Tuesday 3 April 2018

Mahir pari's Assignment on " Write a not on science versus nature in "Frankenstein"


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SMT S.B.Gardi Department of English M.K.Bhavnagar University.

   Name :- Goswami Mahir Pari C.
   Roll no :- 21
   Topic name :-  Write a not on
                  Science Versus    
                  nature in
   Submitted to :- Department of
   Papername :-The Romantic Literature
   E-mail:-goswamimahirpari786@gmail.com  Enrollment no :- 20691084201180021


                   Nature vs. Science

 Throughout the novel Victor constantly seeks solace through nature immediatel after multiple traumatic deaths of his famiily member The serene beauty of the natural scenery he vesets often diminishes his feeling's of sadness worry and guiilt and proovides him with a somewhat restor
sense of hope in the world This portrayal of nature as a source of comfort recurs commonly in the genre of Romanticism
In contrasted the novel also incorporates Victors immmense fascination:s  with the vast opportunetees that science supplies While studying in Ingolstadt he obsesses over the idea of manipullating life's and isolates himself with his studies to accomplish this feat and expand humanitys power However as bringing the dead back to life goes against the natural flow of nature it is a major Pandoras Box in the field of science Because of this nature rejjjects Victor and punishes him through his creatttion The monster harms ever yone who he cares about and although Victor finds momentary comfort from his woes through nature nature can no longer act as a longlasting source of protection for him Instead the monster often encounters and worries Vicctor during his nature trips and thus slowly destroys his imprreession of nature as a serene place of relaxations By the end of the novel Victor becomes so consumed by hatred for his creation that his solely wishes to hunt down the monster no longer depending on nature nor seeking any serenity from it
Through Victors stor
 Shelley may have wanted to warn us of the dangers of the vast power of scienceed In an era with such rapidly evolving science and technolog the advancements may come sooner than we can prepare our society to deal with the consequences At the end of the novel Walton decides to abandon his ambitious yet dangerous expedition to the North Pol reflecting on Victors disastrous mistake of taking too big a risk for science

The comforting and soothing qualities of nature revitalize the characters This romantic theme is present though out the novel as both Victor and the monster return to nature to be comf orted Nat ure seems to sooth both characters and this is strange because Victor is a man of science and the mon ster is most defiantly unn atural

About this time we retired to our house at Belrive This change was particularly agreeable to me The shutting of the gates regularly at ten oclock and the impossibility of remaining on the lake after that hour had rendered our residence within the walls of Geneva very irksome to me
I was now freee Often after the rest of the family had retired for the night I took the boat and passed many hours upon the water. DoverThrift ed
Call of Duty

There is a sense of duty and responsibilllity in creatting some-thing as importan'st as a life Victor almost as a parent births a creature then fails to take responsibili for the life he has created. He does not realize that his actions of creation have conseqqquences Victor fails in his duty to care for the life he has crreeated Because the monster is not loved or carred for he un-leashes a striing of violent acts on his creator''s family

Victor like a father has a duty to care for the life he created and consssequently he lost all he truly cared for

I expected this reception said the daemon
All men hate the wretched how thenmust I be hated who am miserable beyond all living things Yet you my creator detest and spurn me thy creatur to whom thooou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us. You pu rpose to killll me How dare you sport thus with life?!? Do your duty towards me and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind If you will comply with my conditions I will leave them and you at peace and lbut if you refuse I will glut the maw of deaths until it be satiated with the blood of your remaining friends.

Nature vs. Science
(the natural vs. the unnatural)
Througgghout the novel therte is this constant battle between science and nature that is  the unnatural and the natural
 Victors creation represents science or the unnatural Frankenstein s crea-tion of this mo0nster throws nature into a state of imbal-ance which causes the eventtual destruction of Victor and his entire familyy Also' as this is a frame tale Victors loooss in the batttle betw-een nature and science is shown to be a warning for Walton as he too probes dangerously close to discovering nature's secrets
It's productions and features may be wi-thout exa-mple as the phen00omena of the heavvenly bodies undoubtedly are in those undiscovered solitudes What may not be expected in a country of eternal light!?!? I may there discover the wondrous power which attracts the needle and may reguuulate a thousand celestial observations that require only this voyage to render their seeming eccentricities consistent forever
You seek for know-ledge and wisdom  as I once did and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you as mine has been .

Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus is a famous novel written by Mary Shelley The novel warns about the misuse of science and relates the phenomenal assapect of scientific's  disasssters with the accidentaled creation of a monster named Frankenstein as a result of an un-successful scien-tific experiment The name "Frankenstein" the novel's human proottagonist is often incorrectly used to refer to the monster itself The novel resonates with philosoph-ical and moral ramifications creating a con0flict bet-ween Science and Nature along with the responsibility to cultivate nature themes the good versus evil and the social ambition to dominate against readers  attention and consideration of the most sensitive issues of our time

Frankenstein is one of the most acclaimed and thoought-proovoking stories that warns about scientific research and the “abuse” of scientific processes Shelley'ss novel is a metaphor for technology that can cause mullltiple problems in the modern world The novel mainly revolves around the dangeers asso-ciated with the acquisition of know-ledge and the happpiness of an uninformed or illi terate person who treats his native town as his world  The novel provides hidden praise for a lack of knowl edge that can lead to enjo ying the sim ple pleasures of life, rather than indul ging oneself in destructive acti vit ies with the misuse of knowledge and scientific explanat ions
Science's  is more than facts and prin ciples which have been acce pted on the basis of the knowl edge gained by syste matic studies A scientific process is the common pathway which is the basis for knowledge discovery
 The good or bad consequences resulting from scientific know- ledge are not the main concerns of scientists despite the powerful impact of these implic ations Mary Shelley's “Frankenstein” shows how knowledge discovery may influence the Earth in an adverse manner when a scientist does not consider the aftermath of his actions
In the innovative novel Mary Shelley notifies a grabbing tale of unimaginable happenings in which several dead body components are conveyed to life through one man's obsession with information and science Victor Franke nstein becomes engros sed with the concept of conveying life to an inan imate object but not ever recognizes the obliga tions he will have to the monster
 Altho ugh Victor prim arily dedicates a large piece of his life to conceiving his masterpiece he expe nds more of his life fearing and battling his monst er. Victor seems to disre gard any blame he has for his creation and only feels guilt in unleashing such a monster, other than guilt in leaving behind the monster
Instead of taking liabi lity for the being he has conveyed to life,  Victor wastelands the one-by-one an d obscurely changes the blameless animal into a monster Victor neglects any respon sibilit ies consi dering his creation and by rejec ting him love learning and a companion in humanity Victor keeps the blame for the mons ter's crimes The discovery by Victor was not a fully formed human being rather this experiment produced a deformed and defiled creature resembllling human

In the book Frankenstein we see the juxtaposition of nature and science Does science trump nature or does nature take the crown??? We argue that nature wins out in the end
Dr. Victor's  Frankenstein is a man of sci ence. He creates his monster through his knowledge of science and how to recreate dead body parts In the creation of the monster science wins out Science is what created the monster and gave him life
 but it does not win out in the end
The monster runs awa y and contin ually watches a fam ily live their lives Throu ghout this time the monster is living in nature and living off nature This is where the monster learns He learns to speak he learns how geography and he lea rns about emotions It is no coincidence that Franke nstein’ s monster leearns all of this out side of the lab and in nat ure This is also the place  that the monster has some self-aware ness and figur es out who he is He develops emotions and learns what love and caring isl He is attacked by the family when he tries to talk to them  but he doesne’t fight back even knowing he could tear them apart, because he cares for them  The monster learns about himself and becomes more human outside in nature
On the flip side  Frankenstein himself becomes less happy less human and more miserable without nature
 He is cons umed in his science and turns into a somewhat bad person When he is at home he is depressed and the only time he can gain some semblance of happiness is when he is out in nature.
While we see the creation happ en in a la b  science we see a lot of the intera ction between the two men, Frankenstein and his monster, happening outside, on an ice patch or moun tain nature
There is no doubt a juxtap osition between good and bad happy and sad and nature and science  Science is looked at as trying to harness nature and create it  and while this is tru nature is where the monster grew it is where he became self-aware.l The monster was created in a lab , but he eventually went back to nature and assimilated into nature once againWhile science tries toplay god no matter what happens nature will run its course. The natural order of nature will prevail no matter what Nature is according to Frankenstein a more powerful force than science

Nature versus nurture is a debate of importance of one'’s qualities when born or of their personal experiences leading them to the point where they are today

 “You got your green eyes from your mother and your freckles from your father. But where did you get your thrill-seeking personality and talent for singing?”

 Kimb erly raises a question that has been asked for centu ries, “Do you le arn this gro wing up, or did you genetically inherit these traits??!? One of the themes of Frankens tein is nature versus nurture The author Mary Wollst onecraft Shelly was born and raised in London
 England .l Shelley’s first and most famous novel was Frank enstein. Victor Frankenstein the main character in the novel creates a creature using

it is still a great er evil to me that I am self-e ducated: for the first fourte en years of my life I ran wild on a common and read nothing but our Uncle Thomas' boo ks of voyage”  The nature of every young boy is to be outside and play with their friends Buttt since Walton enjoyed reading his Uncles book s, he spent a lot of time al one and did not have many fri ends This conti nued throughout his life and even up to the point on the ship Also reading about his Uncles voyages gave Walton an ambition to go out and explore his World Yet Waltonno’s father was dying and his guardianl, Walt on’s Uncle, did not let him have an adventu re of his own, "These volumes we re my study day and night, and my familiarity with them increased that r egret which I had f elt, as a child, on learn ing my father's dying injunction had forbidden my uncle to allow me to embark in a seaf ari ng life"  After read ing his Uncles books, Walton wan ted to live a life like his, to go out and make his own advent ures. But since Walton’s fath er was dying, he was held  back from what he truly wa nted. This made his ambi tion for adventure gre ater and grea

ter Once Walton had inherited a large sum of money, it made his dreams poss ible. Walton had listened to his Uncle and been secl uded his entire life but when the oppor tunity arose he was able to go to sea,
"You are well acquainted with my fai lure a nd how heavily I bore the disappoi ntment
 But just at that time I inher ited the fort une of my

Friday 30 March 2018


8 issues are discuss in this blog. Here I have try to give my opinion on this debate

1.) Liberal.

2.) Nationalism.

3.) Populism.

4.) Greatest challenge to " Democracy ".

5.) Intellectual honest.

6.)  Literature and morality.

7.) Political correctness and freedom.

8.) Technology .

       These all are the 20th centuries major burning issue or debatable issue  we see it.

1.) Liberals :-

                     Liberalism is connected with Freedom of everything whatever we have in our constitution that's called Liberty but nowadays we find that there is no Liberty .

2.) Nationalism :-
                                Nationalism is one of the philosophy of political but nowadays we find that in democracy if you raise your voice against to the government you became Anti National or terrorist and other thing.
           Now a days people are believe in fake nationality and there try to prove nationalit
By if you believe in government and never ask about that policies and alwaysobey the government then you become good Nationalised.

3.) Populism :-
                           Populism is a political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against a privileged elite.  Critics of populism have described it as a political approach that seeks to disrupt the existing social order by solidifying and mobilizing the animosity of the "commoner " or " the people" against "privileged elites " and the " establishment ". Populists can fall anywhere on the traditional left–right political spectrum of politics and often portray both bourgeois capitalists and
socialist organizers as unfairly dominating the political sphere.                        

So we find that how populism is work how the class discrimination happen in politics we can find it.

4.) Greatest challenge to " Democracy ".
                                                 :- so many problem we see  in our day to day life but in democracy there are so many challenge have to face just like:-
 [1.] unemployment;

[2.] poverty ;

[3.] bad health ;

[4.]  education more to word to the;

 [5.] capitalism and ;

[6.]  other social problem some religion problem also.

5.) Intellectual honesty
                                           :- nowadays v find that people are become more intellectual but not honest just like after getting education they become good human beings but now a days they became more and more Evil rather than illiterate person harmful for society but it's more dangerous to our society.

6.) Literature and morality .
                                                   :- in 20th century we see that literature transform into digitalise world and also its now reflect on television or movie just because nowadays literature  reflected in this all stream and we see that the now upcoming literature Re was not good just because its come with entertainment but not come with moral philosophy.

7.) Political correctness and freedom  :- 20th century we see that all the party those who are in democracy we see that they are trying to prove that what their leader say is always right and their opposition are always wrong we see it .
                            And nowadays we cannot find freedom in politics nowadays people are more become narrow minded egoistic and there is no space for freedomness.

So this image can also explain the political condition and the freedom in 20th century politics.

8.) Technology
                          :- you feel that Technology is for make our life easy but now we see that the technology is consuming our most of time and v not focus on our ambition.
                                  We feel that Technology is our servant but nowadays we find that Technology became master and we became and servant of Technology.
Here I want to give an example :-
                       " Robot Sophia "

Saudi Arabia grants citizenship to robot Sophia
Saudi Arabia claims to be the first country to have granted citizenship to a robot. But the decision has garnered mockery from social media users as the robot may have more rights than human women in the kingdom.
Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to a humanoid robot, it announced at an innovation conference in Riyadh this week. It claims to be the first nation to bestow citizenship upon a robot.

                                At the end I will give only one suggestion that first we have to change then and then our society our nation and the world become peaceful for everyone so good things begin with us so we have to change we have to make change then other can change.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Cultural studies media and power

======> power is we feel day to day life also in civil society or democracy we find it How power works
         In democracy , people, make power but originally we know the government not power but the corporate world is in power and we find that the government never gives decision but the corporate world behind the government they are the ruler and they are ruling on us

========> " power "  definition <=======

°°°°°°°° is the ability to make other do what you would have them do °°°°°°°°

Where we find power real example just like:-

1). Family .

2). Worek please

3). Relationship

In this three example we can find it
°°°° first image of family that the head of the family means grandfather isn't centre
Its means always that grandparents are in centre
°°°° in second example we find that the boss is incentre another hour near to sit around the Boss
°°°°° in third example we find that the rose is the centre of the relationship and one more thing that we always find that when we say relationship the image always come in mind that one boy and one girl that is the old mentality of our human beings we cannot accept " third genders relationship" in our society it's our truly bad we believe.

========> source of civi arene or civi power <========
1). Physical force

So physical force India has a largest democracy in the all over the world and we find that in J&K is very sensitive part of India and we usually see that the youngster raise their voice against to the police and the Army so and we always find the news in that conflict between young star and Indian army and police so but nobody a debate on that why the
J&K youngster are why come on the street with stone why they are not study nobody Where's debate on this topic.

2). Wealth

So in this image we can find it that if you have wealth then you can control market business and you can control government also and you can make policy on your self improve or get more and more interest by control to the market on government also just be call Wells is now a days become a symbol of power if you have wealth then you can do whatever you want you can buy anything and you can make lo adjust with your own attitude

3). State action

So in this two image we find that the naxalite is dangerous for our or society we we we believe that but how the state action or central government  deal with naxalite we have seen day today's newspaper always be find it but the what is the origin of the naxalite we are forgotten why just because our government hide it what is the original motive of there.
       And here in this video we find that the example of election that we elect to the person to make government but after making government they forgotten the people those who are maker.

4). Social norms

So in this all three images are describe Indian politics is much more depend on religion and we can find so many other Institute the provoked the democracy and we find it so many time the religion Institute so much powerful then the government.

5). Idea

 In few days in India there is a debate behind that ruling parties member said that if youth start make "Pakoda fry " hey are also get employee there's no need for government jobs just because they are so much money after running small that type of shop.

6). Number

Show in history we find them number of people come and make a change in patriarchy in Indian history mediaeval India we find an example of a Razia Sultana she was the first a lady king come on to the Delhi thorn and she was elected by the Delhi's people so in history we find the first democracy in our India.

                           =======> How power works<========
1). Power is never static

Its means that always power change the role in society in Science everywhere we can find that power always changing or movable

2). Power just like water
                     Just like we elected two person not elect to the government and after that government make rules and regulation and we have to follow we Happy or not happy with the rule but we still have to follow in this video we find this example .

3). Power is compaund

  *** how to observe ***
1) .Workplace politics
                   We always find that the in government offices are very lazy to work and they are not interested to obey their duties and discipline leave work

2). Organisation labour
                     All over the world we find that that type of association those who are working for the right for labours after Industrial Revolution we find that the human values are losing and Technology become more and more powerful that's why we may have to make that type of organisation

3). Government suppression
                         I give your current examples then we can understand very well

So now I have to nothing to say but we all understood what I am trying to say and people very well understood what I am saying

4). Corporate influence

So at the end I am just say that corporate world very influence in 21st century just because corporate world take all our daily routine to politics just because corporate world can do it that's why we can say that the corporate world can influence to up to the bottom people's life.

            ========> what we have to do is <========
First to think that I can write it and I can read it and raise your voice against to the government governments wrong policy raise your voice write your voice and make sure two people convince also is measure important thing whenever you raise your voice your voice will be stop by other powerful person but don't afraid and keep climbing keep climbing you can get success and try it with basically to the your neighbourhood start with them they start with your society then your city city to state state two Nation then and then you can change the mentality of the world that's why the one thought can change your life but one return letter can change all over the system.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Thinking activity on I.A.R

Thinking Activity on I.A.Richard's :-Figurative Language
          Meri saree :-
                      Sabika Abbas naqvi

" Wher ever you used the scissora of casteism
    I have stiched on a beautiful patch
      From savitri phule's saree
" Wher evre you have made sectarian gashes
      There i have taken thread from sabbah
"When you start burning my aanchal
       I replace with the aanchal of Irom's saree "
" When you threw acid on the hem
      I asked Lakshmi to do patch work on it "

In this two three four lines poem we find some historical sense or
Some related to historical part we have find it it's best example of I.A.Richard,
figurative Language.

"First example" :-

                       "Savitri phule's"

Savitri Devi Phule is first lady to make a school for girls and for lower caste girls them also make educated she make one girls school inPune

सावित्रीबाई ज्योतिराव फुले (3 जनवरी 1831 – 10 मार्च 1897) भारत की प्रथम महिला शिक्षिका, समाज सुधारिका एवं मराठी कवयित्री थीं। उन्होंने अपने पति ज्योतिराव गोविंदराव फुले के साथ मिलकर स्त्रियों के अधिकारों एवं शिसे कार्य किए। सावित्रीबाई भारत के प्रथम कन्या विद्यालय में प्रथम महिला शिक्षिका थीं। उन्हें आधुनिक मराठी काव्य की अग्रदूत माना जाता है। 1852 में उन्होंने अछूत बालिकाओं के लिए एक विद्यालय की स्थापना की।

Second example :-

                             " Sabbah Haji " J&K "

After Sabbah Haji returned to her native village Breswana in 2008, she saw that nearly two generations of villagers had no education, due to the apathetic attitude of successive governments and militancy. She then thought of opening a school to give education to children there. After taking suggestions from her family, she started Haji Public School (HPS) in 2009 in Breswana.

Since it started on 4 May 2009, the Haji Public School has just one objective – to impart knowledge to those children who cannot avail of the academic facilities being provided to others, in more accessible cities

Third examples :-


Read about the incredible life and struggle of civil rights activist Irom Sharmila whose hunger strike against the controversial AFSPA in Manipur continues even after 13 years of self-sacrifice and hardships! Having refused food and water for more than 500 weeks, she has been called “ the world’s longest hunger striker“. Here we touch upon her early years, her love for poetry, her transformation into an activist, and try to understand the making of a legend.
What is "AFSPA" :-
                  Armed Forces (Special Powers) Acts ( AFSPA ), are
Acts of the Parliament of India that grant special powers to the Indian Armed Forces in what each act terms ". According to The Disturbed Areas (Special Courts) Act, 1976 once declared ‘disturbed’, the area has to maintain status quo for a minimum of 3 months. One such Act passed on September 11, 1958 was applicable to the Naga Hills, then part of Assam. In the following decades it spread, one by one, to the other Seven Sister States in India's northeast(at present it is in force in Assam, Nagaland, manipur excluding Imphal municipal council area, Changlang and Tirap districts of Arunachal Pradesh).

4th example  :-


                    " Laxmi Agarwal "

Laxmi Agarwal is an Indian campaigner with Stop Acid Attacks and a TV host. She is an acid attack survivor and speaks for the rights of acid attack victims.


Tuesday 2 January 2018

Thinking Activity on I.A.Richard's :- Figurative language

Thinking Activity on I.A.Richard's :-Figurative Language

    ""  दिल ऐसा किसी ने मेरा तोडा ""
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda
Ek Bhale Manus Ko, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda
Ek Bhale Manus Ko, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda

Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda
Ek Bhale Manus Ko, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda
Ek Bhale Manus Ko, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda

Saagar Kitna Mere Paas Hai
Mere Jeevan Mein Phir Bhi Pyaas Hai
Hai Pyaas Badi Jeevan Thoda Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda

Kehete Hai yeh Duniya Ke Raaste Koi Manzil Nahi Tere Vaaste
Nakaamiyon Se Nata Mera Joda, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda

Dhooba Suraj Phir Se Nikle Raheta Nahi Hai Andhera
Mera Suraj Aisa Roota, Dekha Na Maine Savera
Ujaalon Ne Saath Mera Chodda, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda
Ek Bhale Manus Ko, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda.....ai
Mere Jeevan Mein Phir Bhi Pyaas Hai
Hai Pyaas Badi Jeevan Thoda Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda

Kehete Hai yeh Duniya Ke Raaste Koi Manzil Nahi Tere Vaaste
Nakaamiyon Se Naata Mera Joda, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda

Dhooba Suraj Phir Se Nikle Raheta Nahi Hai Andhera
Mera Suraj Aisa Roota, Dekha Na Maine Savera
Ujaalon Ne Saath Mera Chodda, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda
Ek Bhale Manus Ko, Amanush Bana Ke Chodda
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda Barbaadi Ki Taraf Aisa Moda.....

Answer :- Amanush (English: Inhuman) (Bengali: অমানুষ ) is a 1975 Indian action drama film made in both Hindi and Bengali produced and directed by Shakti Samanta
And this movie song was Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda sing by Kishore Kumar
This song is sad song or breakup song or sad song here in this song poet have pointing out some natural element but the hall poem is described the fall of man after a woman goes out of his life but in the whole poem he never  point to the women but he use some metaphor and he says about his love

""  दिल ऐसा किसी ने मेरा तोडा, बरबादी की तरफ ऐसा मोडा
दिल ऐसा किसी ने मेरा तोड़ा, बरबादी की तरफ ऐसा मोड़ा एक भले मानुष को, "अमानुष" बना के छोड़ा ""
-------> in the beginning of the poem we can see that the poet as described his life how I facing problem after her lover broken her hate and how a gentleman become a Evil person for society he lose his success and his wealth prosperous.

"" सागर कितना मेरे पास है, मेरे जीवन में फिर भी प्यास है है प्यास बड़ी जीवन थोड़ा, अमानुष बना के छोड़ा ""
-------> in this line poet address to the sea and he address to his beloved by using of metaphor of sea near to the sea but steel in his life he he was very thirsty and one more time he say that a innocent people become evil .

""" कहते हैं ये दुनिया के रास्ते, कोई मंज़िल नहीं तेरे वास्ते नाकामियों से नाता मेरा जोड़ा, अमानुष बना के छोड़ा """"
------> here he say about society tat now in his life there is no goal or arm in his life
And also said that now he become a Biggest Loser on his life and there is no success in his life

"" डूबा सूरज फिर से निकले, रहता नहीं है अंधेरा मेरा सूरज ऐसा रूठा, देखा न मैने सवेरा उजालों ने साथ मेरा छोड़ा, अमानुष बना के छोड़ा """
-------> airnews example of sunrise and give up brightness to the earth but his on lock was not support to he lost his luck and after breakup I never see bright side he always find him in Dark Side

---------> in that way poem was end , and we find that how poet describe his life become very dark and he become loser.
      And also we can find that not say any word about his beloved..

           ----------> Thank you  <------------

Thursday 21 December 2017


1.)What are the some major difference between Movie and the Novel Frankenstein?
       One can find many differences between movie and original text because, in about two hours the director of film must leaves out some parts of story and hold on the attention on only special themes it can be possible while in book there is no time and words limit so we can see detailed discussion.
*All the Differences between Movie and Novel (Movie by  Kenneth Branagh in 1994 and Novel by Marry Shelley 1818.)

1. In the starting of  book When Victor meets Captain Robert Walton, near the North Pole in the book the Victor is old, ill, weak and dying while in movie victor is quite young and well enough.

2.In the very beginning part of story when Victor is a young boy, in the house of Geneva,  is narrated by the Marry shelley with detailed description of the place and narration of the facts and feelings . In the movie this first or introductiory part is nearly absent.

3. Book describe that Ernest is second brother of Victor but in movie victor and William only two brothers.

4.In the book Victor meets his friend Clerval Henry in Geneva because their parents are also good friends and Henry doesn't study at the University of Ingolstandt, while in the movie Victor meets him at University.

5.in the film after the creation of Monster,  Victor is ill,  tired and filled with horror at that time Henry takes care of him and Elizabeth came there too,  in book Elizabeth remains in Geneva with Victor's family even she didn't go for visit to meet Victor at University.

6.In the Marry Shelley's novel,  the Monster wants to take revenge on all the society because of his condition  people consider him different and for this reason,  a Monster an ugly looking and dangerous person for the others, while in the film the Monster wants to his revenge only on Victor, his creator.

7.Victor 's father dies in the book by a heart  attack when he comes to know about Elizabeth's death by Monster, while in the film it is the Monster itself murders Victor's Father.

8.In the book Victor isn't in Geneva when he learns in a letter from his father about his youngest brother William's death.

9. In the book William talks to Monster when he saw Monster and William wearing the portrait of his mother Caroline while in the movie William frighten from Monster and he portrait of Victor Frankenstein.

10.In the book Monster collects firewood for the De Lacey's family while in movie he collects beet roots .

11.In the book Monster learns how to read and write when Felix teaches his language to an Arabian girl called Sofie by reading from history book; in the movie this Arabian girl is not present  with her different culture.

12.In the film Victor doesn't go to the remote Orkney islands to make a female creature for the Monster instead in... the same lab where he made first creature he made lady Monster.

13.The Monster saves a young girl in the book,  it is not prese in movie.

14.In the book Victor destroyed the female or lady Monster before had finished,  while in film Victor brings back to life of Elizabeth who commit suicide burning herself.

15.In the book Victor was researching on his project because he wants to personal glory, name and fame;  while in movie instead of personal aim he works for Humanity or whole whole world

2.) Did this movie help you in understanding the plot of the novel?
      Yes, movie is better medium to understand the text in short time. Movie is quite faithful to the original text.
Movie was well directed by Kenneth Branagh. So, by watching the whole movie we get the idea of main theme of Frankenstein.

3.) Who do you think is real monster?
"A true monster is evil in human, and lacks remorce or caring for things that a        normal, emotional human being should care for."
- Daniel Chandler
According to me Victor is the real monster because he made a science creation then he abandoned his creation because he was horrified from his creation. His abandoned erased the creatures understanding of human compassion and deprived him from a close relationship.

4.) From where Mary shelley get idea of this novel Frankenstein ?
     Mary shelley get this idea in the preface of 1831 addition of novel shelley wrote that the idea first came to her in the summer of 1816 where she stayed in a manor on Lake Geneva with her future husband Percy Bysshe Shelley and the writers Lord Byron and John Polidori. Byron suggested that each of them write ghost story. So she get first idea of novel Frankenstein.

5) Do you think that the search of knowledge is dangerous and destructive?
       Yes, when you have used the knowledge in wrong way so it becomes dangerous and destructive. For example Victor has Knowledge but he uses the knowledge in the wrong way by creating a Monster. Though he was warn by the professor.Because of the wrong use of knowledge ultimately responsible for the death of his family members and himself also. So this way search of knowledge is dangerous and destructive.

6) What are some myths used by Mary shelley in the Frankenstein?
In Mary shelley 's Frankenstein there are three myths used by Mary shelley:
1) The myth of Narcissism
2) The myth of Prometheus
3) The myth from bibal.

7) Write about the n arratology of the Frankenstein.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is work which considered as a frame narrative. It reflects story within the story.
There are Three types of narrations but here we can find only one type which is first person singular, Furthermore writer wrote novel with three narrators which are:
• Captain Walton
• Victor Frankenstein
• The Monster
All Three used "I" in their narration.

Saturday 18 November 2017

Wordsworth's Preface Thinking activity

Thinking Activity: Wordsworth’s Preface to Lyrical Ballads
The Preface to the Lyrical Ballads  is an essay, composed by William Wordsworth , for the second edition (published in January 1801, and often referred to as the "1800 Edition") of the poetry collection Lyrical Ballads, and then greatly expanded in the third edition of 1802. It has come to be seen as a de facto manifesto of the romantic movement.
William Wordsworth :
William Wordsworth  (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads (1798). a key figure of Romanticism, and the author of the most famous poem  ever written about daffodils. Born in 1770, Wordsworth  and his friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge invented a new style of poetryin which nature and the diction of the common man trumped formal, stylized language.
➤  What is the basic difference between the poetic creed of 'Classicism' and 'Romanticism'?
Romanticism and classicism t hey are two different ideologies or 'school of thought'. And given idea about dominance of certain things.
Classicism:in classicism aesthetic attitude and principals manifested in the art architecture and literature if ancient Greece and Rome and characterized by emphasis on form simplicity proportion and restraint. Romanticism: Romanticism was an artistic literary musical and intellectual movement that originated in Europe towards the end of 18th century.
Difference between classicism and romanticism is that classicism put out restrictions,whereas romanticism believes in liberty. Classicism presents urban life , whereas romanticism presents rural life. classicism believe on subjectivity and romanticism believes in objectivity. classicism is about intellectual and romanticism is about imagination .
➤ Why does Wordsworth say 'What' is poet? rather than Who is poet?
A poet is man speaking to men, a  man, it is true, endued with more lively sensibility, more enthusiasm and tenderness,
Who has a greater knowledge of human nature, and a more comprehensive soul, than are supposed to be common among mankind.
Wordsworth has greater knowledge of human nature through the emotions like observation, heightened. He also uses platonic, more comprehensive soul.
➤ What is poetic diction? Which sort of poetic diction is suggested by Wordsworth in his Preface?
Poetic diction means 'Choice of Word' - unique style of authors that he or she chooses his or her own language, which is understood by rustic people; who closure to reality and more genuineness the language should be natural not ornamental. Wordsworth's argument is that he is interested in writing poems in lyrical ballads. And the language "as really used by men". Wordsworth also answers to Coleridge that he finds humble and rustic life, a men who closer to reality or more genuineness. Wordsworth preferred rustic men rather than city dwells.
➤ What is poetry?
Wordsworth's  definition of poetry  :
" Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings it takes origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. "
Wordsworth portrays his idea about poetry in this definition that poet is the most comprehensive soul and far better human being than ordinary people. so, t he poet is the teacher and through the medium of of poetry he imparts moral lessons for the betterment of human life.
➤ Discuss 'Daffodils - I wandered lonely as a cloud' with reference to Wordsworth's poetic creed.
'Daffodils' is the best example of Wordsworth's definition of poetry “poetry is a spontaneous overflow of a powerful feeling, recollected in tranquility". We all see the beauty of nature by our different point of views but we cannot recollect and express that delight in tranquility.   so, we can call Wordsworth as nature poet, by recalling his memory and sensibility and b y observing the nature, Wordsworth wrote his poetry.

Tuesday 14 November 2017


The September 11 attacks also referred to as
9/11 . were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the
United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others , and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage.

Four passenger airliners operated by two major U.S. passenger air carriers ( United Airlines and American Airlines ) — all of which departed from airports in the northeastern United States bound for California — were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists . Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 , were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed, with debris and the resulting fires causing partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures. A third plane,
American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense ) in Arlington County, Virginia , leading to a partial collapse of the building's western side. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93 , was initially steered toward Washington, D.C. , but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania , after its passengers tried to overcome the hijackers. 9/11 was the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the
history of the United States , with 343 and 72 killed respectively.
Suspicion quickly fell on al-Qaeda. The United States responded by launching the War on Terror and
invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban , which had harbored al-Qaeda. Many countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded the powers of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to prevent terrorist attacks. Although al-Qaeda's leader, Osama bin Laden , initially denied any involvement, in 2004 he claimed responsibility for the attacks . Al-Qaeda and bin Laden cited U.S. support of Israel , the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia , and sanctions against Iraq as motives. After evading capture for almost a decade, Osama bin Laden was located and killed by SEAL Team Six of the U.S. Navy in May 2011.
The destruction of the World Trade Center and nearby infrastructure caused serious damage to the economy of Lower Manhattan and had a significant effect on global markets, resulting in the closing of
Wall Street until September 17 and the civilian airspace in the U.S. and Canada until September 13. Many closings, evacuations, and cancellations followed, out of respect or fear of further attacks. Cleanup of the World Trade Center site was completed in May 2002, and the Pentagon was repaired within a year. On November 18, 2006,
construction of One World Trade Center began at the World Trade Center site. The building was officially opened on November 3, 2014.  Numerous
memorials have been constructed, including the
National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City, the Pentagon Memorial in Arlington County, Virginia, and the Flight 93 National Memorial in a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Dryden's Essay: Of Dramatic Poesy: Tasks

(1) Do you any difference between Aristotle's definition of Tragedy and Dryden's definition of Play?
A.(1)➡  I  fond difference between Aristotle's  definition of tragedy and Dryden's definition of drama.Aristotle's say that "treagedy is an "imition of an action" According to ''The law of necessity''.And according to the definition drama is an 'image' of 'human nature' and the image is 'just' and 'lively' using the word 'just' dryden seems to imply that literature imitates human actions.
Next, Aristotle says that the action of tragedy must be complete. In other words, it should have a begining, middle and end.
(2) If you are supposed to give your personal predilection, would you be on the side of the Ancient or the Modern? Please give reason.
 A.(2.)➡I favor of ancients because they established the unities of Time, Place, and Action, dramatic rules were spelled out by Aristotle  which is still now followed.
Ancients are better because they have no models which they follow in giving contribution to literature.modern playwrights can improve their writing, seeing the ancient's work.
 "Moderns stand on shoulder of Ancients".

(3) Do you think that the arguments presented in favour of the French plays and against English plays are appropriate? (Say for example, Death should not be performed as it is neither 'just' not 'liely' image, displaying duel fight with blunted swords, thousands of soldiers marching represented as five on stage, mingling of mirth and serious, multiple plots etc.)
A.(3)➡The arguments presented in the favor of the French plays Lisideius against English plays.French are superior to the English for various resone.
 the  unity of place that are equally scrupulous. And unity of action is more conspicuous.
Their plays are never over burdened is the case with the English plays.
Modifies their stories by miction ways take from history.be present only that part of a short which will constitute one  complete action and everything is carefully excluded.
Devote considerable attention to one single character, other are merely. Free to devote more attention to their diction and verse.
(4) What would be your preference so far as poetic or prosaic dialogues are concerned in the play? 
A.(4)➡ As per my opinion prosaic dialogues are more preferable in the play. because our routine and common conversation in poetic language cannot give more justice to it.
E.g:- King cannot order his servant to poetic manner. 
So imagine it out teachers and friends talks with us in poetic way.
Poetic dialogues are very hard for common reader to understand.

Dr. Faustus: A Play by Christopher Marlowe Thinking Activity

Dr. Faustus: A Play by Christopher Marlowe Thinking Activity

(Q.1.)               The play directed by MATTHEW DUNSTER for Globe theatre ends of the Lucifer last scene  signifies Lucifer become more powerful after taking Dr.Faustu's soul. Lucifer's big  wing's     shows that become more stronger than before.

                        Lucifer's this image signify the highest level of evilness. last  scene said that Lucifer's big wings signifies that God is fails and evil is wins.Lucifer is also symbolic of the war between the good and evil.the prince of devils,the ruler of hell and mephistophili's master the Lucifer may be powerful.and that is we can see in act-1 in

MEPHIST. I am a servant to great Lucifer,
And may not follow thee without his leave:
No more than he commands must we perform

so we can say that play end Lucifer become more stonger than god and he become the hero of the play and last LUCIFER'S big wing's signifies that things.

(Q.2)           Yes GOD is present in the play ,god is not appears in character but in form of Good Angel ,Old man and others saw that God. GOOD ENGEL, with GOD is very much present in the play.the old man and the good engel opposed to mephistopheles and bed angel.
we can say that god is present in play first to last scene.first scene with MONOLOGUE of faustus in which he challenges the god...

                                  "O, what a world of profit and delight,
                                     Of power, of honour, and omnipotence,
                                     Is promis'd to the studious artizan!
                                    All things that move between the quiet poles
                                     Shall be at my command:  emperors and kings
                                     Are but obeyed in their several provinces;
                                        But his dominion that exceeds in this,
                                      Stretcheth as far as doth the mind of man;
                                         A sound magician is a demigod"

then we see god in the play that time Good Angel say to Dr.faustu's to

Good Angel:. O, Faustus, lay that damned book aside,
And gaze not on it, lest it tempt thy soul,
And heap God's heavy wrath upon thy head!
Read, read the Scriptures.(ACT-1)

also we find God every time in play that time Dr.faustus sing with blood that time he find something written in Latin "HOMO FUGE" it means "o man fly "it was a warning to faustus not to sing the bond.and we also find God in old man .he is see in end part of play and he last try to save Dr.faustus.

Old Man: “ O stay , good Faustus , stay thy desperate steps !
           I see an angel  hovers   o’er  thy  head ,
          And  with a vial full of precious grace ,
         Offers  to  pour  the same  into  thy  soul,
         Then  call for mercy and  avoid   despair 

and last MONOLOGUE with Dr.faustus repent for her challenges.

 "O, Pythagoras' metempsychosis, were that true,
This soul should fly from me, and I be chang'd
Into some brutish beast! all beasts are happy,
For, when they die,
Their souls are soon dissolv'd in elements;
But mine must live still to be plagu'd in hell.
Curs'd be the parents that engender'd me!
No, Faustus, curse thyself, curse Lucifer
That hath depriv'd thee of the joys of heaven."

so god is present not physically but in the face to  Good Angel ,chorus and old man .

                    (Q.3) The image of daedalus and lcarus In Greek mythology, Icarus succeeded in flying, with wings made by his father Daedalus, using feathers secured with wax. Ignoring his father's warnings, Icarus chose to fly too close to the sun, melting the wax, and fell into the sea and drowned. in thesame way  we see that Dr.Faustus wants to become Demi-God by learning the art of necromancy .

one time  Even the devil Mephistophilis  also warns dr.faustus :

 “ O Faustus , leave the  frivolous demands
      Which strikes a terror to my fainting soul. 

so we can say that this myth is surely connected with the central theme of the play. so myth can help us to understand the central theme of play

Robinson Crusoe Worksheet


'Robinson Crusoe' is a 18th century novel by Daniel Defoe. It was published in 1719 and it was among one of the most widely punished books. It is an adventure story of the character Robinson Crusoe dealing with serious issues of colonialism, imperialism and racial discrimination. 

What is colonialism: 
the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.Colonialism occurs when a country or a nation takes control of other lands, regions, or territories outside of its borders (boundaries of the country) by turning those other lands, regions, or territories into a colony. Usually, it is a more powerful, richer country that takes control of a smaller, less powerful region or territory.

    Give answers of the following questions...

(Q.1.)- Write about colonial discourse in Robinson Crusoe.


The word colonialism comes from the Roman word "Colonia" which means "farm" and "settement" .many time we see  in the novel  colonial discourse.first is Crusoe give man name christian name 'FRIDAY'.he given this name method of process and started to colonialism.he not say that he is friday's friend but he       say himself as master and Friday as slave. given name Master-slave relation start.crusoe start to give commands and friday follows.

We can observe the process of this construction in the dialogues between Crusoe and Friday:

Master: Well, Friday, and what does your nation do with the men they                   take? Do they carry  them a way and eat them, as these did?


Friday: yes, my nation eat mans up too; eat all up.


(Q.2)-How colonialism works in our life (in contemporary time/ of    our surrounding, Give examples)


We saw that colonialism works our life in contemporary time of our surrounding if not physically but mentally .still we follow britishers some rules and her culture's. we can say that today English is the international language because they were in power and their language is English and most of country English is rule so.


           ⇒  Some multinational company also rule over our culture.

              eg: pepsi, coca cola, pitza. etc.

            ⇒After many years we also chosen people color of skin so skin                    color is today in our mind on rule .some advertisement,                              bollywood movies  , daily soaps, songs.

             eg: Fair & lovely advertisements , Bidai, Suhani si ek ladki,                             soaps, Gore gore mukhade pe kala kala chashma.......song,                         etc.  

(Q.3)-Do you think that, movie is different than original novel ?if yes    so write about some changes done in the movie.


  Yes ,movie is different than original novel.

 ➡ In the movie when Crusoe tells about his God that his God is  the creator of this world. Then Friday argued that he didn't  believe in God.Friday says that his god is 'Pokya' a  crocodile  In text when Crusoe trying to imposed his God,Friday get  convinced easily without any arguement. but in movie reflects  the Friday doesn't consider to him and then he began argue with him.


(Q.4)-Do you think, movie is describing anti-colonial elements? can   you describe reasons?


The change in the film shows anti-colonial element of  nature

Crusoe wants to become friday's friend.the chemistry of  their relation is shown in the film.


in the movie friday's arguments and rebelling nature also shows anti-colonialism. there is some soft conflict done by  them. Friday never follows Crusoe's culture.he did not wear  clothes, he did not worship crusoe,s God, he is not afraid of   Crusoe's weapon, he did not agree with idea of master and  slave relation.All over Friday never easily convinced.Even  Crusoe also treats him very well, as his best friend in the  movie.

        Coleridge: Biographia Literaria    

Q.1-Write in your words the difference between poem and prose.



Prose:-Prose is a form of language that has no formal metrical structure. It applies a natural flow of speech, and ordinary grammatical structure rather than rhythmic structure, such as in the case of traditional poetry.

Poem :-A poem is a collection of spoken or written words that expresses ideas or emotions in a powerfully vivid and imaginative style. A poem is comprised of a particular rhythmic and metrical pattern.

Ø Poem

·        It is a lyrical form of writing.

·        It has structure, format and rhyming in the sentences.

·        It is usually divided into lines or phrases.

·        It is more expressive and attractive.

·        It serves to excite the readers.

·        It is imaginative.

Ø prose

·        It is the typical form of writing.

·        It has no structure, format and rhyming in the sentences.

·        It is not usually divided into sentences.

·        It is dull.

·        It is simple and common.

·        It is quite ordinary.


Poetry from “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” written by Robert Frost.

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep.

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.”

Prose Form

“The woods look lovely against the setting darkness and as I gaze into the mysterious depths of the forest, I feel like lingering here longer.  However, I have pending appointments to keep and much distance to cover before I settle in for the night or else I will be late for all of them.”

Q.2-Write in your words the difference between poem and poetry.



Poem :-A piece of writing in which the expression of ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction (sometimes involving rhyme), rhythm and imagery.  

Poetry:-Literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as genre of literature.

The word poem is often used in the sense of an individual piece of work. Poetry is a collected work. In other words it is a collective term used to indicate many pieces of individual poems. Poetry is a literary form whereas a poem is a written piece of work.

• Poetry is a literary form, whereas a poem is a written piece of work.

• Poetry is an art form, whereas a poem is a composed work.

• He who composes poems occasionally cannot be called a poet but can be called a versifier.

• A poem is the fundamental unit of poetry. It can thus be said that poetry is made of poems.

Worksheet: Aristotle's Poetics

 Q.1-  How far do you agree with Plato’s objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers? Name the texts (novels, plays, poems, movies, TV soaps etc which can be rightfully objected and banned with reference to Plato’s objections)

(1-A).I agree Plato's objection to freedom of expression is true because some kind of serials ,advertisement and literary text is not good aspect for examples are

➨Ahaliya-indra, kunti's children and many other's things


➨Sony tv serial "Bharat ka veer putar 'Maharana pratap" .

In real life Maharana Pratap and Akbar never came face to face with each other. But here the two have been fighting each other ever since they were kid. Like every other serial, this serial Forget history, the serial just like any other contemporary TV show is full of saas bahu saajish and melodrama.

➨In the tragedy "Othello" by William Shakespeare During the drama the audience finds itself in concepts of love,hate,jealousy.Othello killed his wife.

➨Advertisements of "Domino's pizza" and other advertisements .97% of all food advertised to all food advertised to make children's unhealthy levels of fat, sugar,or salt.

So I agree with Plato's objection.

Q.2.  With reference to the literary texts you have studied during B.A. programme, write brief note on the texts which followed Aristotelian literary tradition (i.e. his concept of tragedy, catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc)

(2-A).Aristotle defines tragedy as, “the imitation of an action that is serious and also has moving magnitude, complete in itself; in appropriate and pleasurable language… in a dramatic rather than narrative form; with incidents arousing pity and fear, where with to accomplish a catharsis of emotions”, . These are unique qualities which can be in Othello. The story starting with the main character and protagonist Othello, an African general for the Venice army. Othello has just married his wife Desdemona. Throughout the play Othello is challenged by Iago who works under him. Iago provides the drama; he represents the antagonist.Nothing good becomes of this play. By the end of this tragedy, both Othello and Desdemona are dead.

Q.3.  With reference to the literary texts you have studies during B.A. programme, write brief note on the texts which did NOT follow Aristotelian literary tradition. (i.e. his concept of tragedy, catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc.)

(3-A.) Harry Ape as a modern tragedy does not follow the theory of Aristotle. Yank the hero has no hamartia as he is not a man of highrank . there are the action not external but internal.

Q.4.  Have you studied any tragedies during B.A. programme? Who was/were the tragic protagonist/s in those tragedies? What was their ‘hamartia’?

(4-A). Othello by william shakespeare tragedy I study in my B.A pogramme.follow necessary rules and regulations proposed bAristotle's definition of tragic hero othello follow this definition and not only othello reprsent a hero as a general of an army ,he is the main character of the play.he draws compassion and sympathy from the audience making him the tragic hero.

5. Did the ‘Plot’ of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle? (Like chain of cause and effect, principle of probability and necessity, harmonious arrangement of incidents, complete, certain magnitude, unity of action etc)

(5-A)."othello" follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle.

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  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari