Monday 20 August 2018



1)  Literature of the Puritan age

           Samuel Daniel [ 1562- 1619 ]
              <Civil Wars
              <Complaint of Rosamond

2) The Song Writer

           2.1)   Thomas Champion [ 1567 - 1619 ]
           2.2)   Nicholas Breton [ 1545 - 1626 ? ]

3)  The Spenserian Poets

           3.1)   Giles Fletcher [ 1588? - 1623 ]
                   <Christ's Victory and Triumph
                   <Piers Plowman
           3.2)   George Wither [ 1588 - 1667 ]
                    <Hymns and Song of the church

4)  Metaphysical Poet

                  4.1)  Dr. Johnson
                        { Donne, Herbert, Waller,Denham,Cowley, Vaughan,
                         Davenant,  Marvell, Crashw }

                 4.2)  John Donne [ 1573 - 1631 ]
                         <The Strom
                         <The Calm
                         <The Progress of the Soul
                         <Pseudo Martyr
                         <The Undertaking
                4.3)   George Herbert [ 1593 - 1633 ]
                         <The Temple
                         <The Church Porch
                         <The Pilgrimage
                         <The Pulley
                         <The Gifts of God
                         <Easter Wings
                         <The Altar

5)  The Cavalier poets

         { Herrick, Lovelace, Suckling,Carew}

5.1) Thomas Carew [ 1598 ? - 1639 ]

5.2) Robert Herrick [ 1591 - 1674 ]
      <Hesperides and Noble Numbers
5.3) Sucking and Lovelace
       ( Sir John Suckling [ 1609 - 1642 ] )
          <Ballad Upon a Wedding
       ( Sir Richard Lovelace [ 1618 - 1658 ] )
          <Lovelace's Lucasta
          <To Lucasta
          <To Althea from Prison

6)   " JOHN MILTON " [ 1608 - 1674 ]
         <On the Morning of the Christ's Nativity
         <Masque of Comus
         <The Triumph of Virtue
6.1) Sonnets <Arcades
            <On His Deceased Wife
            <To the Nightingale
            <On Reaching the Age of Twenty - Three
            <The Massacare in Piedmont
            <On His Blindness
6.2) Prose <Areopagitica

6.3) Milton's Later Poetry
            <Paradise lost
            <Paradise Regained
            <Samson Agonistes

7) Prose Writers of the Puritan period
     7.1) John Bunyan [ 1628 - 1688 ]
         <Pilgrimage's Progress
         <The Holy War
         <Grace Abounding to the chief of sinners
         <The Life and Death of Mr.Badman
         <The Heavenly Footman

8) Minor Prose Writers
           { Religio Medici , Holy Living, The Compleat Angler, }

      8.1)  Robert Burton [ 1577 - 1640 ]
              <Anatomy of Mel
      8.2)  Sir Thomas Browe [ 1605 - 1682 ]
              <Religio Medici
              <Vulgar Errors
              <Urn Burial
     8.3)   Thomas Fuller [ 1608 - 1661 ]
              <The Holy War
              <The Holy State and the profane state
              <Church History of Britain
              <History of the worthies of England
              <The Holy and Profane state
              <The Church History
              <The Worthies
8.4)   Jeremy Taylor [ 1613 - 1667 ]
         <The Liberty of Prophesying
         <The Rules and Exercises of Holy Living
         <The Holy Living and dying
         <With Baxter's saints' Rest
 8.5 )     Richard Baxter [ 1615 - 1691 ]
            < The Saint's Everlasting Rest
            <A Call to the Unconverted
8.6)      Izaak Walton [ 1593 - 1683 ]
            <The Complete Angler 

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