Thursday 14 March 2019

Thinking activity on Sense of Ending

It1) How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel.

At the end we come to know that memory has record something which is good or which we think it's a good and its preserved by us and when we think it's good about us then we preserve but one more thing is that memory is not perfect memory is in perfect so we cannot rely on some of the thing is perfectly clear in our mind in our memory also but something is not clear and after letter on its mixing so we cannot rely that what exactly happened in past

Same way we find in history that history is written by historian and its base on the someone's memory and its deal with the evidence but we can find that history is always problematic just because whenever that accident or event happened at that time how we remember then give interpretation or language used its depend upon that if that accident or event is good for us then we preserve different way but when that event or accident husband memory then we will do different kind of interpretation.

Example :- " Robson " suicide

         :- " Adrian" suicide

Now how we remember this 2 suicide that's depend upon us this 2 is event and how we need them and how we remember that's become a history.

2) How do you understand the concept of suicide with reference to your reading of literature ranging from Renaissance play Hamlet, 20th cen Existentialist philosophy and this 21st cen novel The Sense of an Ending?

If we go with the religion then suicide is Immoral thing and if someone has done then that person not get some spiritual ceremony at the end of his life that's why that suicide is very bad corruption practice which has not play on religion base it's a crime.

Talking about Renaissance time play "Hamlet "  'the Prince Hamlet' never think about to die he survive just because you want to Saravan that's why and Hamlet also want to win Throne that's why maybe his " EROS"  are so powerful that man has server.

Albert Camus (1913–1960) began his philosophical essay The Myth of Sisyphus with the famous line "There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide"

In the novel we find it to suicide was attempt , when robson and committed suicide, at that time people started knowing that that one person committed suicide and all the narration going with him after getting suicide till then  no one knows him after that everyone know him so it's better than committed suicide and there is not a single connection with morality that concept has changed.

When "ADRIAN" committed suicide at that time Tony and his friend talking " that he was first in everything"
We can say that suicide is not cup of tea for people just because that's need more courage that's why.
Maybe we can say that suicide is final art and how we create that art is more important like we see in Adrian suicide that he make clear cut that after cutting his hand he made not server but death. So in that way we can say that if our all thing is completed there is nothing to you desire or wishes are full free then we can committed suicide it's our gift which we get accidentally and we can end this life and we give back to the nature now no need for this body and our life.

"Some example of suicide".

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  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari