Friday, 6 April 2018

Thinking activity fiction and lie

Fiction :-
--------> literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people.
---------> synonyms: novels, stories, creative writing, imaginative writing, works of the imagination, prose literature, narration, story telling; romance, fable
"the traditions of British fiction"

-------->  something that is invented or untrue.
"they were supposed to be keeping up the fiction that they were happily married"
synonyms: fabrication, invention, lies, fibs, concoction, untruth, falsehood, fantasy, fancy, illusion, sham, nonsense; vulgar slangbullshit; vulgar slangbulldust
"the president dismissed the allegation as absolute fiction"

--------->    Late Middle English (in the sense ‘invented statement’): via Old French from Latin fictio(n-), from fingere ‘form, contrive’. Compare with feign and figment.


---------->  of a person or animal) be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface.
"the body lay face downwards on the grass"
synonyms: recline, lie down, lie back, be recumbent, be prostrate, be supine, be prone, be stretched out, stretch oneself out, lean back, sprawl, rest, repose, relax, lounge, loll, bask
"he was lying on a bed"

-------->  be, remain, or be kept in a specified state.
"the abbey lies in ruins today"

--------->  the way, direction, or position in which something lies.
"he was familiarizing himself with the lie of the streets"

Origin of lie1
----------> before 900; (noun) Middle English; Old English lyge; cognate with German Lüge, Old Norse lygi; akin to Gothic liugn; (verb) Middle English lien, Old English lēogan (intransitive); cognate with German lügen, Old Norse ljūga, Gothic liugan

On my point of you that fiction is come with a scientific Idea or thinking activity fiction have deep meaning try to look toward beyond the world but it is not harmful just because it's and imagination to how fiction is working and it's reflect on writers working we can see it

Lie come with mythical history and culture also come so we can see that the our rituals religion and our history also something I hide and we see there the lie always come in our literature  and poets and their most most of works are based on Lie and their Minds imagination

In that way I want to conclude that friction is not harmful but lie is harmful so we can see it in and nowadays in social media some fake news are coming and people are believing that this all things are true but they never try to check for what is the real truth so in nowadays it is more important that what we read what we learn what we see is it fiction or lie by someone .
              Fiction is ok for our registering and liver so relevant in our literature but in our day to day life fiction is ok but lies not too so ok it's create problematic for us and our society also.

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  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari