Friday 31 August 2018

Thinking activity on To the Lighthouse Virginia woolf

According to modern literature and when we study "Virginia woolf" novel "To the Lighthouse" and majorly its focus on subconsciousness of human mind and how the human relation are developed and how it's breakin

When Virginia woolf describe Mrs Ramsay and when she talk about Lily briscoe the two characters and their two different mentality and their what comes in their mind she tried to you give interpretation and we as a reader also try to give some interpretation.

1)    Here we find that Virginia woolf try to say that how Mrs Ramsay in herself she       thinks that she is the queen of house but it's an illusion that she is and here we find some Complex relationship between mother and son mother with daughter mother with their guest and the relationship husband and wife how she treat with them. And also find that the how the fighting goes on with her daughter and son and father also, but hear Virginia woolf portrait upper class family and they are visiting to the summer house its mean that it's Victorian time period story but the story portrait on upper class society that how women are struggling and one more thing is it also there in lower class people who live in society they also treat women as a like a thing.
                 It means Virginia woolf try to portray women condition in society and we can understand that in lower class people treat women very badly but in upper class also we find that they also treat women very badly by some mentally doing harassment.

2)   yes I am agree with Virginia woolf point of view here  we find that one side Mrs Ramsay will get attribute after her death and also we see that the criticized by Lily briscoe so both the side are very clearly explain that how Mrs Ramsay when she alive it's caring nature and all things are remember after her death in people's memory also Mrs Ramsay still alive so in that way and also Lily briscoe get her vision when she complete her painting and ship draw painting of mother and child are sitting outside and the painting was Mrs Ramsay and his son James so in that way we can say that attribute and criticism both are done here.

               " Karyeshu dasi, Karaneshu manthri;
                Bhojeshu mata, Shayaneshu rambha;
                Kshamayeshu dharithri, Roopeshu lakshmi;
                Satkarma yukta, Kuladharma pathni "
Answer :- here in this slow define read the Indian myth and how Indian religion and spiritual people and Indian ancient people are looked towards to women and in this Lok we find that woman has become multitasking at one time she want to be a cook one time should be like a servant like your advisor and also beautiful and also caring nature all the thing its significant that women should be multitasking and obey to husband or father or son or any mail then and then she became and ideal woman and these are the some parameters are given that should be fulfilled by women otherwise she will not become and ideal woman.

Example :- Indian mythic[ manusmriti ]

3)   yes we find that symbolically that Lighthouse represent to Mrs Ramsay we see that how Lighthouse help to ship for find their way in C and in this summer house we find that Mrs Ramsay is also doing same thing that she care for her husband's work she praise her child each and every demand he know how to care for her daughter and also her guest can get best facility and their price her hospitality so in that way we find the Lighthouse and Mrs Ramsay

4)   " pagan myth "
     " Homeric "

By Greek myth we find that necessary always tell that " close the door but open the window" its own significant that don't open dude means not give very high freedom but open only little bit by saying that open the window means that give freedom but not much more and BSA slave of men.

5.) Künstlerroman
An artist novel detailing the artist's growth to maturity.
The künstlerroman is a type of bildungsroman—a novel where the protagonist undergoes an education—in which the writer charts the course of an artist undergoing an evolution from nascent stirrings to full artistic voice. Literally, künstlerroman translates to English as “artist” (from the German, “künstler”) and “novel” (from the French, “roman”).
where the hero often dreams of becoming a great artist but settles for being a mere useful citizen, the Künstlerroman usually ends on a note of arrogant rejection of the commonplace life.

6.)   We find that in this novel how to mother and daughter relation are Rising Mrs Ramsay and her daughter very complicated relationship we find one of daughter is too much obedient with Mrs Ramsay and she old thing done what her mother tell her or teachers and other two girls are not obedient to Mrs Ramsay and they are against to Mrs ramsay's thought and they are survive and one girl who is very nearest to the Mrs Ramsay she die.
            So in that way we can interpret that the how daughter of MRS Ramsay arguing with they are survive and which girl is always support to Mrs Ramsay she will die.

7) yes there is a vast different between movie adaptation and novel when we talk about know well then we find that the novel begin with the scene that Mrs Ramsay and gems are sitting and Lily briscoe making a painting that was the scene and the story will begin and end with the novel after 10 year when Lily briscoe complete his painting and Champs finally reach To the Lighthouse or not It is that is question and when we talked about movie the movie begin with the different angle and find that the movie is not convince live follow the novels plot somehow it's a changing and some sins are adapted from as it is in novel but when we read novel it's more significant just because we can find some more subconsciousness of characters , very well explain in novel so that's why novel is more good rather than the movie adaptation.

8)   Novel end       
        (It was done; it was finished.
         Yes, she thought, laying down her brush in extreme fatigue, I have had my     
It significant that Lily briscoe in her subconscious mind she thinking about Mrs Ramsay but now finally after 10 years her painting is complete so the interpretation come that the Mrs Ramsay is bridge for family but at one time she is also barricade for family after her death the family goes to visit lighthouse and Augustine carmichael poem are also sale so in that way finally Lily briscoe get her vision and the novel will end

Movie end
            (After the final stroke on the canvass with finishing touch, Lily walks inside the house. As she goes ante-chamber, the light and dark shade makes his face play hide-and-seek. She climbs stairs, puts her brush aside, walks through the dark and light to enter her room. Gently closes the door - speaks: "Closed doors, open windows" - lies on the bed and with some sort of satisfaction utters: "Dearest Briscoe, you are a fool".)

Here we find that movie and with some question like did the family member reach to Lighthouse and Lily briscoes painting is completed but only few three things she do and finally get her vision after 10 years and that is the thing that and she goes on her room by saying that she remember some of the talk with Mrs Ramsay and she murmured that dialogues and we give the interpretation that she finally realise that Mrs Ramsay spend her whole life for her family but still she cannot get anything that's why Mrs Ramsay call Lily briscoe you are a fool so in that way Mrs Ramsay try to say that don't become ordinary housewife follow your passion make them full feel and go with your dream and Desire.

9.)   In Virginia woolf's novel referring to army and Navy its on significant that she try to say that how the Nazi say na or his Army are against to the Virginia woolf thought so it's an irony or satire on Hitler side we see that by using matter for army and navy.

10)   in novel we see that the misogynic story tell by Mrs Ramsay we see that somehow it's give interpretation of both the side of grave or Desire come out like in Greek till we see that the fisherman's wife is so greedy for outer outer things is more important for her and here we say that Mrs Ramsay's inside Desire that her guest will praise her hospitality she want love for children and there give respect to his father till if father not behave with good way but still children have to give respect to father and pampering to husbands ego satisfy his Ego and praising his work for only became ideal stick women.

11.)    1) India is ruled by the men-folk.
        2) India is exotic place where lies great romance, adventure and happiness
  Yes India is a very exotic place where atmosphere is very warm and all three season come very well so atmosphere is too good and great Romance means the great mythical stories Airtel lots of War stories are also there and adventure just because India has have a forest that's why

3) Augustus Carmichael’s going to India is considered as some sort of achievement.

Just because India is the place where British people are ruler so majorly there literary person also like to are there dream visit India.

4) India is referred as place of desire. . . a desire to visit.

Yes so many people are so many Traveller history and literature a person I want to desire to come India just because in British literature and their ancient time we find that India's and Indian king name are written so for all European people India is a very Friendship full country or they have a dream or desire to visit at last one time to India.

5) Made in India jewelry is a thing to be possessed – owned with pride

Just because Indian jewelry are always related with the royal families and match only related with queen and their personal jewelry collection that's why when any anywhere in world people talk about Indian jewellery its own significant that its connected with Pride.

6) Some land which is far away – unknown land, the exotic land

In 16th and 17th century when the ocean map was not found to how to reach India by sea that time people call India as a land of spicy aur exotic land also given name. But later on Java and Sumatra become an exotic Island.

1 comment:


  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari