The Elizabeth Age
1) poet
1.1) Edmond Spenser [ 1552. - 15999 ]
> Astrophel
2) Minor poets
2.1) Thomas Sackville [ 1536-1608 ]
>Ferrex and porrex
>The mirror for magistrates
2.2) Philip Sidney [ 1554-1586 ]
>The Apologie for poetrie
>Defense of poesie
>Astrophel and Stella
2.3) George Chapman [ 1559? - 1634]
>Hero and Leander { finisher }
2.4) Michael Drayton [ 1563 - 1631 ]
>Barons' Wars
>Heroic Epistle of England
>Ballad of Agincourt
3) The First English Dramatists
===> The origin of the dream.
===> Periods in the development of the drama
3.1) The Religious period
3.2) Miracle and Mystery plays
===> " Ludus de sancta Katharina " ( 1110 ), St.Catherine,Geoffrey of
3.3) The Moral period of the Drama
====> " Romance of the Rose ", " Everyman "," pride of life ",
" Hyckescorner", "Castell of perseverance".
3.4) The Artistic period of the Drama
===> " Ralph Royster Doyster ", Nicholas Udall," Miles Glorious ".
3.5) The Interludes
===> " John Heywood [ 1497? - 1580? ] " The Four P's "
" Pardoner ,a Palmer, aPedlar,aPoticary,"
" The Theater "
{ *Not ===> In the year 1574 a royal permit to Lord Leicester's actors allowed them " to give plays anywhere throughout our realm of England ". Two years later the first playhouse, known as " The Theater ".*}
4). Shakespeare's Predecessors in the Drama.
======> Choir master of St.Paul and Royal and the Queen's Chapel
Richard Edward ( Choir master of the Queen's Chapel in 1562 )
======> Regular playwrights
4.2) ------> Kyd,Nash,Lyly,Greene,Marlowe
( John Lyly 1554? - 1606 )
( Thomas Kyd's Spanish tragedy 1585 )
( Robert Greene 1558?- 1592)
( Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay )
4.3) *Christopher Marlowe [ 1564 - 1593 ]
<Hero and Leander
<The Jew of Malta
<The Merchant of Venice
<Edward II
5 " Shakespeare " [ 1564 - 1616 ]
5.1). First period of dream , Early Experiment,
<Venus and Adonis
<Rape of lLucrece
<Titus Andronicus
<Henry VI
<Love's Labour's Lost
<Comedy of Errors
<Two Gentleman of Verona
<Richard III
<Richard II
<King John
5.2). Second period ,Development
<Romeo and Juliet
<Midsummer Night's Dream
<Merchant of Venice
<Henry IV ( first )
<Henry IV ( second )
<Merry Wives of Windsor
<Much Ado About Nothing
<As you Like It
<Henry V
5.3). Third period of ,Maturity and Gloom
<Twelfth Night
<Taming of the shrew
<Julia Caesar
<Troilus and Cressida
<All's Well That Ends Well
<Measure for measure
<King Lear
<Antony and Cleopatra
<Timon of Athens
5.4). Fourth Period Lates Experiment
<Winter's Tale
<The Tempest
<Henry VIII { Unfinished }
5.5). Classification according to Sources
{ Comedes } == Merchant of Venice, Midsummer Night's midsummer, As you like it,
Winter's Tale, The Tempest, Twelfth night.
{ Tragedies } == Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, King Lear, Othello.
{ Historical } == Julia Caesar, Richard III, Henry IV, Henry V, Coriolanus, Antony and
6) Shakespeare's contempories and success in The Drama
6.1) Ben Jonson [ 1573? - 1637 ]
<Every Man in his Humor
<Cynthia's Revels
<The poetaster
<Volpone or the fox
<The Alchemist
<The Silent Woman
6.2) Beaumont and Fletcher [ 1584 - 1616 ]
<The Maid's Tragedy
<Henry VIII
<The Two Noble Kinsmen
6.3) John Webster
<The White Devil
<The Duchess of Malfi
6.4) Thomas Middleton [ 1570 - 1627 ]
<The Changeling
<Women Be ware Women
<A trick to catch the old one
<A Fari Quarrel
6.5) Thomas Heywood [ 1580?- 1650 ]
<The woman killed with kindness
<The Fair maid of the West
6.6) Thomas Dekker [ 1570 - ? ]
<The Shoemaker's Holiday
<Old Fortunatus,
6.7) Massinger ,Ford,Shirley,
6.7.1) Philip Massinger [ 1584 - 1640 ]
<A New way to pay old Debts
<Great Duke of Florence
<The Virginia Martyr John Frod [ 1586 - 1642? ] ; James Shirley [ 1596 - 1666 ]
<The Broken Herat
<Hyde Park
7.) The Prose Writers
7.1) Fracis Bacon [ 1561 - 1626 ]
<The Advancement of Learning
<Instauration Magna
<The Great Institution of the Philosophy
<The New Atlantis
<De Sapientia Veterum
<History of Henry VII
7.2) Richard Hooker [ 1554 ? - 1600 ]
<The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
7.3) Sidney and Raleigh [ 1554 -1586 ] , [1552 - 1618 ]
<Pastoral romance
<Defense of poesie
( Raleigh )
<Discoveries of Guiana
<History of the world
7.4) John fox [ 1516 - 1587 ]
<Book of Martyrs
<Act and Monument
7.5) Camde and Knox
( William Camden )
<Camden's Britannia ( 1586 )
<Annals of Queen Elizabeth
( John Knox )
<History of the Reformation in Scotland
7.6) Hakluyt and Purchas
( Richard Hakluyt [ 1552? - 1616] , Samuel Purchas [ 1575?- 1662]
( Richard Hakluyt )
<Principal Navigation
<Discoveries of the English Nation
( Samuel Purchas )
<His Pilgrimage
7.7) Thomas North [ 1535 ? - 1601 ?]
<Plutarch's Lives
1) poet
1.1) Edmond Spenser [ 1552. - 15999 ]
> The faery Queen> Shepherd's calendar
> Astrophel
2) Minor poets
2.1) Thomas Sackville [ 1536-1608 ]
>Ferrex and porrex
>The mirror for magistrates
2.2) Philip Sidney [ 1554-1586 ]
>The Apologie for poetrie
>Defense of poesie
>Astrophel and Stella
2.3) George Chapman [ 1559? - 1634]
>Hero and Leander { finisher }
2.4) Michael Drayton [ 1563 - 1631 ]
>Barons' Wars
>Heroic Epistle of England
>Ballad of Agincourt
3) The First English Dramatists
===> The origin of the dream.
===> Periods in the development of the drama
3.1) The Religious period
3.2) Miracle and Mystery plays
===> " Ludus de sancta Katharina " ( 1110 ), St.Catherine,Geoffrey of
3.3) The Moral period of the Drama
====> " Romance of the Rose ", " Everyman "," pride of life ",
" Hyckescorner", "Castell of perseverance".
3.4) The Artistic period of the Drama
===> " Ralph Royster Doyster ", Nicholas Udall," Miles Glorious ".
3.5) The Interludes
===> " John Heywood [ 1497? - 1580? ] " The Four P's "
" Pardoner ,a Palmer, aPedlar,aPoticary,"
" The Theater "
{ *Not ===> In the year 1574 a royal permit to Lord Leicester's actors allowed them " to give plays anywhere throughout our realm of England ". Two years later the first playhouse, known as " The Theater ".*}
4). Shakespeare's Predecessors in the Drama.
======> Choir master of St.Paul and Royal and the Queen's Chapel
Richard Edward ( Choir master of the Queen's Chapel in 1562 )
======> Regular playwrights
4.2) ------> Kyd,Nash,Lyly,Greene,Marlowe
( John Lyly 1554? - 1606 )
( Thomas Kyd's Spanish tragedy 1585 )
( Robert Greene 1558?- 1592)
( Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay )
4.3) *Christopher Marlowe [ 1564 - 1593 ]
<Hero and Leander
<The Jew of Malta
<The Merchant of Venice
<Edward II
5 " Shakespeare " [ 1564 - 1616 ]
5.1). First period of dream , Early Experiment,
<Venus and Adonis
<Rape of lLucrece
<Titus Andronicus
<Henry VI
<Love's Labour's Lost
<Comedy of Errors
<Two Gentleman of Verona
<Richard III
<Richard II
<King John
5.2). Second period ,Development
<Romeo and Juliet
<Midsummer Night's Dream
<Merchant of Venice
<Henry IV ( first )
<Henry IV ( second )
<Merry Wives of Windsor
<Much Ado About Nothing
<As you Like It
<Henry V
5.3). Third period of ,Maturity and Gloom
<Twelfth Night
<Taming of the shrew
<Julia Caesar
<Troilus and Cressida
<All's Well That Ends Well
<Measure for measure
<King Lear
<Antony and Cleopatra
<Timon of Athens
5.4). Fourth Period Lates Experiment
<Winter's Tale
<The Tempest
<Henry VIII { Unfinished }
5.5). Classification according to Sources
{ Comedes } == Merchant of Venice, Midsummer Night's midsummer, As you like it,
Winter's Tale, The Tempest, Twelfth night.
{ Tragedies } == Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, King Lear, Othello.
{ Historical } == Julia Caesar, Richard III, Henry IV, Henry V, Coriolanus, Antony and
6) Shakespeare's contempories and success in The Drama
6.1) Ben Jonson [ 1573? - 1637 ]
<Every Man in his Humor
<Cynthia's Revels
<The poetaster
<Volpone or the fox
<The Alchemist
<The Silent Woman
6.2) Beaumont and Fletcher [ 1584 - 1616 ]
<The Maid's Tragedy
<Henry VIII
<The Two Noble Kinsmen
6.3) John Webster
<The White Devil
<The Duchess of Malfi
6.4) Thomas Middleton [ 1570 - 1627 ]
<The Changeling
<Women Be ware Women
<A trick to catch the old one
<A Fari Quarrel
6.5) Thomas Heywood [ 1580?- 1650 ]
<The woman killed with kindness
<The Fair maid of the West
6.6) Thomas Dekker [ 1570 - ? ]
<The Shoemaker's Holiday
<Old Fortunatus,
6.7) Massinger ,Ford,Shirley,
6.7.1) Philip Massinger [ 1584 - 1640 ]
<A New way to pay old Debts
<Great Duke of Florence
<The Virginia Martyr John Frod [ 1586 - 1642? ] ; James Shirley [ 1596 - 1666 ]
<The Broken Herat
<Hyde Park
7.) The Prose Writers
7.1) Fracis Bacon [ 1561 - 1626 ]
<The Advancement of Learning
<Instauration Magna
<The Great Institution of the Philosophy
<The New Atlantis
<De Sapientia Veterum
<History of Henry VII
7.2) Richard Hooker [ 1554 ? - 1600 ]
<The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
7.3) Sidney and Raleigh [ 1554 -1586 ] , [1552 - 1618 ]
<Pastoral romance
<Defense of poesie
( Raleigh )
<Discoveries of Guiana
<History of the world
7.4) John fox [ 1516 - 1587 ]
<Book of Martyrs
<Act and Monument
7.5) Camde and Knox
( William Camden )
<Camden's Britannia ( 1586 )
<Annals of Queen Elizabeth
( John Knox )
<History of the Reformation in Scotland
7.6) Hakluyt and Purchas
( Richard Hakluyt [ 1552? - 1616] , Samuel Purchas [ 1575?- 1662]
( Richard Hakluyt )
<Principal Navigation
<Discoveries of the English Nation
( Samuel Purchas )
<His Pilgrimage
7.7) Thomas North [ 1535 ? - 1601 ?]
<Plutarch's Lives