Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Thinking activity on Deconstruction

What is Deconstruction ?

Derrida was one of the most widely revered and widely  reviled thinkers of the mid-to-late twentieth Century
Deconstruction is a school of philosophy and literary criticism forged in the writings of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. Deconstruction can perhaps best be
described as a theory of reading which aims to undermine the logic of opposition within Texts. For Derrida this requires a scrutiny of the essential distinctions and conceptual orderings which have been constructed by the dominant tradition of Western philosophy .
                                           We can not define deconstruction. And that Derrida himself also accepts. It is not a destructive activity but it is for inquiring into the foundation of everything . So the Post - Structuralist goes deep into the work, and tries to look from different approaches. It is for  inquiring into the condition.

Derrida becomes very difficult to read and that is the one reason, why deconstruction was difficult idea to define or to understand.

Derrida also says that deconstruction is not destructive activity, but an inquiry in to the causes of intellectual system, it is one impreasion not negative impression.

Binay Oppositions which gives us worldview. Derrida point out that western philosophy is built on the different binary oppositions, like human language is built upon differences as Saussure point out.Derrida combines two terms: differ and defer. In French one word is used to imply both. Derrida drawing attention towards difference between speech and writing.
 Deconstruction is not word and not belive in dictionary meaning as dictionary gives only another word or we can say it decentralised only another word for one word or we we can say it decentralised from center.

Here I want to give 1,2, Hindi movies examples to explain this theory for prove Hardy construction work
Dangal movie is based on women empowerment but when we see original or try to DS Construction of this movie then we find that there is a deep Desire of main to achieve some goal formation and at the end a woman get success but behind her success there is mens Dzire are working.

II movie is also represent the main theme was language but when we c or deconstruct the film then we can realise that the lady after learn English then there their family accept her and they always try to demote her but at the end we can see the changes are coming and the also one major thing is that the how the women portrayed as a illiterate women and she can only do the house work just because of her uneducated in only one language that's why she cannot do other think that is the mentality of their family but at the end the women protagonist have changed their families mental it.

In this third movie we can see that the history is deconstruction bye movie director and here we find that some an obedient people become protagonist of this movie and they also became freedom fighter of our Nation's movement but that that is the deconstruction we can find it just because it's changed in history a different angle given by movies director and also movies writer.

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  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari