Monday, 13 November 2017

Mahir pari's assignment kanthapura as a myth

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Name  :- Goswami mahirpari
Class.   :- M.A.sem - 1
Topic.    :- kanthapura as a myth
Paper no.  :- 4
Enrollment :- 2069108420180021
Yer.       :- 2017 - 19
E mail  goswamimahirpari786@gmail
Submitted.  :- S.B.Garedi English         
         Myth in Kanthpura
●       About Raja Rao  :-               
Born                     8 November 1908
                               Hassan, Mysore, India
Died                     8 July 2006 (aged 97)
                               Austin, Texas, United States
Occupation       Writer and professor
Language       English, French, Kannada
Alma mater          University  of Texas
Genre               Novel, short story, essay
Notable works Kanthapura (1938)
Notable awards Sahitya Akademi Award in 1964,
                                 Padma Bhushan in 1969,
                                 Neustadt International Prize for    
                                 Literature in 1988,
                                Padma Vibhushan in 2007.
        Myth has always had a very segnefficant poo-sition in human sychology ; mythology in Indian context is perhaps the most utilized and most adm-iredfor ev-ery genaration and genre. The word 'myth'has often sufers from a wrong conotation; so here i am giv-ing definition of myth.
Definition of myth
     Myth is a traditional story of unknown authorship ostensibli with a historical basics but serving us-ually to explain some phenomenan of nature, the origin of men or the  customs,institutions,religious rites, etc. Of a people ; myths usually involv the exploits of godds and heroe.
Myth is ,
  “a traditional or legendary story usualy concerne with deities or Diem-gods and the creation of the world and its inhabitants."
" A primitive habit of mind myth are the life blood of life.’’
Myth of Village Kanthpura
   The dramatic tale narrated by the old woman, Rangamma evoke the spirit of Indias traditional folk epic, puran, the technique adopted by Rao is flash back technique.
   The story is narrated by an old grand mother to a new comer to the village. kanthapura is the village  of south india; kenchamma godes. people are poor simple, superstitious, religious there are number of mythical devise in kanthapura; it is excellent example of combination of puranic and folktale elements right in the centre of the village is a temple dedicated to kenchama great godes, benign one all the villagers are belive in Goodness kenchamma.
   There is a folk song which evoke in us image or attitude as to what kenchamma means to the people of kanthapura
"Goddess benign and bounteous ,
            Mother of earth, blood life,
Harvest queen, rain  crowned,
            Goddess benign and bounteous."
   Myth is an inseparable part of the culture of any country. India is essentially a culturaly rich country. Every village of India has its own story of origin though it may or may not be true. Myth form an important part of every human particular of those who are away from the scientific knowledge.
   Raja rao in his novel Kanthapura had made myth one of the primary factor that continue the novel,In spite of being residing and educating in foreign he shows his faith in mythology.
   The plot of the story is laid in an imaginary village which is surrounding by other imeginary villages.  In this novel  Raja rao make the narative in the form of sthala purana and an old lady is the narator of the story, His Kanthapura is based on the pattern of "Ramayana". The way in which Ramayana is narrated by "Sage Valmiki" Achakka is the narrator and commentator.
   She compare Gandhi with Rama and India with Sita.Gandhi was gone to England is compared to Ramas exil and Indians are consulted with Bharath. Like Ayodya, Kanthapura is a casteriden village which is far  away from  moden views of living.As Sita is capture and  by Ravana; in the same way India were captured and looted by Redmen. Like Rama save of Sita same Gandhi also strugle to free India from British. In Ramayana  Rama done war against Ravana. Similar in Kanthapura Gandhi wage war against British.
   A way between Rama and Ravana leads to a number of deaths. Similarly when the people of village in war a mant of them are cought, jailed,  and killed.
   At last as Rama save Sita from Ravana; Gandhi save India from British and get Swaraj.
Hence in a sense the novelist describe the same old imaginary story of Ramayana in a new way although the character are change but the story is the same.
   As the novel start Achakka told the sisters about the story of Kanchamma the local daitya of Kanthapura. There were a time when demon spare violence in the country. He made man as his food and women as his wive.
   Kenchamma come from heaven to free the country from the demon and a war broke out between Kenchamma and the demon in which Kenchamma come as victorious and demon was defeated and kiled after Kenchamma starting living with the common people of Kanthapura and helping in their problems.
   Achakka says that its help the people of Kanthapura in their problems even today. This shows that how the people believing  mythical story of Kenchamma and pray her whenever they would face any problem.
   In Kanthapura we also come across various comparisons between Moorthy and Gandhi. The people of Kanthapura give the status of God to Gandhi after learn about his life.
   Moorthy is consider as an avatar of Gandhi. The people find spirituality in Gandhi as well as in Moorthy and blindly accept their advice.
Hence, being a political novel Kanthapura is filled with myth and blind faith ; such myth and blind faith prevalent in all the under develop villages of India.
“There is no village in India however mean  that has not a rich sthala- puran or legend -
ary hi story of it's own some God or gooodlike hero's has passsed by the village Rama might have rest's here under the papal tree  Sita mighted have dried her clothes after her bath o this yellllow stone's or the Mahatma himself on one of his many pilgr images through the country might have slept's in this hut the low one by the village gate's In this way the past mingled with the presentation and goddds mingle with men to make the repertory of our grand mother alway bright. One such story from the contemmmporary annals of my village I have tried to tell”. (kanthapura 5)
The novel rather than bei -
ng tradit ional novel with a neat linear structure's and compact plot KANTHAPURA foll-
ows the tradition of Indian sthala- Purana or legenda-
ry his tory As Raja Rao expla -
ins in KANTHAPURA by the imagery of village and villagers Kant:hapura is microcosm of the macrocosm macrocos- m for what happens in kanthapura was happening all over the country during those stirrring days of the Gandhian freedom struggle as raja rao tells us in the very first sentence of his well known preface to the novel every village in India has a rich sthala purana or lege -
ndary history  It has a legend concerning the local goooddess kenchamma who protects the villager from harm and presi -
des over their destiny The novel -ist style or narration makes it a Gandhi purana or a Gandhi epic
In kanthapura raja rao made an effectively use of the mythically techniquelly used with such successfully by English writer like T.S Eliot and Joyce The use of mythically technique means that the past is juxt aposed with the pr esent an in his way the past may serve as criti cism of the present or it may be used heighten and glorify the present in his waste land T.S.Eliot has used the mythi -cal tech nique to criticize the present and in kanthapura raja -rao has used this very techniquelly to glorify the present and impart to the novel the dignity and status of an epic or purana it is in this way that the Gandhian movement, ”kanthapura is again another and a larger attempt at creating a sthala purana
    Kanthapura is a great regional novel  as well as an interasting sthala purana. The novelist rise from the particular to the general by the use of myth and legend give to the freedom struggle of the kanthapurians an all India characters. The weving of ancient myth in to the structure of the novel give  the quality of timelesness which all great work of art.By mythis sing the heroic struggle and self-sacrifice of the people of the south Indian village he has create a new sthala purana a new local leged.
    The novel illustrate how new legends or sthala puranas are make and how the ordinary and the commonplace acquire larger than life dimension in the imagination of poets and bards and gossipy narrators like Achakka.

1 comment:


  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari