Wednesday 28 November 2018

28th Youth festival

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University celebrate 28th Youth festival on 26th 27th and 28th October in different  places.In this Youth Festival 's hosted by Takshashila institute of  commerce  and science collage.This started by Yuvarajsinhji Gohil  He and his mother and wife come in this celebration and start this programme.

In this Youth festival every college show own ability and art by their talent and give some of idea to do something different this events like singing,writing,dancing,drawing and acting play also.I was look some of events these i like it and thus I try to explain it in my words.

This programme performed different theater , and it divide 5 place and in this place's Manager and Co-Ordinate also present in and arrange PASS system.
1) Shree  Kalaguru  Dharamashi shah Theater First day performance  is in this theater. Group song is perform  there.


2)Shree Kiritsinhji gohil theater Act play perform there

   There are three one act play and every play take time 30 minutes,"Sikka ni  be baju",the theme was this play third gender. This defined  the Aristotle's poetry.It give idea about traditional way of play.This can give idea about perspective of  cultural studied  include of third gender society. The second is "Aur mujhe Fakr hai "this plays theme is nationalism it define terrorism violence honesty of soldier and suffering their family.Third one "Papan vache dariyo"this play give idea about life of fish man and his family.He don't come to home during this time what is his family situation this explain in this play.It play like a Robinson Crusoe and we look in this play feminism.

       In this competition that when we comes that time they give subject and say to write suddenly. In this 20-25 student have take part in this Competition,and this subject like, 'The story of pen',feeling of jungle girl,song of rain and story of jungle girl describe this poem feeling Mara ghare aavo Mara ram story of SHABARI in the  Ramayana.Most of  them have write in Gujarati language and use different and high level words in Gujarati language,Only 2-3 student write good poem in 25 students.
                    In every art this art is beautiful and very famous in rural area.many student have take part in this art.But every model like old thus nobody new model in this art.

        In our every function Rangoli is very famous and useful art in the world.There make Rangoli in traditional style with different colors.Some of use only color and flower and water color rope and many other thing use in this competition and try to became some thing good  and  show   their own ability.They draw different some of describe all religion, some of  draw like  FB ,google and etc.


          Here many picture and poster it describe political, mobile ,and some modern idea.Every give different idea freedom fighter   and whats app's last update's idea describe picture,and man and insects picture.One make shurpankha's picture and it is very interesting.Some like and some do not like every have own choice.

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  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari