lock is cut is a convention of heroic challenges, particularly in the romance genre.

  1. In Canto IV, Umbrio unleashes the bag of “[s]ighs, sobs, and passions” over Belinda increasing her anger and despair. Afterwards, Thalestris, her friend, (In Greek mythology, Thalestris is the name of one of the Amazons, a race of warrior women who excluded men from their society) tries to convince Belinda, holding a long speech, to revenge herself, and so she demands “her beau”, Sir Plume, to challenge in defense the Baron for Belinda’s honor. The Baron refuses to give back the lock of hair, for as Sir Plume’s speech is clumsy and does not compare with any of the way, in which a true knight should act. Pope emphasizes here the fall of chivalrous acts and behavior of the courtly men.

  • At that moment, the Gnome unlashes the remaining vial of sorrows causing Belinda to overreact. She starts to cry, cursing her life at the Court and the day she had ignored the dream-warning. The drama she creates for the stealth of her lock of hair has nothing to do with the branch of chastity but more with her public reputation. Belinda’s appearance seems to matter more for her than her inner self. She would have rather been made fun of her personality/integrity than her appearance, “Oh hadst thou, cruel! Been content seize/ Hairs less in sight, or any hairs but these!”

  • The Vth Canto consists of, the end of the course of actions, and the moral conclusion of the mock-heroic poem from the eyes of Clarissa, the one that handed out the scissors to the Baron.  Clarissa, the voice of the poet in this part of the poem, underlines the true important things in life, what lies within the inner of a person, the beauty inside, not the one outside oneself.

The mock-heroic conclusion of the poem is designed to compliment the lady it alludes to (Arabella Fermor), while also giving the poet himself due credit for being the instrument of her immortality. This ending effectively indulges the heroine’s vanity, even though the poem has functioned throughout as a critique of that vanity. No real moral development has taken place: Belinda is asked to come to terms with her loss through a kind of bribe or distraction that reinforces her basically frivolous outlook. But even in its most mocking moments, this poem is a gentle one, in which Pope shows a basic sympathy with the social world in spite of its folly and foibles. The searing critiques of his later satires would be much more stringent and less forgiving.

Work Citation

Csécsi, Petra. “The Rape of the Lock-Analysis.”,

Supernatural element in The Rape of the lock

Supernatural element in the rape of the lock from Goswami Mahirpari

Work Citation

Shah, Umama. “Supernatural Elements in Rape of Lock.”,

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Pope’s portrayal of women in The Rape of the Lock

From the story, one may gather that the aristocracy at this time lived a rather frivolous life. Women spent much of their day preparing themselves for social functions (5.19). Beauty becomes very important, as do appearances- both physical and social. The virtue of beauty in this poem can not be overstated. Pope writes, "If to her share some female errors fall,/ Look on her face, and you’ll forget ‘em all" (2.17-8). The beautiful woman Belinda is seen as more virtuous than others simply because of her physical features. Showing social grace and charm is more important for women than anything intellectual they could say. Despite our readiness to dismiss this life as useless and worthless, it is possible to see that these women took their roles and duties very seriously. It is also quite obvious that these types of behavior were expected of women and that a woman who did not conform would be an unwelcomed outcast. For example, the Sylphs are ready to go to war for Belinda to preserve her beauty and chastity, and great punishment is threatened for any fairy that does not protect these virtues (2.91-136).

A female’s self-worth and means of social freedom are to be found through the fulfillment of a culturally desirable social life, fraught with rituals and mores for behavior between the sexes. When describing Belinda’s beauty routine, Pope writes, "The inferior priestess, at her altar’s side,/ Trembling begins the sacred rites of Pride" (1.127-8). For women, pride is to be attained through the rituals of beauty. When Belinda is forced to deal with her sudden hair loss, she experiences a great deal of shame and public humiliation. She exclaims, "Oh, had I rather unadmired remained/ In some love isle, or distant northern land. . . There kept my charms concealed from mortal eye,/ Like roses that in deserts bloom and die" (4.153-158). She wishes she had been concealed from society and wants to hide her face in shame.

  • Belinda’s priorities might be out of whack with today’s society; however, the fact remains that this was the type of lifestyle afforded to her by her status. As a woman, the courtly lifestyle was the best opportunity for a happy life. Of course Belinda would and should be upset by such a "trivial" matter. Her sole means of livelihood and success has been shattered by the "rape of the lock." Like many rape victims and women socialized into society today, Belinda tries to rationalize this incident by blaming herself. She remembers how she was forewarned about her fate, but she chose to ignore reason. She says she should have known better (4.165-166). Here, the woman is not only blaming herself, but professing her own internalized stupidity and implying her inferior status. She cries out from the pain she is experiencing and shouts, "Oh hadst thou, cruel! Been content to seize/ Hairs less in sight, or any hairs but these!" (4.175-6). The sexual undertones here are not very difficult to see. It appears that Belinda would have preferred to be raped sexually, where she would have suffered only private humiliation, than to have a precious lock of her hair cut off publicly. By this incident, Belinda is defaced not only privately but also publicly. Everyone can plainly see that Belinda has this major defect. It is as though the Scarlet "A" has been branded on her chest. Her "flaw" has become obvious to everyone; hence, the victim is victimized again by society.

  • Thaletris-an Amazonian type woman who enjoys fighting. It is interesting that even Thaletris experiences some doubts about whether or not she should help Belinda who "burns with more than mortal ire" (4.93). Thaletris exclaims that she can already see that Belinda’s honor is lost and that she has become instantly defamed and deflowered by this act (4.105-116). To preserve their own social appearances, her friends must desert her or face this same type of degradation. Thaletris must examine whether helping Belinda is worth her while.
  • Thaletris tends to hold male characteristics and subscribe to some male-dictated norms, while rejecting males and other male-determined mores; therefore, she is the form of woman that is to be most feared and scorned by men. Thaletris, while not presented as such, represents the truly free female and is an early feminist character. Thatletris’ personality is divided among the other female characters and is used simply to portray the supposed vengeful, spiteful, and wholly illogical character of women. Her feminist standards may be rejected today, as she seems to reject femininity and scorns "feminine" females; however she represents the sole strong female role in the story. Thaletris’ militaristic notions about life and her unbridled sexuality lead her to consider Belinda a "prude" (5.36). She can not accept Belinda as a fellow sister, free to make her own personal choices, but must still reject her on certain grounds.  

Work Citation

Csécsi, Petra. “The Rape of the Lock-Analysis.”,

The Rape of the Lock and Satier.

Society in the Poem
  • Indeed, Pope succeeded to treat the social customs of the age with an assumed epic seriousness. The poem is all about "Lords" and "Belles" of the 18th c. London. We see here the elegance and emptiness; the meanness and vanity; the jealousies, treacheries and intrigues of the then society. Both the sexes of the aristocratic society led voluptuous, materialistic life. Pope has shown himself as the spokes-person of his age.

Trivialities in Social Life
  • Pope is making fun of a certain lifestyle-culture where people have nothing serious in their life. So they make up their time with silly, trivial matters. They only play with silly emotion. They are pre-occupied with flirtation, envy, vulgar jokes, dressing up, mundane pleasure, cheap poetry, card-play, coffee drinking, balls and masquerades.
  • Pope uses dignified style of epic to exaggerate those trivialities; hence satirizes the aristocracy of the 18th c. He shuns  the silly matters of the society, where lords and ladies quarrel about some nasty things. He directs his satiric weapon against self-love and self-interest of the Augustan society.
Subjects of Satire
  • It is clear that, the Lord and Baron represent male aristocrats and the Belle represents female aristocrats and the Hampton Court is for the meeting place of the 18th c. aristocratic society. Thus, the satire is confined to a certain section of the English society. A wider satire field is introduced with the ridicule of judges and jury who care more for their belly than for judging. So, the poem satirizes not the whole contemporary society of the 18th century.
Feminine Frivolity
  • Belinda wakes up at noon, dreams of a Beau-lover, keeps lap-dogs, desires to be sought after, wastes time beautifying herself, loves to ride gilded chariots and to dress lavishly for the parties. Ladies of the age, learn early in their life how to roll their eyes and to blush in an intriguing manner. Their hearts are like 'toy-shops'.
  • The poets satirical vision does not spare Queen Anne, who "Does sometimes counsel take - and sometimes tea" at the Hampton court. It shows that even for the Queen the counseling and drinking tea is the same trivial matter. With Belinda, the follies and frivolities of the whole sex are satirized.

Satire of Contemporary Fashion-culture
  • Belinda wakes up late and her eyes first open on Billet-doux. The poet laughs at the conventional vocabulary of those letters. He ridicules excessive attention to self-decoration and -appearance.
  • Belinda is described as commencing her toilette operations with a prayers to the cosmetic powers. At her dressing table is "the various offerings of the world"- Indian diamonds, Arabian perfumes, and African white comb of Ivory. Bible is a dressing table element like pins, puffs, powders and Billet-doux. Her honor is less valuable than 'her new brocade'; her necklace is more precious than her heart. She may forget a prayer, but not a masquerade. Such witty and humorous comparison and details show that, Pope censures the fashionable ladies of the century.

work Citation

Csécsi, Petra. “The Rape of the Lock-Analysis.”,

Monday, 13 April 2020

Gothic and Ungothic Novels

Rappacini's Daughter" (1844)

  • In Nathaniel Hawthorne's gothic story "Rappacini's Daughter" (1844), a brilliant scientist "instruct[s his daughter] deeply in his science, [so] that, as young and beautiful as fame reports her, she is already qualified to fill a professor's chair" as her would-be lover Giovanni learns. But the father has done more: in a diabolical experiment he has had his daughter tend poisonous flowers through which she, Beatrice, becomes literally lethal: her kiss, her very breath kills. Though he has also arranged to give her a lover by infecting Giovanni with the poison, Beatrice, knowing that the antidote will be fatal to her, both sacrifices herself for her unworthy lover and rejects her father's gifts by killing herself.

  • The parallel between Hawthorne's gothic story and Dickens' most ungothic novel of hard facts is close. Louisa Gradgrind, like Beatrice, is the victim of a terrible fatherly experiment that the fathers justify in the same way: they intend to make their daughters more powerful. The experiments, however, are fatal both to the women and to others. Louisa's equally insufficient lover Harthouse is humiliated by his contact with her and disappears into Egypt, and though the sudden and untimely deaths of her husband and her brother are not her doing directly, they are at least metaphorically the result of their relationship with her. And in the most resonant connection, the innocent and idealized working-class hero, Stephen Blackpool, dies painfully as a result of two brief encounters with her. In a further parallel, Louisa's failure to remarry after Bounderby's death is a kind of death; like Beatrice's suicidal rejection of her father's gifts, Louisa, though she had accepted the husband her father gave her, lives out her life in the shadow of other people's happiness and fulfillment. 

Divorce laws in Hard Time

  • In the midst of his satiric attack on the philosophy of the utilitarians, Dickens found space in Hard Times to take aim at another target: the highly restrictive divorce laws that operated in England at the time.
  • The institution of marriage does not emerge from Hard Times with any credit. Three marriages are presented: the Gradgrinds, the Bounderbys, and Stephen Blackpool and his unnamed wife. Not one of these marriages is a good one (and that is not even to mention the allusions to the disastrous marriage of Mrs. Sparsit many years earlier). The worst marriage by far is between Stephen and his drunken wife.

  •  The matter of the divorce laws was a highly topical one at the time Dickens was writing Hard Times. There was widespread agreement amongst the educated classes that the divorce laws were badly in need of reform.
  •  In 1853, a Royal Commission had been appointed to investigate the matter, and the following year the commission recommended that divorce be made a matter for the civil courts rather than the ecclesiastical courts. A bill incorporating the recommended changes was introduced into the House of Lords in 1854, but it faced powerful opposition and was quickly withdrawn.

  •  The Murdered Person"

appeared in October 1856. It was a comment on the trial, a few months earlier, of a working-class man who was convicted and hanged for murdering his wife. Dickens used the case to attack the divorce laws. He pointed out that there was no escape from a bad marriage except in certain very restricted circumstances and then "only on payment of an enormous sum of money."

  •  A wealthy couple trapped in a bad marriage could arrange to inhabit separate quarters in a large house and live virtually independent lives (a point that Stephen makes to Bounderby in the novel).    But this was not possible for working-class couples who lived in cramped conditions, often a single room, as Stephen and his wife do.

  •  These courts would grant an absolute divorce (as opposed to a judicial separation, without the right to remarry) only in cases in which the marriage was found to be invalid due to age, mental incompetence, sexual impotence, or fraud. The only other way a complete divorce might be obtained was through a private act of Parliament. During the nineteenth century, there were usually about ten such acts passed each year, but they were not for the likes of Stephen Blackpool, because the procedure was extremely expensive. Only the wealthy could afford it.

  • Divorce Act

 A civil court with jurisdiction over divorce was established, and the number of reasons for which a divorce might be obtained was increased. There was little comfort for the working classes, however. Although one of the stated aims of the reformers was to remove the perception that there was one law for the rich and another for the poor, the new act made it no easier for people from the lower classes to divorce, since there was only one court, in London, authorized to deal with such matters.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Language and Lying in Importance of being Earnest

Language and Lying

  • For example, the name E(a)rnest and its obvious pun gives an absurd double meaning to both the name and the word. Another pun is on the agricultural depression, which Cecily describes as “the condition of aristocrats who find themselves depressed by country life” (337). The name of Bunbury can lead to a new verb, ‘bunburying’ or to an epithet ‘bunburist’; “now that I know you to be a confirmed Bunburist I naturally want to talk to you about Bunburying” (302) as Algy says. When Lady Bracknell hears that the fictitious Bunbury is dead, that he ‘quite exploded’, there is “a linguistic play on the double sense of ‘exploded’” (Lalonde 672): Algy uses the word figuratively but Lady Bracknell interprets it literally. Wilde was also fond of using the rhetorical 

  •  device of inversions for comic effect.Furthermore, there are many conflicts, verbal fights, double interests, between the characters. The conflicts are enhanced by the dualistic structure, the doubling of scenes and the repeating of dialogue, even talking in unison. The play opens with a verbal conflict between Algy and Lane. It is a conflict of class between master and servant; the upper and lower orders; of dominators and dominated. Algy, polite and civil, fights verbally with Lane about Lane listening to Algy’s playing and Lane’s stealing champagne, but he loses every exchange (Stone 32). 

  • The play then moves to conflicts within one social class. In the relationship between Jack and Algy, Algy is the clear dominator. He makes most of the jokes and forces Jack to tell the truth about his double life (Stone 33). The conflict is indeed very often about food, a general feature of Victorian farce. The characters are both eating and arranging to dine, or emphasizing the moral importance of being serious about meals; “I hate people who are not serious about meals” (303). Furthermore, the food is “always used as a weapon of domination” (Stone 38) in the play, just like the champagne mentioned above

  • At the end of act two, Jack morally reproaches Algy for eating muffins: “I say it’s perfectly heartless your eating muffins at all, under the circumstances”, but he is defeated by Algy: “At the present moment I am eating muffins because I am unhappy. Besides, I am particularly fond of muffins” (341), and Algy moreover denies him any of the muffins. Arguing over muffins may seem trivial but here it comes to symbolize Algy’s advantage on the social ladder.

  • Their tea-party conflict has a neat structure. They both refer to the engagement in their respective diaries. Cecily’s diary is earlier described as “a very young girl’s record of her own thoughts and impressions, and consequently meant for publication” (329) while Gwendolen refers to her diary in a more superior way; “I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train” (336). Cecily states that the engagement shall be announced shortly; “Our little country newspaper is sure to chronicle the fact next week”; Gwendolen counters that “the announcement will appear in the Morning Post on Saturday” (335). The ‘Morning Post’ is superior in terms of class and sophistication over Cecily’s ‘little country newspaper’ and Gwendolen’s ‘Saturday’ is more precise than Cecily’s ‘next week’ (Stone 34). The argument ends with yet another class-reference when Cecily says, “This is no time for wearing the shallow mask of manners. When I see a spade I call it a spade” and Gwendolen answers “I am glad to say that I have never seen a spade. It is obvious that our social spheres have been widely different” (336). ). On the whole, the conflicts follow a neat dualistic pattern and the weapons used are words and/or food. Remarks about food can be seen as a symbol of class-bound superiority and withholding food as a counterattack. 

  •  Lady Bracknell is in conflict with Jack and gives many examples of verbal description or distortions of reality. She talks about Jack’s smoking as an ‘occupation’ and that “A man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are too many idle men in London as it is” (308). She approves of something she calls a ‘natural ignorance’ and disapproves of education; “education is radically unsound” (309). When Jack states that he has lost both his parents, she talks about them as things: “Both? To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness” (310) and her “refusal to allow Gwendolen to ‘marry into a cloakroom, and form an alliance with a parcel’ is a perfect formulation of the upper order’s habit of treating people like things” (Stone 36)

  •  Dr Chasuble, representing the church, has one sermon which “can be adapted to almost any occasion” (324). But Jack and Algy’s baptisms have lost their meaning as a religious rite in the play and are reduced to an act of changing one’s name. The institution of marriage and family life is mocked foremost by Algy: “If I get married, I’ll certainly try to forget the fact” (297), but yet they all strive to become married. If one defies the rules of family life it might lead to socialism as Lady Bracknell believes: “To be born, or at any rate, bred in a handbag, whether it had handles or not, seems to me to display a contempt for the ordinary decencies of family life that remind one of the worst excesses of the French Revolution. And I presume you know what that unfortunate movement led to?” (311). 

  •  Lady Bracknell again has the strongest opinions about the educational system: “education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes” (309) and Gwendolen further explains Lady Bracknell’s opinions: “mamma, whose views of education are remarkably strict, has brought me up to be extremely short-sighted” (334). Jeremy Lalonde claims in “A ‘Revolutional Outrage’: The Importance of Being Earnest as Social Criticism” that these observations are true from a Marxist outlook since “educational institutions serve the interests of the ruling class” (Lalonde 670). First and foremost it is the legal system that is deconstructed: Jack is a justice of peace, representing the judiciary system, and as a justice of peace he should speak nothing but the truth but in maintaining his identity as Ernest he is depicted as a liar and a lawbreaker. 

  •  Despite the fact that all the characters have secret lives and constantly lie, they all claim to be speakers of truth. Almost all the characters are “Truth-speakers,” often brutally so. The characters not only state truths conveying their morality, they also emphasize truthfulness, which runs as a theme through the play. Algy is the first to claim to be a speaker of truth when accused of talking nonsense in act one: “It isn’t [nonsense]. It is a great truth” (298). He also accuses Jack of untruthfulness, when he thinks Jack speaks like a dentist, which is vulgar “when one isn’t a dentist. It produces a false impression” (300). Jack tells Algy “candidly” that he does not live in Shropshire and after telling him about his double identities states: “That, my dear Algy, is the whole truth pure and simple” .

  •   Gwendolen ask if she may “speak candidly,’ which Cecily encourages since “whenever one has anything unpleasant to say, one should always be quite candid,” and Gwendolen asserts that she will “speak with perfect candour” (334). Later during their argument, Gwendolen is of the opinion that it is not only “a moral duty to speak one’s mind” but a pleasure and Cecily agrees that they should not wear “the shallow mask of manners” but “call a spade a spade” 

  •  Jack completes the theme of truthfulness after he has found out that his real name is Ernest after all: “It is a terrible thing for a man to find out suddenly that all his life he has been speaking nothing but the truth. Can you forgive me?” (357). In conclusion, the theme of truthfulness illuminates the contrasted concept of lying; the characters often lie when they claim to speak the truth, but they also call attention to the fact that style and credulity is more important than actually speaking the truth. In the end of the play, the lies are revealed as the truths, which suggest a complementary relation between the two concepts.

  •  Wilde grew up in a British colony, a colony where the peasants were forced to mirror their masters when they spoke. Wilde had witnessed this and had therefore learned how to ‘speak double’: he employed wit and irony as a counter-speech; he “turned the double-speak of the Empire back on itself

  •  Wilde also lived in an age when philosophers were coming to the conclusion that language itself was “a dubious, slippery commodity and that to talk is to learn how to tell lies” (Kiberd 276). Fluency and eloquence were distrusted and hesitation and inarticulacy admired and regarded as honesty. An Irish person often used English with a hesitation, ‘a charming tilt.’ Certain words and phrases could have one meaning in Ireland and another in England and the result could be that they were saying something they never intended. 

  •   But in the play the truthseventually conforms to the lies: Jack is Ernest and he has a brother, and Cecily becomes engaged just as she fabricated in her diary; she lies herself into an engagement. 

  •  The conclusion is that the opposite of truth can also be true, like in the case of Jack, who really is both Jack and Ernest. Furthermore, if lies are a higher truth, truths might be lower lies. In The Importance of Being Earnest, everybody commits a lie or falsehood at some point which seems to reveal a society unable to function without them. Wilde creates a world of opposites and doubles where the self and the doppelgänger could be seen as creating a whole person and where truths and lies could create a higher truth. 

  •  In short, the duplicity in the language consists of wordplay with double meanings and epigrams with double meanings. The duplicity is also revealed in the double characters and in the conflicts, which include double interests. Above all, embedded in wit and double language, the play consists of lying. The lying is enhanced and illuminated by the contrasted theme of truth-speaking and is employed ,

  • to deconstruct sociocultural issues like gender, church, education, family and legal system. The double identities and the double language of the play are related to the lying since Wilde seems to suggest that lying is double and that the duplicity of lying is a useful as well as moralistic tool to reveal the truth of a repressive Imperialistic society. In order to fully understand the wit in Wilde’s play, manifested in the language and lying, we might in part assume a colonial perspective where the comic rhetoric could be seen as an effect of Wilde’s colonial position and of speaking double.

Work Citation

1].   وبث بطه. (n.d.). Dualism in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest. Retrieved from

Dualism in character's in Importance of being Earnest.

Dualism in characters


  • Thereby, Jack can disappear for days and do as he likes. In London, Jack goes under the name of Ernest; “My name is Ernest in town and Jack in the country” (300), and can live the life he pretends to disapprove of. He thus uses Ernest, his alter-ego, both as an excuse and a disguise to keep his honourable image intact. Jack does, in fact, not know his real name and who he is for as a baby he was found in a hand-bag in the cloak-room at Victoria Station.

          John Worthing, called Jack, is the protagonist of the play. Jack has a country estate in Hertfordshire where he is the Justice of Peace. He is a serious, responsible guardian to his adoptive father’s granddaughter Cecily and he stands for all the Victorian values of morality: duty, honour and respectability; “When one is placed in the position of guardian, one has to adopt a very high moral tone on all subjects. It’s one’s duty to do so” (Wilde 301). However, he pretends to have an irresponsible brother, named Ernest, who lives a scandalous life and always gets into trouble, which requires Jack to rush off to London to his assistance; “In order to get up to town I have always pretended to have a younger brother of the name of Ernest, who lives in Albany, and gets into the most dreadful scrapes” (301).

Title of the play

  • The name Ernest had previously appeared in one of Wilde’s comedies of society, A Woman of No Importance, in which Mrs Allonby mocks her absent husband Ernest. Russell Jackson admits in his essay “The Importance of Being Earnest” that ‘earnest’ in some circles was a code-word for homosexuals, but claims that it first and foremost had connotations of ‘probity’ and ‘high-mindedness’ and that “The claims that Wilde was writing out his Irishness in the double selves of his protagonists are more convincing than the argument for The Importance of Being Earnest as a specifically gay play” (Jackson 173). In The Importance of being Earnest, the characters are more occupied with the name Ernest than the fact of actually being earnest. Marrying a man called Ernest can be a goal in life; Gwendolen exclaims: “my ideal has always been to love someone of the name of Ernest. There is something in that name that inspires absolute confidence. The moment Algernon first mentioned to me that he had a friend called Ernest, I knew I was destined to love you” (306), and Cecily is of the same opinion “it had always been a girlish dream of mine to love some one whose name was Ernest… There is something in that name that seems to inspire absolute confidence. I pity any poor married woman whose husband is not called Ernest” (332). At the end of the play Jack has to reconcile his two names and identities and then he finally understands who he really is.


  • Algernon Moncrieff, Algy, is the other main principal character of the play and he invents an imaginary friend to conceal his double life as well as borrow Jack’s alias Ernest to impose on Cecily. Algernon Moncrieff’s name is Scottish and aristocratic in sound; “It is not at all a bad name. In fact, it is an aristocratic name. Half of the chaps who get in to bankruptcy Court is called Algernon” (332). He is the charming, idle, selfish, witty dandy of the play, Wilde’s alter-ego, just as Lord Goring in An Ideal Husband, Lord Darlington in Lady Windermere’s Fan, Lord Illingworth in A Woman of No Importance and Lord Henry Wotton in The Picture of Dorian Gray. While the latter two are evil and the two former are good, Algy has no moral convictions other than to live beautifully. To be able to escape dull social obligations: “in order that I can go down into the country whenever I choose” (301), he has invented an imaginary invalid friend called Bunbury who lives in the country and constantly summons Algy to his deathbed. In that way Algy can indulge himself while suggesting seriousness and duty. Further in the play he impersonates Jack’s invented brother, Ernest, to approach Cecily. Consequently, in spite of his high position in the aristocracy, Algy employs Bunbury as an alibi and Ernest as a double character in order to escape society and improve his prospects.

 Lady Bracknell,

  • Another example of dualism in the characters’ behaviours is found in Lady Bracknell, Algy’s aunt and Gwendolen’s mother, who sets herself up as guardian of the morality of the society and implying that she is the only reliable source of taste and probity. She is found to be a parvenu, a social climber, and not an aristocrat at all; “When I married Lord Bracknell I had no fortune of any kind. But I never dreamed for a moment of allowing that to stand in my way” (349). Lady Bracknell’s name is derived from a place in Berkshire where Lord Alfred Douglas’s mother had a summer home, which Wilde had visited.The two young ladies of the play, Gwendolen and Cecily, represent the city and the country and both of them have secret lives. The names of the two young ladies are differentiated in a way that: “Gwendolen Fairfax carries a certain weight and crisp urbanity, appropriate for Lady Bracknell’s daughter”, whereas the name“Cecily Cardew, has a musical lightness about it” (Raby 145). Gwendolen, the sophisticated city lady, leads a ‘double life’ in the sense that she pretends to go to a lecture but instead runs away to Ernest in the country.Cecily Cardew, Jack’s ward, is a natural girl, almost a child of nature and she is just as imaginative, enthusiastic and as capable as Jack and Algy to invent a fantasy life. She lives a ‘double life’ in her diary where she invents a romance and even an engagement to Jack’s wicked brother, Ernest. The diary becomes her fantasy world; “I keep a diary in order to enter the wonderful secrets of my life” (318). She even buys herself a ring and writes letters from him, “The three you wrote me after I had broken off the engagement are so beautiful, and so badly spelled, that even now I can hardly read them without crying a little” (331)

Miss Prism

  • Miss Prism, in comparison, has two very different sides: one rigid and prude puritan side where she highly approves of respectability; “As a man sows, so shall he reap” (323), and harshly criticizes people who live for pleasure only, and one more soft romantic side where she talks about having written a novel. What is more, she has romantic feelings for Chasuble, the vicar. Her dark secret is that she confused a baby and a manuscript twenty-eight years ago and placed the baby by mistake in her handbag, which she deposited at Victoria Station. Chasuble, ever so fond of metaphors, calls Miss Prism ‘Egeria’, which is the name of the Roman nymph who taught the Roman king judicial responsibility and self-discipline and her name is as a consequence an epithet for a woman who provides guidance. Yet Miss Prism’s real name is Laeticia, which means ‘joy’ and ‘delight’ and shows .

Chasuble D.D.

  • Canon Chasuble D.D. is aptly and properly named after the ecclesiastical canon and a liturgical vestment; a chasuble is an ornament garment worn by priests. D.D. stands for Doctor of Divinity and he is constantly carrying out christenings; it is as Miss Prism says: “one of the Rector’s most constant duties in this parish” (324). Even Jack and Algy request christenings, and Chasuble can thereby be seen as highly connected to the notion of giving a name.

  postcolonial point-of-view

  • There is thus a theme of christenings in the play and when Jack and Algy ask to be christened it is as if they want to go back to childhood and change their identity. To change one’s name and identity is an important concern from a postcolonial point-of-view where one can be almost doomed by a name since a name might reveal your nationality or your otherness: To change one’s name and to gain a new identity is a device to fit in better and to get better prospects. Jack is not allowed to get married when he is Jack Worthing. However, his new identity in the end as Ernest Moncrieff gives him better prospects; a name is therefore of great importance.Raby argues that Wilde used names in his plays as an act of revenge. In 1894

he was in a dispute with his publishers, Lane and Matthews, so he used their names as the manservant and butler in The Importance of Being Earnest. He relented in the case of Matthews, though, and changed it to Merriman (Raby 145). In the play, even the seemingly unimpeachable Lane turns out to have led a double life when he lets slip that he has been married: “I have only been married once. That was in consequence of a misunderstanding between myself and a young lady” (296). It is, in short, not only the upper-class that is forced to lead a double life; the entire society seems to be constrained to the same device.

Work Citation

1].وبث بطه. (n.d.). Dualism in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest. Retrieved from

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Importance of being Earnest illustration on gay and homosexual

Importance of being Earnest illustration on gay and homosexual from Goswami Mahirpari

Work Citation

1].    Hunter, W. (n.d.). A Wilde Coincidence: Gay Theory and The Importance of Being Earnest. Retrieved from

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Critique of The Victorian Society by study "The importance of being Earnest

Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest: A Critique of The Victorian Society

  • The plot of the play is overwhelmingly funny: Algernon Mon￾crieff creates a fictitious sick friend named “Bunbury” whose name and condition he uses to leave London when he finds his aunt, Lady Bracknell, too domineering. On the other hand, Algernon’s friend, John (Jack) Worthing, also invents an equally fictitious brother, Ernest, a reprobate who always goes into some scrapes. Jack poses as Ernest to win the hand of Algernon’s cousin, Miss Gwendolen Fairfax. Later, in the country house of Jack, Algernon impersonates the non￾existent Ernest, in order to woo Cecily Cardew, Jack’s ward. Thus the lynchpin of the plot is Bunburyism—an ingenious technique for impersonating false identities.

  • The sub-title of the play, “A Trivial Comedy for Serious Peo￾ple”, captures the essence of the play is a nutshell. Here Wilde plays with the words, “trivial” and “serious” which be￾come complimentary to each other in the play. Truly, it is the trivialization of earnestness that Wilde actually celebrates in this play. 

  • LANE: I believe it is a very pleasant state, Sir. I have had very little experience of it myself up to the present. I have only been married once. That was in consequence of a misunder￾standing between myself and a young person. (pp.1-2)

  • The concept of marriage as an ideal institution is mocked in good humour in the above conversation between Algernon and his manservant Lane. Marriage is conceived as a mis￾understanding between the young couple and the first mar￾riage cannot provide any experience! When Jack arrives, Al￾gernon comments that women never marry the men they flirt with. Like all other issues, marriage too is treated paradoxi￾cally in this play. Algernon’s remark that divorces are made in heaven, directly contradicts the divine saying, “Marriages are made in heaven.” All these comments hint at the moral laxity of the time. 

  • Next, the class issue. Victorian period saw the rise of the mid￾dle class which often posed a threat to the aristocrats. The exploitation of the poor in this age of industrialization became a serious concern for the social reformers and some legal ac￾tions were taken to protect the lower class. This lower class often features is the contemporary literary works. Wilde’s dra￾mas are no exceptions. After discussing with Lane the views on marriage, Algernon comments:

  • ALGERNON: Lane’s views on marriage seem somewhat lax. 

Really, if the lower orders don’t set us a good example, what
on earth is the use of them? They seem, as a class, to have
absolutely no sense of moral responsibility. (p.2)

  • Without any harsh satire, by using the device of paradox, Wilde pinpoints the irresponsibility and lasciviousness of the upper class.

  • Both the young ladies, Gwendolen and Cecily are interested in the name “Ernest” which Wilde uses as a pun on “earnest”. Gwendolen reveals that her “ideal has always been to love someone of the name of Ernest” (p.13). To love a person named Ernest is the “girlish dream” of Cecily too. They are not interested in the quality of earnestness but the name Ernest. This highlights their reliance on superficiality and artificiality. They are guided by “first impressions”. They fall in love, make engagements, break off form that relation and again fall in love with the same person. Their “first impressions” change in no time.

  • Wilde also captures the contemporary vogue of sentimental novels in this play. The young ladies of the time were ob￾sessed with the three-volume novels. Miss Prism, the prude lady, was so engrossed in composing such a novel in her younger days that she had forgotten the baby (later Jack) which was in her charge and put the manuscript of the novel in the perambulator and the baby in a large hand bag and left it (the baby) in the cloak-room of a station! Gwendolen and Cecily are also interested in the tear-jerking novels full of excessive emotion. Regarding this, we may quote Algernon’s words: “More than half of modern culture depends on what one shouldn’t read” (p.5).

Work Citation

1].    Worth, K. (1983). ‘The Importance of Being Earnest.’ Oscar Wilde, 152–182. doi: 10.1007/978-1-349-17157-6_8

Criticism on Important of being Ernest

Criticism Concerning the Title:

The satire starts with the title of the Drama. The title of Oscar Wilde's most successful
play “The Importance of Being Earnest” features a salient pun in the form of the word "earnest", which means "honest" and "truthful" and the name "Ernest" which is the name of the alter ego that main character Jack Worthing uses to slide away from responsibilities and do as he pleases.
The reality is, however, that nobody in the play seems to be very earnest.


In The Importance of Being Earnest, there are two principal male characters, Jack and
Algy, who have invented aliases that enable them to lead a double life. The dualistic
theme is not only displayed in the characters use of double identities but in the language of the play and the play as a whole.John Worthing, called Jack, is the protagonist of the play. Jack has a country estate in Hertfordshire where he is the Justice of Peace. He is a serious, responsible guardian to his adoptive father’s granddaughter Cecily and he stands for all the Victorian values of morality: duty, honor and respectability; “When one is placed in the position of guardian, one has to adopt a very high moral tone on all subjects. It’s one’s duty to do so” (Wilde 301).Wilde used the concepts of double identity as well as a dualistic theme in the play, revealed in the language and in the lying, in order to exploit the hypocrisy of the society, i.e. the ruling class, and in doing so he deconstructed Englishness. There is a
deconstruction of gender roles, the church, the family, the education and the legal
system in the play and these are exposed through the characters and their lying.
Wilde depicts a society 16 with manners and morals used as a façade, a society where people try to conceal their secret lives with the use of language itself as a mask.

Wilde’s Main Criticism in the Play Is with the Institution of Marriage:

The Importance of being Earnest by Oscar Wilde uses satire to ridicule the cultural
norms of marriage love and mind-set which were very rigid during the Victorian Age.
Because it uses satire to ridicule these institutions, it shows the deviance from the social order by making ridiculous the ideas of standards, morals and manners. By trying to correct the flaws of the characters in this play, this piece also serves as a great form of criticism."The play really owes something to the restoration comic tradition."Again, Wilde is satirizing the institution of marriage, as it is not based on love, but on more vain superficial criteria. Although in this case there is exaggeration used to satirize the vanity of the aristocrats, Wilde still brings across the point that both Gwendolen and Cecily may have refused to marry the 'men of their dreams' if their names weren't 'Ernest.'Furthermore, Algernon’s negative views on marriage in the opening scene, where he refers to it as 'demoralizing' seem to suddenly change when he meets Cecily.Gwendolen and Cecily both appear as ladies when they first meet, calling each other sisters, "My first impressions of people are never wrong." Yet when they believe that they're engaged to the same "Ernest”, there is immediate coldness between them. Gwendolen satirically says to Cecily, "I am glad to say that I have never seen a spade. It is obvious that our social spheres have been widely different." (Wilde, 559) .This is called 'dissembling' as the characters aren't literally wearing masks, but metaphorically they are all pretending to be someone they aren't. There is the division between truth and identity and it shows that sometimes certain laws in society force people to lead double lives.Lady Bracknell is the driving force behind the plot of The Importance of Being Earnest.
She represents women of the Victorian upper class society and believes that those
of high class should be the ones in power. She has very little opinion of those with no
title, or money and views the upper class society as being a 'closed club'. In other words, most people don't deserve to be in it unless they were born into it. She appears
as a guardian of society in that she forcefully dictates who should marry who in the play. In the first scene, Gwendolen is unable to defend herself from wanting to marry Jack when he proposes to her. Lady Bracknell firmly steps in saying, "Pardon me, you are not engaged to anyone. When you do become engaged to someone, I, or your father, will inform you." Lady Bracknell is portrayed as a forceful character who leaves no room for opposition. Even though Gwendolen wants to oppose her, she hasn't the strength to do so. Wilde uses Lady Bracknell to show a typical aristocrat who bends no
rules of the upper class society. One example where he shows how values are inverted and emphasis is placed on more trivial matters is the scene where Lady Bracknell meets with Jack to discuss Gwendolen. In this scene we see that instead of asking Jack
if he loves Gwendolen (which would seem to be the most important question); Lady
Bracknell focuses on the materialistic side of it. She questions Jack about his money,
land, house and the area in which he lives. She makes it clear that it's important for
Jack to have a house in the town because Gwendolen cannot live in a country house. It is also seen here that Lady Bracknell treats the trivial things seriously, even though she's supposed to be an upholder of the values of society. However, little attention is paid to moral values. Instead, Lady Bracknell is displeased with the side of which Jack's town house is located- the unfashionable side. She thinks that
everyone's interest will be similar to hers and subtly tells him, "The unfashionable side. I thought there was something. However that could easily be altered." The entire way in which Lady Bracknell meets with Jack as though she is of a superior being than him. She takes down his answers to her questions in a notepad, as though it's an interview rather than a personal meeting with her daughter's love. The setting of the meeting reflects how Lady Bracknell views marriage. It's more like interviewing someone for the job of being Gwendolen's husband rather than getting to know the man her daughter is
interested in. Upon the shock that Jack was found and he doesn't know who his real
parents are, Lady Bracknell immediately dismisses him, especially when she finds out that he was found in a handbag. The farce continues when she tells Jack,
“I would strongly advise you, Mr. Worthing, to try and acquire some relations as
soon as possible, and make a definite effort to produce at any rate one parent, of
either sex, before the season is quite over.”
This is an extremely impossible request of Lady Bracknell, as it is obvious that Jack has no knowledge about his real parents. Although he knows that he desperately wants to marry Gwendolen, he doesn't hide his amazement upon Lady Bracknell's request, "Well I don't see how I could possibly manage to do that. I can produce the hand-bag at any moment." This simply highlights how trivial the important things are to Lady Bracknell and how important the trivial things are to her. This is a major point Oscar Wilde focuses on, in this comedy of manners, values are totally reversed.Another example of Lady Bracknell's ignorance of the non-aristocrats is seen where she is ready to turn a blind eye to Cecily, when she hears that Algernon is engaged to her.

She immediately judges Cecily based on the fact that Jack is her guardian. However,
her views instantly change when Jack tells her that Cecily has a hundred and thirty
thousand pounds in funds, "A hundred and thirty thousand pounds! Miss.Cardew
seems to me a most attractive young lady, now that I look at her." Once again
emphasis is placed on a person's wealth rather than their personality, sincerity, or
compassion for the other. Marriage is viewed as an economic factor, whereby people marry for wealth or to conserve wealth in their families, especially Lady Bracknell who represents the guardian of an upper class society. She is however a hypocrite and uses social morals to her convenience. For example, she refuses to let Jack marry Gwendolen because of his social background, yet she tries to justify a broke Algernon marrying the wealthy Cecily. Her social hypocrisy is highlighted when she also confesses that she was not rich when she married her husband. "Never speak
disrespectfully of society, Algernon. Only people who can't get into it do that.
When I married to Lord Bracknell I had no fortune of any kind." She furthermore thinks that her status gives her the right to approve of the marriage between Cecily and Algernon without asking Jack what he thinks. Eventually, both sides come to an
agreement and Jack's name turns out to really be Ernest and he's really Lady
Bracknell's nephew. Wilde gives the typical happy ending where everyone lives happily ever after and the stern mask that Lady Bracknell wears slowly turns into a smile.

Work Citation

1].     Ahmed, M. (n.d.). " Criticism in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest ". Retrieved from

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Thanking activity on " Thomas Hardy's Jude the obscure"

1]  Hardy and Marriage .
This period reflected Christian values such as moral responsibility and proper sexual behaviour.There were double standards regarding sex. The Victorian view of sexuality was based on two types of women, the Madonna and the whore (Morgan xii), where one is fit for sex and the other for life.Any sexual relationship outside wedlock was forbidden and women had to remain pure for their future husbands-to-be because,their reputation was dependent on their sexual status and virginity.Many women entered matrimony at a young age either to ascend the social class system or to seek financial security in a wealthy husband. Generally, the Victorian concept of marriage was a means of financial union between families or a “financial transaction”  In Jude the Obscure, women are not more secure or protected in marriage than outside of wedlock. Both Sue and Arabella are representatives of the growing intellectual and sexual freedom, which several reformers like Mill tried to advance through literature of that time. Their modern views on love and ironical statements about traditional marriage are symbolic of their rejection of the cruelty of this institution against women in particular.

2]       Hardy’s View on Divorce and
Jude the Obscure shows Hardy’s distinct view of the social institutions, particularly regarding “cohabiting/Free union” and divorce. Due to the strictness of the English divorce law,which recognized only adultery as grounds for divorce (Frost 16, 96), many couples cohabited or parted to seek happiness outside of wedlock because they could not end their union legally and thus lived apart (Frost 7, 40, 72). The only way to obtain a divorce other than by ecclesiastical annulment was through a private Act of Parliament, a process that was complex and expensive for the poor classes , Eventually, people were desperate and searched for alternative ways to join their lovers and leave unhappy marriages, such as cohabiting. In general, the term “cohabiting” is as old as marriage itself but was becoming more common as large numbers of people were joining this “liberated” group. The definition means couples living “as husband and wife” and having a sexual relation. Cohabitees presented themselves as married to society and shared domestic duties, the same last name and reared children  The notion of “cohabiting” also problematized the values of “family”, “marriage” and the state’s role in these institutions (Frost 1). This free union threatened and undermined the whole concept of marriage because it provided an alternative solution for couples to be together, replaced the “sacred” institution of marriage and weakened the state’s authority over people (Frost 1, 3, 9). This union (cohabiting) challenged the Victorian marital expectations .When Hardy wrote Jude the Obscure in 1895, British marriage laws had recently been liberalized and there was a continuous debate about women’s rights to divorce for reasons other than adultery. In his novel, Hardy brings the notion of cohabiting into the social discussion. He draws his characters into disastrous unions to show the failure of this institution in adopting new ideologies and progressing change into the lives
of unhappy couples. Hardy tried to address the complexity of marriage and divorce in Jude the Obscure in order to reflect the difficulties in the legal laws.

3] Hardy and the New Woman
They are representatives of the model of the “New Woman”. The term “The New Woman” was “a generalized phrase describing an economically independent woman who stood socially, politically, and educationally equal among men. It was a topic of much concern and debate in both England and the United States in the late nineteenth century.Her “newness” is clear in the way she views the social institutions. After entering marriage, Sue shows her disappointment in the institution of marriage that deprives women of their sovereignty. She expresses her disappointment in the social institution of marriage, which attracts people to marry. She says: “how hopelessly vulgar an institution legal marriage is – a sort of a trap to catch a man- I can’t to think of it”
 Sue cannot bear to think of is her legal state to be bounded to her man and not having an individual entity. In this, Sue becomes the spokeswoman against the suppression of the institution of marriage. In the preface to his novel, Hardy realized the new prospects of the decade’s “new sensation” . Sue Bridehead “the woman of the feminist movement-the slight, pale ‘bachelor’ girl-the intellectualised, emancipated bundle of nerves that modern conditions were producing”.If Sue is equal to men in education, Arabella is equal to men in her “certain maleness that allows the reader to see the way in which she breaks social expectations” (Young4). She does the work that men do. She slaughters an animal and works in a bar. Arabella’s ironical view of marriage and traditions is characteristic of the New Woman. She does not consider traditions like marriage seriously (Young 5). Marriage matters only for the financial security it provides.

4] The Case Against Marriage
         4.1. Hardy’s cynicism about marriage and his advocacy of the Free Union (Jude and Sue)
There were no options such as not to marry because society regarded marriage the only means for women to survive through reliance on men.Moreover, marriage acknowledged no legal rights for women in contrast to men and only emphasized women’s devotional wifehood. As soon as a woman entered matrimony, she lost her property and entity to her husband. Hardy reminds his readers of women’s insecurity in marriage and the complexity of their situation in this institution. After entering marriage with Phillotson, Sue expresses her disappointment in the institution of marriage. An institution that suppressed, subordinated and enslaved women to men. She expresses her distaste at performing the marital rituals and tells Jude: “How should I like to go in and see what the spot is like where I am so soon to kneel and do it”Sue has to kneel to this institution, which betrayed her and her race. The once independent, active, free-thinking Sue who
 not afraid to mix with men, is uncomfortable in her new position in marriage. Later, while planning for her wedding ceremony with Phillotson, Sue is confronted with the unequal terms in the marriage ceremony. The marital terms deprive women of their individual rights as human beings equal to men and they put them under the suppression and control of men. In fact, the Victorian marriage had one obvious feature in common with slavery; in marriage, as in slavery the bounded party was required to take the master’s name upon bondage, making the wife a slave of her society, husband and conventions. (Morgan 120). This is evident when Sue is obliged to take Phillotson’s name. Sue feels that she is not the same liberated person she was before her marriage with Phillotson. When Sue meets Jude after her marriage with Phillotson, Jude realizesher loss of identity. After marriage she became “labelled ‘Phillotson’” (162). In taking up Phillotson’s name, Sue becomes enslaved to her husband, conventions and society. She loses her entity to her husband and becomes his personal possession When Sue obtains divorce, she refuses to enter matrimony because she fears that marriage kills love as she questions the meaning of marriage. Sue feels afraid of  traditional marriage and the oppression it imposes on women. She would rather continue living in sin than remarry. She tells Jude that she dreads that, Her distinctive views of the social institutions such as marriage and divorce reflect the growing intellect and awareness of women’s role in social and private lives at the end of the nineteenth century. Sue has modern ideas about the ideal relationship between two people.Her divorce gives her the individuality and independence she enjoyed before her marriage. She says: “Are we￾you and I – just as free now as if we had never married at all?” (225). Later, Sue tells Jude that the next generations will pursue their path and will refuse the traditional and cruel terms of this institution and couples will live as they like However, being unmarried and living in sin is only part of the problem because children born to these cohabiting couples were illegitimate and had no legal rights. Little Father Time is aware of the economic and social burden children have on their parents. He feels the shame and society’s rejection of illegitimate births when his family is denied a lodging in Christminister. In an attempt to stop the suffering of his parents, he kills himself with the other children. It is not only parents who suffer the cruel terms of social institutions. This cruelty extends to their children and damages them. Little Father Time is a symbolic character who draws the reader’s attention that the law and the cruel terms of the institution of marriage have mistreated children as much as women Sue argues that the mutual harmony between them is lost after the death of their children. Sue says: “O my comrade, our perfect union-our two-in-oneness is now stained with blood!” (300). Sue, once independent and fearless, breaks down, but not due to her weakness, but she falls under the weight of her calamity and tragedy.Sue feels guilty and responsible for the death of her children and considers her tragedy as a kind of punishment for her illegal relationship with Jude.Marriage is only a means to control the lives of people. Though Jude and Sue are victims of the cruel terms of marital laws, marriage was much more unfair to Sue than Jude. Hardy chooses this tragic end to show the cruelty of the social institution of marriage against any declaration of love and sexuality outside of wedlock.

4.2]  Legal Union (Sue & Phillotson / Jude & Arabella)
            Sue & Phillotson
She thinks that she is going to be happy in her new role in marriage, but when she discovers the cruel terms and marital obligations she becomes reluctant to perform her duties. Her view of Phillotson changes after her marriage. He is not only old enough to be her father, but he is also sexually repulsive to her and a traditional man in his view of life and matrimony. It seems that Phillotson is the problem because his age and intellect does not match with Sue’s. This contradiction brings their downfall. Jude realizes that Sue is uncapable of playing the role of the virtuous wife with a man she dislikes physically and emotionally. He tells her For Phillotson, the wife is morally obliged to perform her sexual duties towards him in marriage because he has the right to exercise his conjugal rights over her. He does not realize the sexual incompatibility in his marriage with Sue. For Sue, sexuality is not the ultimate goal of marriage, while for Phillotson it is the ultimate reason for marriage. For Phillotson, marriage is all about sexual obligation. He is blind to the fact that this obligation harms Sue. He says: “What then was the meaning of marrying at all?” (192). He reminds Sue that it is a serious crime if she denies him his sexual right and he says: “But you are committing  a sin in not liking me.” (193). However, Sue realizes that there is no legal way to free herself from this obligation. She pledges to Phillotson to let her go. He is totally conscious of the consequences of his action that would dissatisfy his society. Because of his sympathy with Sue, Phillotson loses his job at the school where he was teaching, his money and his social standing.

Jude & Arabella
However, Arabella acts the way she has to because she is a powerless person. She is aware that a woman cannot survive on her own because she needs a husband to take that responsibility Arabella is Hardy’s critique against the traditions of the institution of marriage and the wedding ceremonies. Hardy is ironical in the way he describes the exchange of the marital oath between Jude and Arabella. Both promise to continue their lives on the basis of a temporary sexual attraction. Hardy questions the validity and trustworthiness of marital vows, which are based on temporary affections and not mutual love and understanding. During their wedding On the other hand, Arabella, who is unmarried and pregnant, cannot survive society’s ruthless conviction. She becomes also a victim of her time because she has no other option. Even Jude is aware that his marriage and Arabella’s is a“mistake” (50). He protests against the legal terms that destroy the life of men and women. He says to Arabella that marriage is like “to be caught in a gin which would cripple him, if not her  also, for the rest of a life time” (50) Though Sue and Arabella contradict each other in their conception of marriage, both are victims of the same rigid marital laws. While Arabella cares for marriage only for the social and financial advantages it provides, Sue enters matrimony and discovers the difficult situation of women in marriage. Both women feel the suppression of this institution on women and the weak legal state of women in marriage. Sue becomes reluctant to perform her sexual obligations. She loses her carrier of becoming a teacher, her children are killed due to the weight of society’s convictions on illegitimate children. She returns to her first husband to punish herself and converts her conventions and changes her mind. Arabella, on the other hand, survives, but not due to her respect for marriage but because she knows how things are done in society and she succeeds in finding a husband after the death of the previous.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020


The problem play is a form of drama that emerged during the 19th century as part of the wider movement of realism in the arts, especially following the innovations of Henrik Ibsen. It deals with contentious social issues through debates between the characters on stage, who typically represent conflicting points of view within a realistic social context. Critic Chris Baldick writes that the genre emerged "from the ferment of the 1890s... for the most part inspired by the example of Ibsen's realistic stage representations of serious familial and social conflicts." He summarises it as follows:
Rejecting the frivolity of intricately plotted romantic intrigues in the nineteenth-century French tradition of the 'well-made play', it favoured instead the form of the 'problem play', which would bring to life some contemporary controversy of public importance—women's rights, unemployment, penal reform, class privilege—in a vivid but responsibly accurate presentation.
The critic F. S. Boas adapted the term to characterise certain plays by William Shakespeare that he considered to have characteristics similar to Ibsen's 19th-century problem plays. As a result, the term is also used more broadly and retrospectively to describe any tragicomic dramas that do not fit easily into the classical generic distinction between comedy and tragedy.

Earlier play

While plays in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, mystery plays, and Elizabethan plays are clearly classified as tragedy, comedy, and satyr plays, there are some plays that exhibit the characteristics of problem plays, such as Alcestis.

Shakespeare's play.

F. S. Boas used the term to refer to a group of Shakespeare's play, which seem to contain both comic and tragic elements. For Boas the 'problem' plays were Measure for MeasureAll's Well That Ends Well and Troilus and Cressida. He wrote that "throughout these plays we move along dim untrodden paths, and at the close our feeling is neither of simple joy nor pain; we are excited, fascinated, perplexed, for the issues raised preclude a completely satisfactory outcome".Later critics have used the term for other plays, including Timon of Athens and The Merchant of Venice.

19th-century drama

While social debates in drama were nothing new, the problem play of the 19th century was distinguished by its intent to confront the spectator with the dilemmas experienced by the characters. The earliest forms of the problem play are to be found in the work of French writers such as Alexandre Dumas, fils, who dealt with the subject of prostitution in The Lady of the Camellias (1852). Other French playwrights followed suit with dramas about a range of social issues, sometimes approaching the subject in a moralistic, sometimes in a sentimental manner. Critic Thomas H. Dickinson, writing in 1927, argued that these early problem plays were hampered by the dramatic conventions of the day, "No play written in the problem form was significant beyond the value of the idea that was its underlying motive for existence. No problem play had achieved absolute beauty, or a living contribution to truth."
The most important exponent of the problem play, however, was the Norwegian writer Henrik Ibsen, whose work combined penetrating characterisation with emphasis on topical social issues, usually concentrated on the moral dilemmas of a central character. In a series of plays Ibsen addressed a range of problems, most notably the restriction of women's lives in A Doll's House (1879), sexually-transmitted disease in Ghosts (1882) and provincial greed in An Enemy of the People (1882). Ibsen's dramas proved immensely influential, spawning variants of the problem play in works by George Bernard Shaw and other later dramatists.

20th century

The genre was especially influential in the early 20th century. In Britain plays such as Houghton's Hindle Wakes (1912), developed the genre to shift the nature of the 'problem'. This "resolutely realistic problem play set in domestic interiors of the mill town Hindle" starts with the 'problem' of an apparently seduced woman, but ends with the woman herself rejected her status as a victim of seduction "the 'problem' is not, after all, the redemption of a betrayed maiden's tarnished honour, but the readiness of her respectable elders to determine a young woman's future for her without regard to her rights—including here her right to erotic holiday enjoyment."
In America the problem play was associated with the emergence of debates over civil rights issues. Racial issues were tackled in plays such as Angelina Weld Grimké's, Rachel.It was a tool of the socialist theatre in the 1920s and 30s, and overlapped with forms of documentary theatre in works such as Carl Crede's Paragraph 218 (1930), which concerns the issue of abortion, and which was directed by Erwin Piscator

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