Monday 18 March 2019

A True story

This story was about a sixty-year-old black servant, Aunt Rachel, who is very powerful. Her employer Misto C has always seen her happy and cheerful, and that's when the story began. Aunt Rachel explained that even though she was a slave before, she loved her husband and their seven children dearly. She then remembers the time when her mistress went broke and had to auction off all of her slaves. Her husband and children were all auctioned off. Her youngest son, Henry, said that when he was old enough he would run away and work so he could buy her freedom. When Aunt Rachel was purchased she was taken to Newbern, where she became the family cook. When the Union Army Officers came into town, her owner, a Confederate colonel, left his slaves behind. The officers respected Aunt Rachel. Rachel always asked the officers if they have seen Henry and she gave a description of him. One night, there was a ball in the Union Headquarters, which was also Rachel's house. She overheard a young man telling the soldiers that he wouldn't return with them. The next morning that same young man returned to the house. As soon as Rachel saw the man she knew that it was her Henry.

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  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari