Friday 8 May 2020

Values and morality in Macbeth

Shakespeare’s Macbeth was born due to a feeling regarding ambition. Without any hesitation, ambition represents an amazing interior force to spread upon the individual in order to rise with strength in life just when it is aimed in the proper way.
Macbeth decides based on an ambition to become King though he does it by killing the present ruler, who is his kinsman, who shown only love and generosity, likewise, he is a visitor to his house.
Macbeth takes into considerations all these factors and deliberates to introduce the manner of killing the king. He indeed  realizes that his role is to be a good host instead of taking a life. Though his wife, Lady Macbeth overpowers him and ‘gives a hand’ in committing the crime, one can realize who the real monster is. She is harsh and ingenious without any type of womanly qualities. Due to her restless desire to rule over the country she puts behind and the qualities regarding moral values and concentrates only upon the goal.. Not only is her end unfair though she also employs most unfair methods to achieve it.
A proverb adequately  applies to her: ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’ She has to bear the consequences for her evil deed, goes insane and commits suicide. Those who commit such deeds suffer on a mental and spiritual level, regardless of how hard they might try to conceal their real condition. Ergo ‘look before you leap’ is a good advice to take into consideration for all and sundry who undertake some task. 
Macbeth believes the witches’ prophesies, encounters them as they support his secret ambitious desire. In any play, having contact with evil surroundings, either natural or supernatural, never results well. It is the ‘recipe’ for  disaster and inevitably death.
Often, we see and read in the media stories revealing innocent individuals being killed, even though the foul deed is dreadful for any normal human being. A spouse can form or mar the life of the other spouse.
Lady Macbeth paths the way for her husband to his undoing as a result of the fact that she dominates him fully.
A woman should reveal her strengths or weaknesses  in her relationship with her other half. Those two should be at the same level. Neither should she take a bow in front of him unnecessarily nor make him feel empowered.

Work Citation

1]Feraru, Cornelia. “Macbeth.”,

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