Monday, 13 November 2017

Mahir pari 's assignment on dryden's comparative ,Shakespeare ,ben jonso

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Name  :- Goswami mahirpari
Class.   :- M.A.sem - 1
Topic.    :- Dryden's comparative
           Shakespeare Ben jonso          
Paper no.  :- 3
Enrollment :- 2069108420180021
Yer.       :- 2017 - 19
E mail  goswamimahirpari786@gmail
Submitted.  :- S.B.Garedi English         
            About critic :-
( , Jhon Dryden )
Born         19 August 1631
Died       12 May 1700 (aged 68)
Occupation.  poet,literary critic,
            playwright ;librettist
Alma mater   Westminster School
Notableworks  AbsalomaAchitophel ,
              Mac Flecknoe
             ,The Hind the Panther.
Origin of " criticism " :-
                    Literary criticism is the study evaluation  or interpretation of literature Modern literary criticism is often influenced by literary theory which philosophical descusion of literature goals and methods
Though the two activities are closely related literary critics are not always have not alway be theorist
Whether or not literary criticism be conside a separate field of inquiry from literary theory or coonversel from book reveewing is a matter of some conttroversy
** :For example
the Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism draws no distinction  literary theory  literary critici or almost always uses the terms together to descrebe  same concept Some critics consider literary criticism a practical of leterary theory because criticism  deals directly with particular literary works while theory may be more general .
Literary criticism  often published in essay   Academic literary critics teach in literature college and published in academic journal  or more popular critics publish the previews in brooadlley circullaat period's as the time literar
Suplement  the New York Times Book  r-eview London Review of Books  The Nation and The New Yorker.
History of criticism :-
                   Literary criticism is thought to have existe as long literature t he 4 century bc aristotley wroote the
Poetics a typology and description literary form many specefec criticis of contemporary work of art
Poetics developed for the first time  concept of mimessees or catharsis  are still crucial in literary studies Plato'  atack on poetry as imettateve seconda  and false were formateve as well Around the same time
***   """. Bharata Muni  his
Natya Shastra ; wrote literary criticism on ancient
Indian literature and Sanskrit drama   """  ***
Later classical  medieval criticism focus on religious text several long relegeous traddettions of  her-meneutics a textual exege have  a proffound inflfuenc on the study or secular text  partiticularl case f the literary tradite ** ""  the 3 Abrahamic religions  :
1.)  Jewish literature
2 .)  Christian literature
3.)   Islamic literature
Literary criticism was also emplo other form in medieval Arabic literature and Arabic poetry from
9 century notably in
**Al-Jahiz in his al-Bayan wa-'l-tabyin and al-Hayawan **.
Definition of criticism :-
the expr ession of di sapproval someon a something on the basis of perceive faults or mistakes.
"he received a lot of criticism"  
(1.): the act of criticizing usually 
(2.) a critical observation or remark
(3.) critique seeking encouragement rather than criticism
an unfair criticism  a minor criticism of the design
** "" : the art of evaluating or analyzing works of art or literature also "". ** :-
(1.) writings expressing such evaluation or analysis two
an anthology of literary criticism
(2.) the scientific investigation of literary document in regard to such matters as origin text composition or history .
Preface ,:-
John Dryden is  English
poet dramatist  critic he is the most important in literatur of the Restoration age  John Dryden most important prose work
** “
""Of Dramatic Poesy
An Essay” **
give him the reputations as the father of
   "" English literary criticism""
John Dryden represented the con+fflicting claems  the  2
sides as debate among four friends ,One of the them favours the ancient over the modern theater, One modernist prefers the French drama where as Dryden himself likes the life like drama of English theataer to French tragedy. which jo -hn considers beautiful lifeless
## Dryden includes the five points in this essay which are as below :##
A). Ancients versus Moderns
B). Unities
C). French versus English drama
D). Separation of tragedy and    Comedy versus Tragicomedy
E). Appropriateness of Rhyme in    drama
Discussion of ancients and moderns should not be for who is ‘better’ It should be more fundamental lg about how hi story itself func d should b read this if should be about the relations between past and present humanity and nature's a human un- derstanding and knowledge's
First we overview the conflict  the ancients and moderns and then we discuss in details separately.
· Controversy of the ancients and moderns :
In the age of Dryden there is the most important and high raged cha- tig  on the comparative meriestt and demerits of the ancients and moderns Welllknown satire writer Swift treated this chating on his famous work
Dryden also gives the argument on behalf moderns through the mouth of * Eugenius *  one of the four debtors in the essay
The case for the * Ancients *i s presented by * Crites * Ilcontroversy Dryden takes no extreme position follows the golden meanse  and is sensible en-
ough to give the Ancients their respect Means… Dryden does not disparage the ancients
          Through his dispassionate balanced and sane attitude  makes us see clea rly the achievementse  of the Ancients ad the indebtedness of the moderns to there as well as significa nt advances which have been made in modern times 
  Dryden was very well known critic in his time view on many writer like Ben Johnson, Shakespeare, Beaumont and Fletcher and many other writers  In an essay of dramatic poesy  he give new concept PR and Ben Johnson give good and bad side of the writers writing an essay of dramatic po
In1668 he wrote his important prose work of
“** Dramatic poesy an essay **” Dryden’s own defense of his literary practices, The four gentlemen Eugenius, Crites, Lisideius and Neander begin an ironic and witty conversant on the subject of Poetry which soon turns into a debate's on the virtu of modern or ancient writers
Restoration gravity  Dryden in his essay of dramatic poesy explains the favorable public response to plays by citing their      Unive -
rsal appeal.  they had written  2
or   3.  very  vunsuccess -fully as the like is reported of Ben Johnson  He rewrites every man in his humor pepper square drilling more regular than Shakespeare’s.
Dryden’s comparative criticism of
         Ben Johnson :-
***“Huumor was his proper sphere and in that he delight  most to   represe -
nt Mechanic people  He invades authors like a monarch and what would be thefte in others poets is onl-
y victory in him  a fault in his languaged in his play he didn't a little to much to Romanize our tongue
Leaving the word which he  translat -
ed almost as much Latin as he found them Wherein though he learnedly followed the Idiom of their language he did not enough comply with ours” **
Jonson have been done robberies so openlly authors like a monarch's he was represent old Rome to us.
He was master of mankind lovely of
any of his scenes His genius was to serious to do it gracefullyy he was deeply conversant in the ancient Greek and Latin So time he translate'sd word to word from ancient Dryden's  remarks on Ben Jonson who is compared with Shakespeare and in this way  of the respective merits of the 2 are brought out.
Ben Jonson is among the best nown writers and theorists of English     renaissance.    litera-
ture second in reputation only to Shakespeare A prollific dramatist and a man of letters highly learne
in the classics's he profoundllly influennced Augusstan age throough his emphasis on the precepts of Horac  Aristotle and other classical Greek and Latin thinkers
“as for Jonson  to who-
se character I am now arrived if we look upon him while he was himself For his last plays oo were but his dotages I think him the most learned and judicious writer which any theater ' s ever had He was a most severe judge of himself as well as others  In his work you find little to retrench or alter.wit and language's  and humor also in some measure we had before him I but sometime or anything  something drama was waiting till he came He managed his strength to more advntaggse then any who preceded him You seldom find him making love in any of his genius was 2 sullen and saturnine to do it gracefully especially when he
new he came after time to  those who perormed booeoth of such a heeght”.
**  Eugenius views on The Modernize  **  :-
Eugenius favors the moorderns over ancients so he replies to Crites that
In the be ginning he be lieves tha -
t the moderns have learned much from the ancients The moderns are indebted to them for rules of dramatically compositionally and must be gratefully appreciated to them for it The moderns are not following's  with blind way but they excel new thing's es in many ways He argues that modernist have model so that they learn from that and gi ves new ideas from  th-
eir example's .
because of the gr eater pains the-
y take they are nearer to perfe-
ction than the ancients Their greater la,dor makes them super-
ior in science as well in poetry But Crites proves that….
“ *** ancients imitated nature more perffooectly thanme the moderns has not estalishd.”***
Dryden’s comparative criticism of  
        Shakespeare :-
He is the very Janus of poets he wears almost every where 2
faces and you have scarce begun to one even you de oospise th -
e other He shows lovely passio-
n and present situ ation in his work Dryden say that Shakespeare is far above him he was quite con -
scious of both the weakness and greatness of Shakespeare
Androids and windows forms to John Dryden Shakespeare main who all modern and perha-
ps ancient poet of the largest and most comp ooes rehensive in his own time William Shakespeare was rated as merely one among talented playwright and poets but since  in  17 century he has bee-
n considered impaired of the English language
Some of Dryden’s so comments are repeated from earlier writers notably the assurance that Shakespeare's art was natural this time used almost as an excu se to justify the awkward fact that he did not follow the  rules as so in his play carefully as Jonson He did not pull his punches when it came to descr ibing what as Shakespe -
are’s faults He found Shakespeare’s plots  loose in construcn and deplored bombast of his passionate speeches destiny and imaginary was not so much as so many to good
*** Shakespeare:
”the begin then wh Shakespeare
he was the man who of all moder-
ns and perhaps poets had the large-
st and most comp rehensive sou All the images of naturally were still present to him and he drew them not laboriously but luckily when he descr ibes anythi oose ng you mo-
re than see it you feel it 2Those wh-
o accuse him to have wanted learn
-ing give him the greater compensation he was naturally learnoed  he needed not the specta cles of books to read nature he looked inwards and found her there I cannot where alike i were he so I should do him injury's to comp -are him with the gr eate st of mankind and to  He is many times flat insipid his comic wit degevvrse nerating into clenches his serious swel ling into bom bast But he is always great when some great occasion is pres but ented to him no human can say he ever had a fit subsection for his wit and did not raise himself as high above the rest of the poets.”
No other dram atist has be-
en perfor med even remotely as often on the world stage's as Shakespeare's  in his remark on Shakespeare Jhon  Dryden cease-
s to be a class icist and goes over to the other camp of the romantics
His appr but to eciation of the compr foe the to ehensive souled of Shakespeare as  a tribute to his  comprehensive soul and imag -inative sensibility
**  Conclusion  ** :-
“***  I admire Jonson a lot but I love Shakespeare.”***
  :- Dryden say ,” ***
I   must acknowledg him the more correct poet but Shakespeare this greatest wit he was the homer or father of our dramatically poet Jonson was virgil the pardnr of elaborate writteing he has given as the most correct playe so on the Precept's which he has laid doowwn on his discoeries we have is mony and profitability ruless for  f prefifxing the stage as any where which the French can furnish us john Dryden’s work “ Of Dramatic Poesy An essay’ gives the clieam of the two sdes as a chatinge among four friends And Dryden himself likes the lifelike  as life like dramatically of English thesaoater to French  tragedy which he considers beautiful but lifeless.

1 comment:

  1. Try to write in such a way this kind of colors and writing pinching off the eyes



  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari