Monday 18 March 2019

The Mother

William Somerset Maugham was born in 1874 and died in 1965. He is one of the most popular writer of English fiction and drama.he has written many fiction work like "The Moon and Six Pence" , "Cakes and Ale" and of Human Bondage". Once he visited Indian in 1938 and by affecting by Indian philosophy in wrote "The Razor's Edge".  He is a great story teller who shows he is story's are construction of plots. He is story's are concerned with human follies and foibles. He is also master in presenting, Ironies of life.

The depiction of a psychological study of a woman's suffering / Isolation :

             "The Mother" is a touching story of a jealous and possessive woman whose name is La cachirra. when the story opens we find a quarrel between la cachirra and the porter from the very begining the readers get the quarrel some of her. Which gives a hint of her isolation and sufferings. She lives on her own without disturbing her neighbors. But she becomes very possessive when her son currito visits her. Currito ,no doubt loves his mother but not as much as his mother does other new characters are introduced in this story named Pilar and Rosalia. Currito false in love with rosalia at the very first sight when his mother comes to know about his affair which  rosalia she become very horrible and violent. she does not want ant woman let her son rob. Rosalia desert love Currito and becomes a rival of La cachirra.

             They psychological state of La cachirra mind can be found understood very easily. For she has spend seven years in jail to save to his child from the torture pape santi, as the took shelter from him. She has been living with out son for many years. after coming back from the jail she lives again without her son as he has stay away from her for his work, so as a mother it is quite natural. she longs for her only child because she has none in the world but her only Currito. La cachirra becomes the representative of all women. who suffer from the paint of isolation.

          So far as her psychological status is concerned she earns readers sympathy. She is right from her point of few that currito should give her priority. She is the woman who craves for someones company in her life as she has been alone along time La cachirra is a woman who has suffers a lot throughout her life on the other side Currito does in justice to his mother.

         La Cachirras life centers around her love for her son and as a wretched woman she is shaken by curritos love for an other woman Rosalia and as a result she stabs in to her nack and kills her.

         To, sum up, can say that La cachirra's possessiveness and insecurity cause her isolation, she becomes the representation of those woman who are psychological disturbed her abnormal behavior is the out come of human sufferings in which Maugham is genius.

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