Monday 17 September 2018

Thinking activity on "Orientalism"

Orientalism and which five concept I like after reading Edward side interview transcript
Here I share the five concept which I understand :-

1) Narration of History
   ------> how West narrate the east or middle east part and how the Portrait Arab people and you people and the Philistine imaginative Homeland.
-----> what was the real reason behind that why America supporting to Israel and Israel become anti Arab that is the question that history have to answer ?

2) How Muslim people portrayed in film.
   --------> many films end up with huge numbers of bodies, Muslim
bodies strewn all over the place, the result of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Chuck Norris,
lot's of films about guerrillas going into kill Muslim terrorists. So the idea of Islam is
something to be stamped out.

3) America afraid for Muslims
     -----> Jihad in America

4) How Western media represent Middle East Army related fake news
       --------> the Arab-Israeli War of 1973, which had been preceded

by a lot of images and discussions in the media in the popular press about how the
Arabs are cowardly and they don't know how to fight and they are always going to be
beaten because they are not modern. And then everybody was very surprised when the
Egyptian army crossed the canal in early October of 1973 and demonstrated that like
anybody else they could fight. That was one immediate impulse.

5.) Co-existence
     ---------> In which Jew and Areb, Muslim Christian and Jew can live to there in some Polity.

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  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari