(1) Do you any difference between Aristotle's definition of Tragedy and Dryden's definition of Play?
A.(1)➡ I fond difference between Aristotle's definition of tragedy and Dryden's definition of drama.Aristotle's say that "treagedy is an "imition of an action" According to ''The law of necessity''.And according to the definition drama is an 'image' of 'human nature' and the image is 'just' and 'lively' using the word 'just' dryden seems to imply that literature imitates human actions.
Next, Aristotle says that the action of tragedy must be complete. In other words, it should have a begining, middle and end.
(2) If you are supposed to give your personal predilection, would you be on the side of the Ancient or the Modern? Please give reason.

A.(2.)➡I favor of ancients because they established the unities of Time, Place, and Action, dramatic rules were spelled out by Aristotle which is still now followed.
Ancients are better because they have no models which they follow in giving contribution to literature.modern playwrights can improve their writing, seeing the ancient's work.
"Moderns stand on shoulder of Ancients".
"Moderns stand on shoulder of Ancients".
(3) Do you think that the arguments presented in favour of the French plays and against English plays are appropriate? (Say for example, Death should not be performed as it is neither 'just' not 'liely' image, displaying duel fight with blunted swords, thousands of soldiers marching represented as five on stage, mingling of mirth and serious, multiple plots etc.)
A.(3)➡The arguments presented in the favor of the French plays Lisideius against English plays.French are superior to the English for various resone.
the unity of place that are equally scrupulous. And unity of action is more conspicuous.
Their plays are never over burdened is the case with the English plays.
Modifies their stories by miction ways take from history.be present only that part of a short which will constitute one complete action and everything is carefully excluded.
Devote considerable attention to one single character, other are merely. Free to devote more attention to their diction and verse.
(4) What would be your preference so far as poetic or prosaic dialogues are concerned in the play?
A.(4)➡ As per my opinion prosaic dialogues are more preferable in the play. because our routine and common conversation in poetic language cannot give more justice to it.
E.g:- King cannot order his servant to poetic manner.
So imagine it out teachers and friends talks with us in poetic way.
Poetic dialogues are very hard for common reader to understand.
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