Saturday 6 October 2018

Thinking activity on waiting for Godot

1) What connection do you see in the setting (“A country road. A tree.Evening.”) of the   
   play and these paintings?
In movie we find that countryside road and tree and evening is reflection of nothing to be done or nothingness represent.
All so in this painting the difference is the Sky colour and the tree background is also different.

2) The tree is the only important ‘thing’ in the setting. What is the importance of tree in both acts? Why does Beckett grow a few leaves in Act II on the barren tree - The tree has four or five leaves - ?

The tree is reflection of absurdity and it's apt for the background that's why tree is more important in this setting. They also try to make suicide and thy used tree but they are not getting success,

In second act we find that there is 2,3, leaves come it's reflect that nature has no connection with humanity or there is no connection between nature and human being just because nature has grown on itself nature never wait for anything and when time come nature will change that is the reflection of second act.

3) In both Acts, evening falls into night and moon rises. How would you like to interpret this ‘coming of night and moon’ when actually they are waiting for Godot?

In both the act we find that when night comes its reflection of there life how are absurd  they are waiting for something is not come so finally the night is reflection of there lost or something that they want to achieve but then not achieve or then not get success,
And when the moon rise it's  reflect that there is one hope that The Dark night will be end with this beautiful moon and there life darkness is also and just like night will end and morning comes so the moon is reflection of hope in Dark night.

4) The director feels the setting with some debris. Can you read any meaning in the contours of debris in the setting of the play?

5) The play begins with the dialogue “Nothing to be done”. How does the theme of ‘nothingness’ recurs in the play?

Just becauseboth the character do lots of activity to " kill time " but there is nothing happen in the life it represent that a failure person that never achieve something or that person's life is nothing or absurdity we find just because there is no hope for good thing happened that's why and after doing all the things still there nothing to be done y just because they are waiting for someone or like they want to achieve something in the life and they are in the way but still that don't find it that's why the life is " nothing to be done."

6)  Do you agree: “The play (Waiting for Godot), we agreed, was a positive play, not negative, not pessimistic. As I saw it, with my blood and skin and eyes, the philosophy is: 'No matter what— atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, anything—life goes on. You can kill yourself, but you can't kill life." (E.G. Marshal who played Vladimir in original Broadway production 1950s)?

Yes just because its representation of absurdity and philosophy an existentialism, that's why display is not negative or Pessimistic just because it's a reflection of hope that at the end of the life there is good thing happened up till and of the last breath we have to wait for something which give us success peace honour or some kind of social important anything which we are waiting for.

7) How are the props like hat and boots used in the play? What is the symbolical significance of these props?

Hat represent the intellectuality , when boot represent the some physical or outside world Dzire, when Hat represent mentally or thinking philosophical touch that person who remember history and then facing so much problem just because he know the things which happened or what next come that's why so in that way we can interpret at that hat represent intellectuality and boots represent outside world Desire.

8) Do you think that the obedience of Lucky is extremely irritating and nauseatic? Even when the master Pozzo is blind, he obediently hands the whip in his hand. Do you think that such a capacity of slavishness is unbelievable?

Here I want to give some post colonial point of you just like this play come after Second World War so I want to give interpretation like pozzo was European countries and lucky represent third world which become free after Second World War they get independence but still the facing problem now they are habituated or the like the master that's why we see that after they become independent but somehow there is some sense or essence of colonization we still find after they become independent or we can say that the more love to their Masters after becoming Independents still they want their master to rule them.

9) Who according to you is Godot? God? An object of desire? Death? Goal? Success? Or  . . .

Its depend on person just because on my point of you " godot is peace " just because this play come after Second World War so here we find that the player writer or at that times majorly literary work facing absurdity nothingness or westworld become hopeless that's why on my point of you godot is peace.
10 )    “The subject of the play is not Godot but ‘Waiting’” (Esslin, A Search for the Self). Do you agree? How can you justify your answer?

No I am not agree with this argument just because at the end of the play we find that both the character are waiting for godot and their motive want to meet godot and they are just " killing time " just because they are waiting so we think that waiting is the main theme but not at all just because finally the main theme is to achieve something in life or something for what is not in our life but we want that so it is like a struggle to achieve something that is the thing what I have understand.

11) Do you think that plays like this can better be ‘read’ than ‘viewed’ as it requires a lot of thinking on the part of readers, while viewing, the torrent of dialogues does not give ample time and space to ‘think’? Or is it that the audio-visuals help in better understanding of the play?

In the both the way we something missing if we reading then we have to imagine what was the condition when we are watching at that time we cannot pose oh no 1 dialogue just because dialogue delivery are going so fast we cannot focus on any one particular dialogue or we cannot stop there but if we read first play then we watch it's better to understand so on my point of view is both the thing we have to do then and then we can understand very well deeply.

12) Which of the following sequence you liked the most:
o   Vladimir – Estragon killing time in questions and conversations while waiting

Vladimir and Estragon: The Had and the Boot

o   Pozzo – Lucky episode in both acts
o   Converstion of Vladimir with the boy

Conversation of Vladimir with the boy just because in Act 1 when boy come at that time Vladimir some conversation going on with boy and finally come to know that the boy is messenger of Godot and ask lots of questions and boy try to give answer and at the end
Vladimir say to boy that

" tell to Godot we are waiting for him ".

But when next time in next act we find that one more time boy come and same conversation going on and Vladimir asking same question and boy still give him same answer second time and finally Vladimir tell to the boy
" tell to Godot that I am waiting here ".....

13) Did you feel the effect of existential crisis or meaninglessness of human existence in the irrational and indifference Universe during screening of the movie? Where and when exactly that feeling was felt, if ever it was?

When second time godot is not coming so that time . Only boy come

14) Vladimir and Estragon talks about ‘hanging’ themselves and commit suicide, but they do not do so. How do you read this idea of suicide in Existentialism?

Suicide in existentialism we find that it's a symbolically represent the death by philosophy  suicide means philosophical suicide at that moment person stop to thinking that is the suicide which we call philosophical suicide.

15) Can we do any political reading of the play if we see European nations represented by the 'names' of the characters (Vladimir - Russia; Estragon - France; Pozzo - Italy and Lucky - England)? What interpretation can be inferred from the play written just after World War II? Which country stands for 'Godot'?

Vladimir - Russia;
Estragon - France;
Pozzo - Italy and
Lucky - England
Godot - Germany ( Hitler )

16 )So far as Pozzo and Lucky [master and slave] are concerned, we have to remember that Beckett was a disciple of Joyce and that Joyce hated England. Beckett meant Pozzo to be England, and Lucky to be Ireland." (Bert Lahr who played Estragon in Broadway production). Does this reading make any sense? Why? How? What?

17) The more the things change, the more it remains similar. There seems to have no change in Act I and Act II of the play. Even the conversation between Vladimir and the Boy sounds almost similar. But there is one major change. In Act I, in reply to Boy;s question, Vladimir says:

"BOY: What am I to tell Mr. Godot, Sir?
VLADIMIR: Tell him . . . (he hesitates) . . . tell him you saw us. (Pause.) You did see us, didn't you?
How does this conversation go in Act II? Is there any change in seeming similar situation and conversation? If so, what is it? What does it signify?

In second act we find that VLADIMIR remember all the things what was happened yesterday or in  Fist act but boy didn't remember all the things and now one more time he say that remember us but now in second time the dialogue exchange and he say remember only me that is the thing is changed.

Last I want to give one Gujarati devotional song example it's also represent of nothingness and existentialism.

Friday 5 October 2018

" सिगरेट संग "

" सिगरेट संग "
में अपनी तन्हाई सिगरेट के साथ बाँट ही रहा था।
कि, किसीने वो सुकून भी छीन लिया
वो बोला क्या रखा है इस नशे में
कर नशा हुनर का, तेरी सिगरेट से ज़्यादा नशीला है।

मेने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा यह मेरी सिगरेट है।
ये परियों की तरह धोखा नहीं देती।
फिर क्या था, बात ही दिया कि क्या अंतर
हेबेस सिगरेट ओर उस परियों में।

"मतलब परियों से अच्छी तो मेरी सिगरेट है।
जो मेरे होंठ से अपनी ज़िंदगी शुरू करती है।
और मेरे कदमों के निचे अपना दम तोड़ देती है।"

ये परीयों का koi ईमान, धर्म नहीं होता
इन्हें ख़्वाब में रहेना अच्छा लगता है।
ये हक़ीक़तों में कहा जिती है।
ये वो है जिन्हें सिर्फ नीले बादलों से
ही प्यार हो सकता है।
क्यूंकि वो उस काली राते पसंद नहीं
पर को उसे बताये, की काली रात ही तो
सच्ची है बाकी सब धोखा है।

वो हर पैमाने पर तुझे तोलेगी, रूआब, रूतबा,
शान-य-शौकत होना ज़रूरी है ओर एक बात
कहना भूल गया की खूबसूरत चहेरा होना ज़रूरी है।

ज़नाब इसे तो अच्छी मेरी सिगरेट है।
जो न मेरा धर्म पुछती है ना मेरा कर्म
ओर ना ही मेरी जाती और रूप
बस एक ही बात क्या आप तन्हा है
तो मुझे दोस्त बनालें आपकी तन्हाई दूर हो जायेगी।

सही तो बात है, जब भी इन परियोंसे
मिलोगे तो अपने आपसे अकेला पाएंगे।
जबभी सिगरेट से मिलोगे तो भरी
महफ़िलो तो कही दोस्तों के साथ तो
किसी के गम के साथ बटते हुये देखोगे।

ज़नाब ये मेरी सिगरेट है जो मेरे साथ जल जल
कर मर रही है।
ये उन परीयों की तरह नहीं जो जलाकर हमें चली जाती है।

"इस लिए "माही" कह गये करियो
संग सिगरेट जल्दी जइयो स्वर्ग
करियो संग "परी" तो ज़िन्दगी बनजावे नर्क"

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Thinking activity on " Existentialism "

Video - 1 What is Existentialism ?

Here , I want to explain some of the point of view which . I have understand after watching this video

1) Je suis ( people think that he is the first man , but he is not )

2) Kier kegaard (  first one or Pioneer existentialism )

Some other one :-

Nietzsche, Kafka, Dostoyevsky, shestov , Heidegger, Sartve, Beauvoir, Hesse , Shestov,

They all have different point of view about existentialism.
 Some believe in good and some not believe in God.

Change the point of view ....
1)  Individualit
2) Passion.                                                       
  3) Freedom

This all thing happened with youngster and there are certain reason behind it just like,
1) suicide   
2) anguish
3) absurdity
4) patient
 5) emotion
  6) death
  7) freedom

After understanding that life is absurd and then we tried to connect with God,
It is not possible if you are connected with caste or community you must be individual then and then we can connect with God.

               According to camue 
Believe in God it means we're Philosophical deth.
Camue is Absurdist.

Video - 2  The myth of Sisyphus

1) An Abusurd Reasoning
There is only one Philosophical problem is suicide.
When we think life is worthless, then we think about suicide.
Suicide is individual act.
The relationship between individual thought and suicide.

2) Best example is movie


How did he kill himself ?

An elegant suicide is the ultimate worek of art .

Healthy man thought is death or suicide

3) Hope or suicide .

Life is Meaningless

In there a logic to the point death ?

Only the Absurd Reasoning.

To be continue..

In next video...

Video - 3 The Myth of Sisyphus
What is Philosophical death ?

Philosophical death or
Physical death.

Philosophical death means when human beings have no Desire at that time philosophical death occurs it means human beings need Dzire for to leave,

When men will be die by mentally or absurdity kill men at that time it's call philosophical death,
For that always need of absurdity in mind.

" Does not the failure reveal beyond any possible explanations and interpretation not the Absence but the Existence of " Transcendence " ".

" Thus Absurd become God "
" Nothing logical prepares this Reasoning"

Abusrd ,Hope, To Dispel

For Religious Person reason is something good.
But abusrd man
Reason is useless and there is nothing beyond reason
( hope )

If man had no eternal consciousness what would life be but despair ?

Seeking what is true in not
Seeking what is desirable

Abusrd + faith = solution

Faith is the objective uncertainty
With the repulsion of the Absurd.

Video - 4 Dadaism Nihilism

Dadaism is a cause of first world war

And existentialism is second world war cause.

Dadaism pure art ...
It's deny to old values moral and each and every thing which is connected with old sad or values rejected by the Dadaism

" we condemn old values to death "
" creation of art " = " Dadaism ".

" Whom do they hate most ?
Him who breaks up their tables of
value the breaker ,
the law breaker , he however is the creatar ".

" Dadaism is question to values ".

" I don't want words that other people have invented "


Why we called tree
1) pluplusch
 When rain comes
2) pluplu basch

When it was.
" it is intended art what kind of art is it ? "

Video - 5 Existentialism - a gloomy philosophy.

Existentialism is a gloomy philosophy , and in ever life we find

1) Anxiety 2) Despair 3) Absurdity

Life + Anxiety = ?

" mirror mirror on the wall who's The prettles Philosophical movement of them all .

Asked the question
Become who you are ?

Bear ===> Heroin

Existentialism ===> Nihilism

Cigarette ===> Heroin

Video - 7 Let us Introduction Existentialism Again !

1) History
2) Existentialists is the key of philosophy
3) Existence precedes ' Essence '
4) Different between Existentialism and Nihilism

(#) What Existentialism is not ?
It's movement
In 19th century Europe

1) Siren Kierkegaard 2) Friedrich Nietzsche 3) Fyodor Dostoyevsky

 20th century Existentialism

Existentialism became especially prominent in the mid 20 th century.

1) Franz Kafka.             4) Albert Camus
2) Maurice Merleau-Ponty.    5) Jean Paul sartep
3) Martin Heidegger

(#) What is it that ties those in the Existentialists movement together ?

Problem of living life as a human being

" Robot Solomon " ' example '

Existentialism is an attitude that recognize the unresolvable confirmation of the human world .
Attitude begins with a disoriented individual facing confused world that he cannot accept.

(#) The Human condition

Why am I here ?

What does it mean to be human ?

How should Iive my life ?


(#) Rejection of all - Encompassing system

1) Philosophy  2) religion 3) scientific

Definitive answers to the question of meaning and purpose in life.
 In history of the West " Christianity "

(#) problem Rejection of all - Encompassing system.

Haven and Plato example .
Divine perspective as being communication to us
Though the words of prophet.


" Human ,all too human ".
(#) Divine perspective vs Human perspective
Deep belief in immortality.

(#) Existentialists see a benefit to facing up to our mortality.

Existence precedes " Essence "  [ Jean Paul Sartre in a 1945  ]

The essence + substance + characteristics + Human nature. [ aristotle's  ]

As an Atheist Sartre did not believe humans were " designed ".

(#) Existentialism vd Nihilism

Nihilism -----> There is no meaning or purpose to life.

Nihilism -----> Is not a necessary characteristics of existentialism.

Existentialism.                    Nihilism
1) no objective meaning          1) no objective meaning
2) no one can create there.        2) no personal subjective meaning.
Own personal subjective me

(#) Conclusion

Injustice and fith they throw after the lonely one but my brother .if you would be a star you must not shine less for them because of that

And ware of the good and the just ; they like to crucify those who invent their own Virtue for themselves they lonely one [ Nietzsche ]

Video - 8 Example like I am Five

Not believe any kind of rule and regulation which made by society government justice system any other.

Believe in your own system make on your rule and regulation.

Video - 9 Why I like Existentialism ?

(#) why I like Existentialism ?

1) Combining mind and heart

2) Honest & directness

3) Holism

4) Rebellion

(#) How Existentialism has affected my every day life .

1) Why I am not an Existentialists ?

2) Thinking & Epistemology

3) Compassion

4) Immensity

(#) To 10 suggestion to apply in our life.

1)  Why I am not an Existentialists ?

It's look in two side inside and outside
It's connected mind and heart
Way of life or looking is change

2) Honest & directness

Honest , straightforward,
How abusrd life really is
How we full away from our deepar destinies
How we self deceptively deny our deepar freedom
Anxiety dread ; Death

3) Holism
Acceptance, Contexts
The universe as a whole
Life itself.

4) Rebellion
Way of the thinking fidelity.

(#) How Existentialism has affected my every day life .

1) Why I am not an Existentialists ?

Cherry, picking, from.
Humanistic psychology
Christianity , scientific, cosmology, game theory.

2) Thinking & Epistemology
   Epistemology, not a sufficient paradigm.

3) Compassion
Along with Buddhism
" love and compassion luxuries,
Withouts them humanity cannot survive "

4) Immensity
Learning is a gift even.when pain is your teacher.
Suffering is not our enemy.

(#) To 10 suggestion to apply in our life.

10) Question what you've been told .
9) start relating to the big picture.
8) Honnor life's difficult experiences
7) lay claim to your power in life
6) see how free you cak be

5) learn to live with passion
4) Inhabit the present moment
3)Recover the ability to play
2) Build responsible community

" (1) Remember that you're Bron to a brilliant and terrifying universe.

Video 10 let sum up

1) what gives your life meaning ?
2) Essence ,
     Religio , Social Justice, Educate other people,

" Plato and Aristotle theory on Essence"

Part of what it means to be good human is to adhere to your "Essence"

(#) Essentialism

#) Nietzsche ----->  " Nihilism " The belief in the ultimate meaning of life.

#) Jean Paul Sartre ------> what is Existentialism first ?

Existentialism × Atheism
The Existentialists refute the notion that God made the universe or our world or us,with any particular purpose in mind.


The search for answers in the an answer less world .

Since there's no teleology the world wasn't created for a reason and it doesn't Exist for a Reason.

If there's no reason for any of this then there are also no absolutely to abide by there's no cosmic justice, no Fairness, no order, no rvleas.

(#) Freedom
If there are no guidelines for our actions then each of us is forced to design our own moraal code to invent a morality to live by.

( # ) Jean - Paul - Sartre
You might think that there is some authority you could look to for answers but all of the authorities you can think of are fake.

Those Authorities are really just people like you people who don't have any answers people who had to figure out for themselves how to live.

Bad faith " Refusal to accept the Absurd "

Albert Camus " The literal meaning of life is what ever you're doing that prevents you from killing yourself.

Saturday 22 September 2018

Interpretation of " BREATH " by " Samuel Beckett "


                                         * Samuel Beckett

Here I am accept the challenge to interpret Samuel Beckett's 30 seconds play breath.
Here I want to express some of the word and their significance or hidden meaning,

1) Faint light on stage.
Light is it on significant that something good happen,

2) Miscellaneous rubbish.
Means in human life we are suffering so many problems or, rubbish means like something not good or bad memory or darker side of our Humanities.

3) Hold about five seconds.
It means something good and bad both the happening together .

4) Brief and cry
Means someone die and someone is born both the thing happened together at one side one human is dying and another side someone is born.

5) silence and hold for about five seconds
Means at one time our life is stable or there is nothing in our life there is no aim to  achieve ,

6) Immediately cry
Means at that time someone was not born but dad ,

7) Curtain down
Means our life is ended.

One more interpretation we can give it.

In this xxxii we see that first when someone is breathing like mother is breathing and after finally 9 month process a baby come to in earth and first started crying .

" Silence and hold for about five seconds "
It's our journey what we have done in our life what we achieve what we get by education how we struggle ,

" Immediately cry "

At that time there is no happiness it's reflect that someone is dying.

" Silence and hold about five seconds "
One more time its reflex that how our life is not possible without someone else and when someone is dying our life became frozen.
" Curran down "

Finally its death.


It's all about to journey Born To Die and what we have achieved and what we have lost and our struggle and finally the trouble are reflected here and it's try to explain our journey Born To Die

Monday 17 September 2018

On Shashi Tharoor

In Shashi Tharoor  interview I find two three things which very prominent argument like

1) GDP growth,
2) exploitation of human sources, Natural sources,
3) they are not come for to settle down they only exploit the natural resources and earning money was the target.

Thinking activity on "Orientalism"

Orientalism and which five concept I like after reading Edward side interview transcript
Here I share the five concept which I understand :-

1) Narration of History
   ------> how West narrate the east or middle east part and how the Portrait Arab people and you people and the Philistine imaginative Homeland.
-----> what was the real reason behind that why America supporting to Israel and Israel become anti Arab that is the question that history have to answer ?

2) How Muslim people portrayed in film.
   --------> many films end up with huge numbers of bodies, Muslim
bodies strewn all over the place, the result of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Chuck Norris,
lot's of films about guerrillas going into kill Muslim terrorists. So the idea of Islam is
something to be stamped out.

3) America afraid for Muslims
     -----> Jihad in America

4) How Western media represent Middle East Army related fake news
       --------> the Arab-Israeli War of 1973, which had been preceded

by a lot of images and discussions in the media in the popular press about how the
Arabs are cowardly and they don't know how to fight and they are always going to be
beaten because they are not modern. And then everybody was very surprised when the
Egyptian army crossed the canal in early October of 1973 and demonstrated that like
anybody else they could fight. That was one immediate impulse.

5.) Co-existence
     ---------> In which Jew and Areb, Muslim Christian and Jew can live to there in some Polity.

Monday 10 September 2018

Thinking activity on The Reluctant Fundamentalist

The reluctant Fundamentalist this movie also based on postcolonial study or best example of postcolonial studies . Its major only speak about after 9/11 attack and post 9/11 attack what happened with some Nation or Nations countries people how they are treated in America this movie is speak about them that American police are doubting some people just because of their name and I didn't are Muslim.

Its begin with Sufi qawwali going on and at the same time the foreigner professor is kidnap and now secret agencies are worried for him and the story begin.

Movie majorly talks in two persons dialogue delivery but at one point it is in present and sometime it's in his past so that is the combination of movie the two person are talking and past and present are both are connected we find it.

Majorly to character are speaking Genghis Khan and Bobby Lincoln. Baby Lincoln is journalist and he comes to Pakistan to get Genghis Khan's interview but Genghis Khan not gives interviews date and finally he gives date to Bobby Lincoln and there is the interview goes on and the both try to goes in past and present what's towards going on.

Majorly year we find that third world countries people have dream a Desire that go to America dream of America that we see by Genghis point of view.

Genghis Khan father r local poet and their family belong to Royal family but now time is changed and the capitalist or business communities related people are also become a royal family there are upcoming new Royal people

Like Genghis Khan say  that :- " in my neighborhood now new Prince are coming " 

And finally Genghis Khan  reach to America and started collagen and he is advisor of very biggest international company and started his study.

And his professor are also impressed with his knowledge and other people are also impress at that time someone ask that what you want to become after 30 age

Genghis Khan reply that " I want to be an a dictator of some of the nuclear power research or missile weapon "

At that time is all colleagues will vary lightly humorously say that " Osama ".

And finally he meet one American girl Erica , and finally I fell in love with Erica.

And some of the project he went to Philippines and then he get his first achievement and people are appreciate he is intelligency and there is one little party and professor game Well wishes for to his future.
                      And suddenly story is changed 9/11 attack will be happen and now Genghis Khan life is changing their is the one turning point in his life.

 one more time we come in present and bob Lincoln asking question to Genghis Khan that : -  " did you feel happy seeing this moment ? "
And there reply " yes I feel happy " 
But suddenly Genghis Khan was asking to Bobby Lincoln that :- " I hope so then when you people kill 1 lakh innocent people in Baghdad you are also feel happy ? "

Then one more time story move in past and we find that returning to the America Sanjay Khan facing trouble in airport that secret agency are asking to come  inside inside for checking just because they are thinking that he is also suspect of this 9/11 attack.
After that one more tragedy will happen with Genghis Khan when her girlfriend also making one event and he gives title that " one Pakistani boyfriend "
For Genghis Khan it's like and discriminate his image you feel shame is and also angry on his belief that are you portrayed me as a terrorist but Erica not intend to portrait him as a terrorist but she praise his propose or love to change is Khan but Sangeet cannot understand and after that come back to Pakistan.

And now he becomes a professor and his teaching to students that we have to make our future here and not we have to desire that we will go to First World Country like America and and we have to make our career why we cannot make our career here we make our nation great we make our Nation's policy people and everything good or great that we never go outside for jobs for education.

One more time we come in present and we find that the bob Lincoln and Genghis Khan are talking and Bob Lincoln call asking question about professor which few day ago kidnap and also asking making victimize that Genghis Khan was the suspect that he make all thing and he was the jihadi that is influencing to to the student to become  jihadi and also he is involved in a kidnapping of Professor.

But end of the story bobolink and asking the question of professor and some of the terrorist group activity done by Genghis Khan but Genghis Khan clear that what was the real thing happened and clear the doubt of Bob Lincoln and at the he get one message that professor is kill but this message is not right it's a wrong message delivered by someone else and he doubted that Genghis Khan order to kill professor but when secret agency tell that we get professor location and professor is safe he reached his home at that time Bob feel very bad that still he has not trust on changes. Of you Changezi is right.

Postcolonial point of view :- 

Here we see that after 9/11 attack American government as doubted or suspect to the all people which the name is different their identity are not American but they are foreign Traveller and they belong to the any Arabic country then people always look him as a suspect or looking with some terrorist point of view .

Muslim phobia.

 After 9/11 attack America fields Muslim phobia that all people who are migrated are coming in America if they are Muslim then we have to worried just because they are terrorist also.

Here  I want to give one more example

New York.


Sunday 9 September 2018

Thinking activity on Midnight's children

Salman Rushdie novel midnights children we see movie and here I want to share my point of view about this movie screening.

Midnight's chlidern

It is a related with postcolonial study and very best example to study of postcolonial.

Story begin with first world war  and with India's democracy is very darkest decision like Emergency. Also speak about three generations story. Here author explain his experience and relate with Nation born. Nation and protagonist both are born on at same time. Two Main character are there Salim and Shiv  and and Meri  change the destiny of both the child and how the tragedy occurs between the children's life are portrayed here

Story begin with Kashmir and saleems grandparents how they meet in Kashmir start with this angle story moves ( 1917 ) directly or indirectly it speak about Indira Gandhi is born.
It also reflect that how first world war was coming to his and.

After towards story moves to the Agra and it's time of second generation is coming like protagonist mother and father are meeting hey get married and its period of 1942 the world is is afraid of Second World War one side for Colony its comes with happiness and for colonies master it's come with very sad just because after Second World War the colonize master have no control on their Colony and all Colony becomes free.

And finally the protagonist born at midnight 12 o'clock and two Nation are also become born or get independence that's why the movie and novels title is at a significant at midnight children its on reflect.

In 1947 Salim comes in the earth and also India and Pakistan both Nation our Bond and Salim has spend his early childhood in Bombay and his father is Businessman and facing so much trouble after getting a new government is apply some [ Planning Commission ] of the restriction that he is harmful for his business like in our current Nations condition GST and demonetisation very effective our Businessman community.

In 20th century we find that there is no one truth of history there is so many truth written by peoples are writers like in Salman Rushdie novel or moving in midnight's children we find that he never explain any political view but still we find in his magical nest that all political views and history are coming in his moves with some satire and some iron its reflected and measuring its against to the capitalism and it support to the Marxist it's not directly but indirectly it's reflect.

And also movie plot is too much complicated to understand this because there are so many complicated relationship between men and women and political condition are also describe with connect to the life.

Here I want to share some of the example of movie that present that how politics and their personal life are connected,

1) Mumtaz has relationship with his first love for husband Nadir , after some circumstances Mumtaz marry with Ahmed Shenoy and he gets two child a boy name Salim and girl Jiya and boy called midnight children. ( narrator the talk about Nanavati case which was happen ) given context of his mother's relationship with his first lover.

2).Salim find that his mother after marriage still meet his first we love and at that time the background we see the image of [Mother India ] film poster it it's on significant that something is reflected here very highly.

3)  Vanita exploited by William Methwold.

4) general Zulfikar and emory marriage happened.

First the all as one family but after partition or after getting a Independence The become  two different different family to become different nation civilians.

In hospital when Saleem was born at that time nurse has changed the babies and she thinks that now the time is come that reach becomes poor and poor becomes rich and store it gets new twist and so many peoples life are changed by one person decision.

* Indo Pak Wars related to the movie*
Majorly Salim Spanish time in his aunt home in Karachi and later on his mother and father also come there and he meet them and they live and after that suddenly one more tragedy occurs like the [ first  Indo Pak war ] was started and Salim lost his family in one war

When the second time war will started its gets 6 years time and Salim has forgot his past memory by one ,

 { [ spittoon ] and spittoon is significant that you should try to remember something but is the memory will erase your past memory.}

Second war
Bangladesh civil war
Second war is independent of Bangladesh and at that time we find that Salim has also struggling for his own identity just because Saleem don't know about what's happened with him and last 6 year his sleep so he don't know is past only some of the words and only one [ Spittoon ]reminder there.

At the end finally Saleem meet Parvati and it gets about his own identity and how he has some magical power that he called all midnight children and make one discussion with them it's a reflect the India and India's different states how they are connected with each other yeah it's reflected and Salim initiative was to help them.

Finally in 1972 Saleem reach to India it's reflect the immigrants of Bangladeshi who come in India they are the migrator this because of afred of the Civil War.

Here in movie we find that how to be occur in the and of the movie just for first thing was the Pokhran 1 [ 1972 ]happen and second was the Emergency [ 1975 - 1977 ] comes in the India darkest decision of the democracy history and has notice.

[ NOT :- " Picturesingh " it's reflected India is a nation of snake charmer

" Parvati " it's reflect that India still believe in superstitious blind faith black magic and all other thing ]

After emergency is over then Salim go back to home and find that did Parvati was alive but Parvati was not alive but get one beautiful child a boy and name is " Adam ",
At the end of the movie, the family has a Hindu grandfather(Picturesingh), a Christian grandmother(Mary), a Muslim Father(Saleem), and a son who can be consider as mixture of different identities and again as Midnight’s children.

Postcolonial point of view in this movie :-

According to Oxford dictionary :-

1) new country

2) fermentation

3) settlement

1).  Here in this movie we find that new countries are rising.

2).  The child exchanging it's on significant that the fermentation happening. Means that there is no purity find it who is the original one only way that cannot be clear.

3).    And doing a settlement of two Nations partition.

According to Annaya loomba :- 

1) when the new countries are found means there are lots of bloodshed happened then the new countries are rising that was earlier Loom was first. That which Oxford dictionary as not defined.

2)  doing fermentation at that time the what happened with original people of aboriginal people we remove their history and put other history with our own point of view.

Example :- " Origin of Aryans " 

3)   sometime we think that it is settlement but this settlement make lots of people homeless property less they become poor they migrate to newland which they are not familiar.

One more example I have to give which also base on the same  theme

The secret game

In this we also find it the story telling or story narration is very differently told and each and every political movement and historical movement are also concluded but with some connect with the protagonist life.

Friday 31 August 2018

Thinking activity on To the Lighthouse Virginia woolf

According to modern literature and when we study "Virginia woolf" novel "To the Lighthouse" and majorly its focus on subconsciousness of human mind and how the human relation are developed and how it's breakin

When Virginia woolf describe Mrs Ramsay and when she talk about Lily briscoe the two characters and their two different mentality and their what comes in their mind she tried to you give interpretation and we as a reader also try to give some interpretation.

1)    Here we find that Virginia woolf try to say that how Mrs Ramsay in herself she       thinks that she is the queen of house but it's an illusion that she is and here we find some Complex relationship between mother and son mother with daughter mother with their guest and the relationship husband and wife how she treat with them. And also find that the how the fighting goes on with her daughter and son and father also, but hear Virginia woolf portrait upper class family and they are visiting to the summer house its mean that it's Victorian time period story but the story portrait on upper class society that how women are struggling and one more thing is it also there in lower class people who live in society they also treat women as a like a thing.
                 It means Virginia woolf try to portray women condition in society and we can understand that in lower class people treat women very badly but in upper class also we find that they also treat women very badly by some mentally doing harassment.

2)   yes I am agree with Virginia woolf point of view here  we find that one side Mrs Ramsay will get attribute after her death and also we see that the criticized by Lily briscoe so both the side are very clearly explain that how Mrs Ramsay when she alive it's caring nature and all things are remember after her death in people's memory also Mrs Ramsay still alive so in that way and also Lily briscoe get her vision when she complete her painting and ship draw painting of mother and child are sitting outside and the painting was Mrs Ramsay and his son James so in that way we can say that attribute and criticism both are done here.

               " Karyeshu dasi, Karaneshu manthri;
                Bhojeshu mata, Shayaneshu rambha;
                Kshamayeshu dharithri, Roopeshu lakshmi;
                Satkarma yukta, Kuladharma pathni "
Answer :- here in this slow define read the Indian myth and how Indian religion and spiritual people and Indian ancient people are looked towards to women and in this Lok we find that woman has become multitasking at one time she want to be a cook one time should be like a servant like your advisor and also beautiful and also caring nature all the thing its significant that women should be multitasking and obey to husband or father or son or any mail then and then she became and ideal woman and these are the some parameters are given that should be fulfilled by women otherwise she will not become and ideal woman.

Example :- Indian mythic[ manusmriti ]

3)   yes we find that symbolically that Lighthouse represent to Mrs Ramsay we see that how Lighthouse help to ship for find their way in C and in this summer house we find that Mrs Ramsay is also doing same thing that she care for her husband's work she praise her child each and every demand he know how to care for her daughter and also her guest can get best facility and their price her hospitality so in that way we find the Lighthouse and Mrs Ramsay

4)   " pagan myth "
     " Homeric "

By Greek myth we find that necessary always tell that " close the door but open the window" its own significant that don't open dude means not give very high freedom but open only little bit by saying that open the window means that give freedom but not much more and BSA slave of men.

5.) Künstlerroman
An artist novel detailing the artist's growth to maturity.
The künstlerroman is a type of bildungsroman—a novel where the protagonist undergoes an education—in which the writer charts the course of an artist undergoing an evolution from nascent stirrings to full artistic voice. Literally, künstlerroman translates to English as “artist” (from the German, “künstler”) and “novel” (from the French, “roman”).
where the hero often dreams of becoming a great artist but settles for being a mere useful citizen, the Künstlerroman usually ends on a note of arrogant rejection of the commonplace life.

6.)   We find that in this novel how to mother and daughter relation are Rising Mrs Ramsay and her daughter very complicated relationship we find one of daughter is too much obedient with Mrs Ramsay and she old thing done what her mother tell her or teachers and other two girls are not obedient to Mrs Ramsay and they are against to Mrs ramsay's thought and they are survive and one girl who is very nearest to the Mrs Ramsay she die.
            So in that way we can interpret that the how daughter of MRS Ramsay arguing with they are survive and which girl is always support to Mrs Ramsay she will die.

7) yes there is a vast different between movie adaptation and novel when we talk about know well then we find that the novel begin with the scene that Mrs Ramsay and gems are sitting and Lily briscoe making a painting that was the scene and the story will begin and end with the novel after 10 year when Lily briscoe complete his painting and Champs finally reach To the Lighthouse or not It is that is question and when we talked about movie the movie begin with the different angle and find that the movie is not convince live follow the novels plot somehow it's a changing and some sins are adapted from as it is in novel but when we read novel it's more significant just because we can find some more subconsciousness of characters , very well explain in novel so that's why novel is more good rather than the movie adaptation.

8)   Novel end       
        (It was done; it was finished.
         Yes, she thought, laying down her brush in extreme fatigue, I have had my     
It significant that Lily briscoe in her subconscious mind she thinking about Mrs Ramsay but now finally after 10 years her painting is complete so the interpretation come that the Mrs Ramsay is bridge for family but at one time she is also barricade for family after her death the family goes to visit lighthouse and Augustine carmichael poem are also sale so in that way finally Lily briscoe get her vision and the novel will end

Movie end
            (After the final stroke on the canvass with finishing touch, Lily walks inside the house. As she goes ante-chamber, the light and dark shade makes his face play hide-and-seek. She climbs stairs, puts her brush aside, walks through the dark and light to enter her room. Gently closes the door - speaks: "Closed doors, open windows" - lies on the bed and with some sort of satisfaction utters: "Dearest Briscoe, you are a fool".)

Here we find that movie and with some question like did the family member reach to Lighthouse and Lily briscoes painting is completed but only few three things she do and finally get her vision after 10 years and that is the thing that and she goes on her room by saying that she remember some of the talk with Mrs Ramsay and she murmured that dialogues and we give the interpretation that she finally realise that Mrs Ramsay spend her whole life for her family but still she cannot get anything that's why Mrs Ramsay call Lily briscoe you are a fool so in that way Mrs Ramsay try to say that don't become ordinary housewife follow your passion make them full feel and go with your dream and Desire.

9.)   In Virginia woolf's novel referring to army and Navy its on significant that she try to say that how the Nazi say na or his Army are against to the Virginia woolf thought so it's an irony or satire on Hitler side we see that by using matter for army and navy.

10)   in novel we see that the misogynic story tell by Mrs Ramsay we see that somehow it's give interpretation of both the side of grave or Desire come out like in Greek till we see that the fisherman's wife is so greedy for outer outer things is more important for her and here we say that Mrs Ramsay's inside Desire that her guest will praise her hospitality she want love for children and there give respect to his father till if father not behave with good way but still children have to give respect to father and pampering to husbands ego satisfy his Ego and praising his work for only became ideal stick women.

11.)    1) India is ruled by the men-folk.
        2) India is exotic place where lies great romance, adventure and happiness
  Yes India is a very exotic place where atmosphere is very warm and all three season come very well so atmosphere is too good and great Romance means the great mythical stories Airtel lots of War stories are also there and adventure just because India has have a forest that's why

3) Augustus Carmichael’s going to India is considered as some sort of achievement.

Just because India is the place where British people are ruler so majorly there literary person also like to are there dream visit India.

4) India is referred as place of desire. . . a desire to visit.

Yes so many people are so many Traveller history and literature a person I want to desire to come India just because in British literature and their ancient time we find that India's and Indian king name are written so for all European people India is a very Friendship full country or they have a dream or desire to visit at last one time to India.

5) Made in India jewelry is a thing to be possessed – owned with pride

Just because Indian jewelry are always related with the royal families and match only related with queen and their personal jewelry collection that's why when any anywhere in world people talk about Indian jewellery its own significant that its connected with Pride.

6) Some land which is far away – unknown land, the exotic land

In 16th and 17th century when the ocean map was not found to how to reach India by sea that time people call India as a land of spicy aur exotic land also given name. But later on Java and Sumatra become an exotic Island.

Monday 20 August 2018



1)  Literature of the Puritan age

           Samuel Daniel [ 1562- 1619 ]
              <Civil Wars
              <Complaint of Rosamond

2) The Song Writer

           2.1)   Thomas Champion [ 1567 - 1619 ]
           2.2)   Nicholas Breton [ 1545 - 1626 ? ]

3)  The Spenserian Poets

           3.1)   Giles Fletcher [ 1588? - 1623 ]
                   <Christ's Victory and Triumph
                   <Piers Plowman
           3.2)   George Wither [ 1588 - 1667 ]
                    <Hymns and Song of the church

4)  Metaphysical Poet

                  4.1)  Dr. Johnson
                        { Donne, Herbert, Waller,Denham,Cowley, Vaughan,
                         Davenant,  Marvell, Crashw }

                 4.2)  John Donne [ 1573 - 1631 ]
                         <The Strom
                         <The Calm
                         <The Progress of the Soul
                         <Pseudo Martyr
                         <The Undertaking
                4.3)   George Herbert [ 1593 - 1633 ]
                         <The Temple
                         <The Church Porch
                         <The Pilgrimage
                         <The Pulley
                         <The Gifts of God
                         <Easter Wings
                         <The Altar

5)  The Cavalier poets

         { Herrick, Lovelace, Suckling,Carew}

5.1) Thomas Carew [ 1598 ? - 1639 ]

5.2) Robert Herrick [ 1591 - 1674 ]
      <Hesperides and Noble Numbers
5.3) Sucking and Lovelace
       ( Sir John Suckling [ 1609 - 1642 ] )
          <Ballad Upon a Wedding
       ( Sir Richard Lovelace [ 1618 - 1658 ] )
          <Lovelace's Lucasta
          <To Lucasta
          <To Althea from Prison

6)   " JOHN MILTON " [ 1608 - 1674 ]
         <On the Morning of the Christ's Nativity
         <Masque of Comus
         <The Triumph of Virtue
6.1) Sonnets <Arcades
            <On His Deceased Wife
            <To the Nightingale
            <On Reaching the Age of Twenty - Three
            <The Massacare in Piedmont
            <On His Blindness
6.2) Prose <Areopagitica

6.3) Milton's Later Poetry
            <Paradise lost
            <Paradise Regained
            <Samson Agonistes

7) Prose Writers of the Puritan period
     7.1) John Bunyan [ 1628 - 1688 ]
         <Pilgrimage's Progress
         <The Holy War
         <Grace Abounding to the chief of sinners
         <The Life and Death of Mr.Badman
         <The Heavenly Footman

8) Minor Prose Writers
           { Religio Medici , Holy Living, The Compleat Angler, }

      8.1)  Robert Burton [ 1577 - 1640 ]
              <Anatomy of Mel
      8.2)  Sir Thomas Browe [ 1605 - 1682 ]
              <Religio Medici
              <Vulgar Errors
              <Urn Burial
     8.3)   Thomas Fuller [ 1608 - 1661 ]
              <The Holy War
              <The Holy State and the profane state
              <Church History of Britain
              <History of the worthies of England
              <The Holy and Profane state
              <The Church History
              <The Worthies
8.4)   Jeremy Taylor [ 1613 - 1667 ]
         <The Liberty of Prophesying
         <The Rules and Exercises of Holy Living
         <The Holy Living and dying
         <With Baxter's saints' Rest
 8.5 )     Richard Baxter [ 1615 - 1691 ]
            < The Saint's Everlasting Rest
            <A Call to the Unconverted
8.6)      Izaak Walton [ 1593 - 1683 ]
            <The Complete Angler 

The Age of Elizabeth

The Elizabeth Age

1) poet

     1.1)  Edmond Spenser [ 1552. - 15999 ]
> The faery Queen
> Shepherd's calendar
> Astrophel

2) Minor poets
             2.1) Thomas Sackville [ 1536-1608 ]
>Ferrex and porrex
>The mirror for magistrates

             2.2) Philip Sidney [ 1554-1586 ]
>The Apologie for poetrie
>Defense of poesie
>Astrophel and Stella

            2.3) George Chapman [ 1559? - 1634]
>Hero and Leander { finisher }

             2.4) Michael Drayton [ 1563 - 1631 ]
>Barons' Wars
>Heroic Epistle of England
>Ballad of Agincourt

3) The First English Dramatists
===> The origin of the dream.
===> Periods in the development of the drama
            3.1) The Religious period
            3.2) Miracle and Mystery plays
                 ===> " Ludus de sancta Katharina " ( 1110 ), St.Catherine,Geoffrey of
            3.3) The Moral period of the Drama
                 ====> " Romance of the Rose ", " Everyman "," pride of life ",   
                       " Hyckescorner", "Castell of perseverance".
              3.4) The Artistic period of the Drama
                  ===> " Ralph Royster Doyster ", Nicholas Udall," Miles Glorious ".
              3.5) The Interludes
                  ===> " John Heywood [ 1497? - 1580? ] " The Four P's "
                       " Pardoner ,a Palmer, aPedlar,aPoticary,"

                      " The Theater "

{ *Not ===> In the year 1574 a royal permit to Lord Leicester's actors allowed them " to give plays anywhere throughout our realm of England ". Two years later the first playhouse, known as " The Theater ".*}

4). Shakespeare's Predecessors in the Drama.

======> Choir master of St.Paul and Royal and the Queen's Chapel
        Richard Edward ( Choir master of the Queen's Chapel in 1562 )

======> Regular playwrights
          4.2) ------> Kyd,Nash,Lyly,Greene,Marlowe
                ( John Lyly 1554? - 1606 )
                ( Thomas Kyd's Spanish tragedy 1585 )
                ( Robert Greene 1558?- 1592)
                ( Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay )

4.3)  *Christopher Marlowe [ 1564 - 1593 ]
         <Hero and Leander
         <The Jew of Malta
         <The Merchant of Venice
         <Edward II

                 5      " Shakespeare " [ 1564 - 1616 ]

5.1). First period of dream , Early Experiment,
        <Venus and Adonis
        <Rape of lLucrece
        <Titus Andronicus
        <Henry VI
        <Love's Labour's Lost
        <Comedy of Errors
        <Two Gentleman of Verona
        <Richard III
          <Richard II
          <King John

5.2). Second period ,Development
          <Romeo and Juliet
          <Midsummer Night's Dream
          <Merchant of Venice
          <Henry IV ( first )
          <Henry IV ( second )
          <Merry Wives of Windsor
          <Much Ado About Nothing
          <As you Like It
          <Henry V

5.3). Third period of ,Maturity and Gloom
        <Twelfth Night
        <Taming of the shrew
        <Julia Caesar
        <Troilus and Cressida
        <All's Well That Ends Well
        <Measure for measure
        <King Lear
        <Antony and Cleopatra
        <Timon of Athens

5.4). Fourth Period Lates Experiment
         <Winter's Tale
         <The Tempest
         <Henry VIII { Unfinished }

5.5). Classification according to Sources
{ Comedes } == Merchant of Venice, Midsummer Night's midsummer, As you like it,
              Winter's Tale, The Tempest, Twelfth night.
{ Tragedies } == Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, King Lear, Othello.
{ Historical } == Julia Caesar, Richard III, Henry IV, Henry V, Coriolanus, Antony and
6) Shakespeare's contempories and success in The Drama

            6.1) Ben Jonson [ 1573? - 1637 ]
                   <Every Man in his Humor
                   <Cynthia's Revels
                   <The poetaster
                   <Volpone or the fox
                   <The Alchemist
                   <The Silent Woman

            6.2) Beaumont and Fletcher [ 1584 - 1616 ]
                   <The Maid's Tragedy
                   <Henry  VIII
                   <The Two Noble Kinsmen

            6.3) John Webster
                   <The White Devil
                   <The Duchess of Malfi
             6.4) Thomas Middleton [ 1570 - 1627 ]
                    <The Changeling
                    <Women Be ware Women
                    <A trick to catch the old one
                    <A Fari Quarrel
         6.5) Thomas Heywood [ 1580?- 1650 ]
                <The woman killed with kindness
                <The Fair maid of the West

         6.6) Thomas Dekker [ 1570 - ? ]
                <The Shoemaker's Holiday
                <Old Fortunatus,

         6.7) Massinger ,Ford,Shirley,
               6.7.1) Philip Massinger [ 1584 - 1640 ]
                       <A New way to pay old Debts
                       <Great Duke of Florence
                       <The Virginia Martyr
      John Frod [ 1586 - 1642? ] ; James Shirley [ 1596 - 1666 ]
                         <The Broken Herat
                         <Hyde Park
7.)  The Prose Writers

             7.1)  Fracis Bacon [ 1561 - 1626 ]
               <The Advancement of Learning
               <Instauration Magna
               <The Great Institution of the Philosophy
               <The New Atlantis
               <De Sapientia Veterum
               <History of Henry VII

            7.2)  Richard Hooker [ 1554 ? - 1600 ]
               <The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
             7.3)  Sidney and Raleigh [ 1554 -1586 ] , [1552 - 1618 ]
                     <Pastoral romance
                     <Defense of poesie
                     ( Raleigh )
                         <Discoveries of Guiana
                         <History of the world

             7.4)  John fox [ 1516 - 1587 ]
                     <Book of Martyrs
                     <Act and Monument
             7.5)  Camde and Knox
                     ( William Camden )
                       <Camden's Britannia ( 1586 )
                       <Annals of Queen Elizabeth
                     ( John Knox )
                         <History of the Reformation in Scotland
             7.6) Hakluyt and Purchas
                     ( Richard Hakluyt [ 1552? - 1616] , Samuel Purchas [ 1575?- 1662]
                       ( Richard Hakluyt )
                           <Principal Navigation
                           <Discoveries of the English Nation
                          ( Samuel Purchas )
                              <His Pilgrimage
      7.7)   Thomas North [ 1535 ? - 1601 ?]
               <Plutarch's Lives


Wednesday 15 August 2018

Movie review " Lagan "

Here I am sharing my experience on movie, " Lagan "
" Lagan " mean's  revenue.

Story based on 1893 "चंपानेर". This stories protagonist is not famous one or not Royal family or the freedom fighter but it's a normal farmer's son that become a leader and solve the problem of village.

Here we see that the work Kings become helpless and villain becomes british company became villain for us and King become an innocent docile people.

 In this movie both the side we find some " jaichand " and " vibushan "  like " Elizabeth " " " .

In this movie we find triangle of love story but just because of " language problem the protagonist never understand that his " teacher or Master for coach " " Elizabeth love him " but just because of language in never understand.

Here we see that in this movie how the Punjabi people are portrayed like a very brave people.

And also finally find that there is a good team work done by a protagonist and his village people and then you not believe in caste system we see that there are  Muslim  people in his team.

In this movie we find the caste system , also we find that the our Indian typical mentalities for cast.

Movie begin with problem of rain and farmers very poor condition and facing so much problem and the British company tell that you have to give revenue so and two time more so that is the problem and farmer are very tense and at that time they think that if they doing Worship on Temple then they get very good rain in their village but the British company refused to give permission and and captain tell that King  if  your people want to worship in temple then king have to eat meat that is the solution of the problem and King dinner too eat meat and the three time revenue is fix for public.

And major live you find that the it is a only for eco satisfaction we seen this movie that when a villain get angry on protagonist at that time he makes a condition that if you play cricket with us and won the match then you get a 3 years free revenue so the protagonist accept this challenge.

           About circket *****

Majoli cricket player by the white people and where their rule that country also play after this game so it's an example of postcolonial studies that we see that our colonial master I'll go back to their home but still we follow some rule and regulation and we appreciate their game and we adopted the game is an hour game.

Sign that way we can say that the cricket is not Indian gambit just because of India colonized by British people so that part of that's why they are playing the game and one more thing is that when Britishers came with their religion Christianity and also they came with their game like in cricket just because they never play Indian games by the Indian people still play cricket.


We see that in this movie that after a long time we become free from the White world people on British raj but still our mentality is that that someone is rule over I said they can teachers and they are very great person that they can rule out our us just like why in this movie the protagonist want help from the Elizabeth why not other people help him to teach cricket why not King help to teach the cricket game but some white people come and teach him how to play cricket that is in significance that we are still believe that some white people can give us a correct answer we cannot get correct answer by self or someone told us that we cannot get right answer but someone white people tell then and then we get correct answer is it so that our mentality or our mind is condition that white people means the correct answer the correct way.

             End of the movie***********

End of the movie we see that the protagonist team win and British team lost the match and we find that the finally the rain is coming and at the time the background music was so most beautiful and we see that the musical like that product only is been so background music is like a winning song play and
  when they are moving to this " चांपानेर "  at that time when Elizabeth meet to protocol his mother and his be love at that time also rain come but the rain sound is different its like in the tragedy of sadness on going.

Last ball played by protagonist ??

Why ????

Why ????

Why ?????

Sunday 22 July 2018

The waste Land : Thinking activity

The waste Land : Thinking activity :

Q-1 )  No, Eliot can not achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise. Yes, just because Eliot idea or thinking is wrong past can never answer to the present time problems.

When we see Nietzsche, Nietzsche finds the solution of present in future. If we go with Nietzsche's ideas we can get answers .

Q-2 ) It is true that free vent to the repressed ‘primitive instincts’ lead us to happy and satisfied life’ but This ‘Primitive instincts’ may bring chaos in the society.

Q-3 ) in the first four part Eliot described that how " Sexual perversion " has over power , and at the end of the poem we can find out the answer and answer come from " India Spirituality give the answer ".

----------> Three " DA"
                  1) DATTA
                  2) DAYDHVAM
                  3) DAMYATA

2).  "Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves
Waited for rain, while the black clouds
Gathered far distant, over Himavant.
The jungle crouched, humped in silence.
Then spoke the thunder"

3).  Hieronymo’s mad againe.
Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
                  Shantih     shantih     shantih


  2.1 it's not only words wps office from Goswami Mahirpari