Thursday, 21 December 2017


1.)What are the some major difference between Movie and the Novel Frankenstein?
       One can find many differences between movie and original text because, in about two hours the director of film must leaves out some parts of story and hold on the attention on only special themes it can be possible while in book there is no time and words limit so we can see detailed discussion.
*All the Differences between Movie and Novel (Movie by  Kenneth Branagh in 1994 and Novel by Marry Shelley 1818.)

1. In the starting of  book When Victor meets Captain Robert Walton, near the North Pole in the book the Victor is old, ill, weak and dying while in movie victor is quite young and well enough.

2.In the very beginning part of story when Victor is a young boy, in the house of Geneva,  is narrated by the Marry shelley with detailed description of the place and narration of the facts and feelings . In the movie this first or introductiory part is nearly absent.

3. Book describe that Ernest is second brother of Victor but in movie victor and William only two brothers.

4.In the book Victor meets his friend Clerval Henry in Geneva because their parents are also good friends and Henry doesn't study at the University of Ingolstandt, while in the movie Victor meets him at University. the film after the creation of Monster,  Victor is ill,  tired and filled with horror at that time Henry takes care of him and Elizabeth came there too,  in book Elizabeth remains in Geneva with Victor's family even she didn't go for visit to meet Victor at University.

6.In the Marry Shelley's novel,  the Monster wants to take revenge on all the society because of his condition  people consider him different and for this reason,  a Monster an ugly looking and dangerous person for the others, while in the film the Monster wants to his revenge only on Victor, his creator.

7.Victor 's father dies in the book by a heart  attack when he comes to know about Elizabeth's death by Monster, while in the film it is the Monster itself murders Victor's Father.

8.In the book Victor isn't in Geneva when he learns in a letter from his father about his youngest brother William's death.

9. In the book William talks to Monster when he saw Monster and William wearing the portrait of his mother Caroline while in the movie William frighten from Monster and he portrait of Victor Frankenstein.

10.In the book Monster collects firewood for the De Lacey's family while in movie he collects beet roots .

11.In the book Monster learns how to read and write when Felix teaches his language to an Arabian girl called Sofie by reading from history book; in the movie this Arabian girl is not present  with her different culture.

12.In the film Victor doesn't go to the remote Orkney islands to make a female creature for the Monster instead in... the same lab where he made first creature he made lady Monster.

13.The Monster saves a young girl in the book,  it is not prese in movie.

14.In the book Victor destroyed the female or lady Monster before had finished,  while in film Victor brings back to life of Elizabeth who commit suicide burning herself.

15.In the book Victor was researching on his project because he wants to personal glory, name and fame;  while in movie instead of personal aim he works for Humanity or whole whole world

2.) Did this movie help you in understanding the plot of the novel?
      Yes, movie is better medium to understand the text in short time. Movie is quite faithful to the original text.
Movie was well directed by Kenneth Branagh. So, by watching the whole movie we get the idea of main theme of Frankenstein.

3.) Who do you think is real monster?
"A true monster is evil in human, and lacks remorce or caring for things that a        normal, emotional human being should care for."
- Daniel Chandler
According to me Victor is the real monster because he made a science creation then he abandoned his creation because he was horrified from his creation. His abandoned erased the creatures understanding of human compassion and deprived him from a close relationship.

4.) From where Mary shelley get idea of this novel Frankenstein ?
     Mary shelley get this idea in the preface of 1831 addition of novel shelley wrote that the idea first came to her in the summer of 1816 where she stayed in a manor on Lake Geneva with her future husband Percy Bysshe Shelley and the writers Lord Byron and John Polidori. Byron suggested that each of them write ghost story. So she get first idea of novel Frankenstein.

5) Do you think that the search of knowledge is dangerous and destructive?
       Yes, when you have used the knowledge in wrong way so it becomes dangerous and destructive. For example Victor has Knowledge but he uses the knowledge in the wrong way by creating a Monster. Though he was warn by the professor.Because of the wrong use of knowledge ultimately responsible for the death of his family members and himself also. So this way search of knowledge is dangerous and destructive.

6) What are some myths used by Mary shelley in the Frankenstein?
In Mary shelley 's Frankenstein there are three myths used by Mary shelley:
1) The myth of Narcissism
2) The myth of Prometheus
3) The myth from bibal.

7) Write about the n arratology of the Frankenstein.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is work which considered as a frame narrative. It reflects story within the story.
There are Three types of narrations but here we can find only one type which is first person singular, Furthermore writer wrote novel with three narrators which are:
• Captain Walton
• Victor Frankenstein
• The Monster
All Three used "I" in their narration.

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